Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Best Thing For Trump To Do Is To Run Against The Republican Establishment That Hates Him

( No doubt that presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump is getting political counseling from all over the place, but a great bit of advice he should heed just came from a very unconventional source: A primary election.
As reported over the weekend by WorldNetDaily, card-carrying Establishment Republican Rep. Randy Forbes of Virginia just lost a primary to a political outsider and former Navy SEAL, Scott Taylor. And what is the issue? Forbes’ support for giving President Obama “fast-track” authority to approve the latest “free trade” deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Now, we can have a discussion about trade and tariffs and what constitutes a “good” deal all day long, but the fact is growing majorities of Americans are fed up with what the political establishment calls a good deal because they never seem to be negatively affected by them.
By comparison, millions of Americans have either lost their jobs outright or have seen them outsourced to some other country in the name of wink-and-nod “free trade” deals over the past two-and-a-half decades that instead enrich corporate party donors, who in turn reward their political enablers in Congress with reelection money, among other things.
What happened in Virginia is liable to be repeated in a number of districts all across the country, now that Taylor has won. That said, no question that Taylor’s victory was due in large part to the man who drew up the battle plan, Trump.
The billionaire businessman’s “Make America Great Again” and his criticism of deals like the TPP(which Hillary Clinton supported before Bernie Sanders forced her to be against it) have resonated with scores of Americans, many of whom have never voted before casting ballot for Trump this year in the primaries. Hurting from years of stolen opportunities and generally ticked off at being lied to so often, voters are set to exercise their wrath at the polls this election cycle.
As the Forbes loss demonstrates, Trump’s best path to victory is to run against whatever it is the establishment is for: TPP, immigration “reform” (which is amnesty), more ground wars in hell holes, and so forth. In fact, the more he can get the establishment to rail against him, the more his anti­-establishment credentials are burnished, and that will translate into more votes in November.
So every time Speaker Paul Ryan criticizes what he says, or every time bought-and-paid-for establishment hacks like GOP Sen. of Illinois use the language of Left-wing extremists by calling Trump “racist” and “bigoted,” they are doing for Trump what Obama and Democrats do for the gun industry when they shriek about “gun control.”
Trump has proven a couple of things this year when it comes to GOP party leaders. One, they are fickle and hypocritical; and two, he doesn’t need them to win. In fact, the more he characterizes them as having become the same kind of compromised careerist politicians that Hillary Clintonis, the better he will do. And he might even get voters to take down a few more of them in the process.