Thursday, September 8, 2016

Still Report #1177 - Trump’s Presidential Performance Deep in Enemy Territory

Good morning, I’m still reporting on Trump.

Donald Trump took to the airwaves tonight in an MSNBC-sporsored Commander-in-Chief forum.
My take on this setup was Noooo, Don’t Do It!
With Matt Lauer performing the interrogation in Trump’s case, the odds of a fair investigation of each candidates positions were remote at best.
However, Trump was right again. He was calm, cool and collected and had facts and figures available when needed – much to Lauer’s chagrin. Lauer was never to get under his skin and he answered all questions well.
One interesting contrast of the evening was that Trump treated Lauer with the greatest respect. He allowed Lauer to interrupt whenever he attempted to do so – which was many, many times.
However, when it was Clinton’s turn, she stood up, faced the audience and sort of ignored Lauer. When Lauer tried to interrupt her to keep her rambling professional politician’s rhetoric from not getting to the point, Clinton simply ignored him and kept on truckin’.
I’m just glad that I watched the 30-minute Trump performance instead of having to read the Washington Post version in the morning.
“I have taken responsibility for my decision,” said Clinton of voting for involvement in the Iraq war.”
Well, Mrs. Clinton, if voting to go into Iraq was your worst offense, you’d be coming off looking like an angel at this point. I won’t bore the audience with even a partial recitation of the numerous felonies for which you take no responsibility and only survive due to a complete overthrow of the American justice system by our sitting president.
And how did the Post characterize the Donald? Ahh, here it is in the first paragraph:
“Donald Trump defended his admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin at the forum….”
These people will not give up! Even once Trump is inaugurated on Jan. 20th.
Admiral Chuck Kubic, a member of Trump’s National Security Advisory team had a vastly different take on tonight’s event than the Post.
"Donald Trump understands when America is not prepared, that is when the danger is the greatest.”
“Mr. Trump’s plans to rebuild our military will allow the United States to deter, avoid and prevent conflict through our unmatched military might.” 
“He has the vision and judgment to keep America safe from radical Islamic terrorists and take on the global challenges of the 21st century.” 
“Hillary Clinton through her actions has proven she cannot be trusted to serve as commander-in-chief.” 
“Her foreign policy record is a graveyard of diplomatic failures from the Middle East to Asia to Russia which have undermined America’s interests.” 
“And the fact she put national security at risk with a private email system designed to conceal Clinton Foundation corruption is disqualifying on its face.” 
“We cannot reward her bad judgment and reckless conduct with a promotion." 
– Rear Admiral Chuck Kubic, USN, Ret.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good evening.