Friday, July 15, 2016

Did Trump Betray Us? Governor Mike Pence Chosen as VP

Editor's Note:

I hope Pence publicly comes around on trade soon saying that he has seen the error of his ways thanks to convos with Trump... "Voted yes on free-trade agreement with Panama. Voted yes on free-trade agreement with Korea. Voted yes on free-trade with Peru. Voted no on assisting workers who lose jobs due to globalization. Voted yes on Central America Free Trade Agreement. Voted yes on the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement. Voted yes on a US-Singapore free trade agreement. Voted yes on free trade agreement with Chile. Penceal voted to keep the United States in the World Trade Organization and to maintain normal trade relations with China. And in April of last year, Pence sent Indiana’s congressional delegation a letter urging them to vote for TPA, TPP and TTIP."


Still Report #1036 - Why Trump Picked Pence