Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hillary May End Up In Jail After All – All Thanks To Trey Gowdy

Trey Gowdy’s exchange with FBI Director James Comey about his get out jail free pass to Hillary Clinton is one for the record books. In one fell swoop, Gowdy exposed both Comey and Hillary. And it appears Gowdy has bigger judicial plans for Crooked Hillary. 

Gowdy appeared to be setting Hillary Clinton up for perjury charges. Corrupt Hillary previously testified about her emails to the House Benghazi Committee. Specifically Hillary said under oath that she had not sent or received classified documents on her personal email server.

Under cross examination from Trey Gowdy, Comey admitted that Hillary lied. Since she was under oath, this sets her up for being charged with perjury

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, July 11th, 2016.]