Monday, August 1, 2016

Seven Times The "Tolerant & Peaceful" Left Used Violence To Steal Trump Supporter's Civil Rights

No Conservatives or Libertarians have made themselves an army of thugs, intent preventing the free speech of Obama, Hillary, or Bernie Sanders supporters. We haven't arrived at their rallies to burn U.S. flags, vandalize their cars, wave foreign flags, or scream obscenities and threats to assault or kill them. We haven't invaded their rallies and assaulted them.... None of us have tried to assassinate Obama, or Hillary, or Bernie. But they've tried to assassinate Trump, and done all of the other things to, repeatedly, for months and months. Yet in their delusional fact starved hate filled little minds, WE are the Nazi's, the fascists, the extremists. If there's any undeniable reason why you must vote for Trump, this it. His occasional rudeness doesn't justify erasing OUR free speech, our right to assemble, with violence and threats of violence. ~Brian

Harbinger Of The Future: 7 Times The Militant Progressive Left Used Violence To Shut Down Donald Trump Rallies