"America First" To Be Outlawed

The Language Gangsters have warned Trump that he better step in line. Alex has some choice words for them and their plans for destroying humanity.

State Of 2016 Race - Donald Trump In California - Hannity


Mar 30, 2016 ... Sean Hannity Donald Trump FULL 1 Hour Long interview - Trump Slams ' Professional Disruptors' at His Rallies. SeanHannity Donald Trump ...

Can't Stump the Trump: Donald Trump Eludes Protesters in SF like a BOSS.

Friday, April 29, 2016: Protesters tried to block Donald Trump from speaking at the California GOP convention in San Francisco-- so he goes the back way, hops a barrier or two and walks in!

Protesters Block Donald Trump Motorcade in San Fran, So He Walks In!


Donald Trump's MASSIVE Rally 31,000+ in Costa Mesa, CA (4-28-16)


African American Police Officer Talks about 'Hateful Evil' Anti-Donald Trump Protesters

Full Show - The Attacks On Trump Double Down - 04/29/2016

On this Friday, April 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we report on the carnage in Orange Co., Calif., after anti-Trump protestors attacked supporters, smashed police cars, waved Mexican flags, damaged private property and nearly ran people over. Rob Dew and Josh Owens are on location giving live updates. Trump insider Roger Stone breaks down Trump’s increasing chances to take the nomination and how some in the establishment are warming up to the GOP frontrunner. Dr. Cynthia McKinney reveals what a Trump presidency could look like and how the globalists will attempt to fuel race wars in response. And Robert David Steele explains how Trump can crush Hillary by thinking way outside the box.


Donald Trump's MASSIVE Rally 31,000+ in Costa Mesa, CA (4-28-16)


African American Police Officer Talks about 'Hateful Evil' Anti-Donald Trump Protesters

You Can't Stump the Trump Volume XXIV (The Double Entente)

Impotent when left to their own devices, Ted Cruz and John Kasich have formed the Double Entente in an attempt to finally Stump the Trump. Will the Madman be able to fend off this new, diabolical tag team and sweep on Super Tuesday?

The epic chronicle of Donald J. Trump and his quest to save Western Civilization from the Progressive-Marxists. May this collection of crudely-made videos serve as a historical guide for future generations of historians.

Six In Isolation After Suspicious Powder Found in NYC's Trump Tower

CBS New York reports six people, including a police officer, were being monitored Thursday night after a suspicious white powder was found at Trump Tower in New York City. The FDNY told CBS New York the white powder was found in the mailroom at Trump Tower, located at 725 Fifth Ave. in Midtown Manhattan, around 8 p.m. Five civilians and a police officer were being isolated and monitored. The incident was under investigation by the FDNY and the NYPD Thursday evening.

Still Report #825 - Muslim Journalist Agrees With Trump

A female Quatari Muslim journalist says that Muslims have no right to criticize Donald Trump over his call to stop Muslim immigration until proper safeguards can be put in place.

Writing in a Kuwaiti newspaper, Nadine Al-Budair said:
“It is strange that we condemn (the West) instead of addressing what is happening in our midst,” she continued. “It is strange that we condemn instead of apologizing to the world.”
She asked her audience how would they feel if Christians immigrated to Kuwait and were supported by the generosity of the Kuwaiti people for benefits, housing and healthcare, only ruthlessly murder their hosts simply because they were Muslims and not Christians?
“How would you react if a European blew up a theater in your city or a café that your son frequents?” 
“What would you do if you heard curses against your religion and faith every Sunday, as they hear (against theirs) from some of our imams on Fridays and other days?”
She then pointed out that the Muslim world’s reaction is to claim that those who commit terrorism do not represent Islam.
“This is all we (know how to do) – absolve (ourselves) of guilt.”
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good Day.

The Trump Train Rolls On

InfoWars is live on the scene at a Trump rally in Southern California. Let the triggering begin.

GOP Elites Are Pushing a Third Party Candidate to Run Against Trump in General Election

GOP elites, including Bush and Romney advisors, are pushing a third party candidate to run against Donald Trump in the general election. Of course, the establishment will pick a suitable candidate. There will be no primary election.

I'm Still Hearing This Talking Point That Trump Has No Real Policies, Offers No Real Details

Just stop it already, you're embarrassing yourselves.

"What surprises me very much about people who write about Trump or presume to be pundits about Trump, is that I don't think these people have read Donald Trump's many books. Now I have. He has multiple books, he's probably in a about four of them, over a twenty year period, he's evolved his ideas about what he would do as president and agree with him or not, anybody who says that he hasn't offered a lot of details about how he would run the country is just an ignoramus playing pundit. Because he has probably more ideas down on paper, documented, than anybody else who's running and I've read those books." -Bestselling Author John Hogue  

Bestselling Author John Hogue Endorses Donald... by debunkerbuster
Trump Presidency Equals 9/11 Disclosure

Some Donald Trump Endorsements


Says Hillary and the Donald are "in the same category"

The day after being announced as Ted Cruz’s running mate, Carly Fiorina launched a questionable line of attack against Donald Trump – claiming that he is an establishment figure just like Hillary Clinton.
Appearing on Fox and Friends, Fiorina asserted that she and Ted Cruz were “proven conservatives who are committed to and have fought the system,” arguing that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were “in the same category”.
“They agree on many things, they are two sides of the same coin, Hillary Clinton has made her millions selling access and influence and Donald Trump has made his billions buying people like Hilary Clinton off so if you want to have a nominee who’s actually a conservative and who will fight the system, now you have a real clear choice,” said the former Hewlett-Packard CEO.
Fiorina said that she voted for Cruz in Virginia because he is a “real conservative” who understands the problem is “too much power concentrated in the hands of too few” and “doesn’t sacrifice his values and his principles, who does what he says he’s going to do.”
Fiorina’s claim that Ted Cruz is more of an anti-establishment figure than Trump is contradicted by the fact that Cruz, “launched his political career as a Bush administration insider,” according to Politico as well as the Texas Senator having a “far deeper and more complex” relationship with the GOP establishment than he dares to admit.
Indeed, as CNN reported last month, much of Cruz’s funding drive is being led by Neil Bush, brother of Jeb – the ultimate GOP insider.
Fiorina herself has also come under criticism for her role in offshoring U.S. jobs during her time at Hewlett-Packard. Trump’s promise to bring jobs home has been one of the key issues from which he has drawn support from anti-establishment voters.
As Breitbart’s Julia Hahn writes, “During her time at Hewlett Packard, Fiorina sparked fury when she declared that “There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore”— suggesting that American workers should be forced to compete with all of the world’s workers.
“Throughout her career as a high-powered businesswoman, Fiorina was an aggressive proponent of offshoring U.S. jobs, which she called “right-shoring”. As Forbes reported in 2002, “with the blessing of Chief Executive Carly Fiorina,” HP sought to “move everything” it could offshore.”
Both Cruz and Fiorina also support the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), a globalist trade agreement that is being pushed by the Washington political establishment and has received the vehement backing of President Obama.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.

Still Report #824 - Carly Fiorina - One More Time

Still Report #824 - Carly Fiorina - One More Time

I’m happy I get to talk about Carly Fiorina one more time before she shuffles off the American political stage forever, along with her new-found friend, Calgary Ted, Man-Without-A-Country Cruz.
Ted Cruz yesterday, with great fanfare, named Fiorina as his VP running mate.
I’ve done several stories on Carly. In retrospect, I still stand by them all. I’ll put them back up in the next few days as we run up to the critical Indiana primary, but today I just want to hit three points I have not hit before – for my own future reference if nothing else – just in case Carly ever rears her head again.
First off, Carly defends her stay at Hewlett Packard – HP – but just about everyone else does not. In 2010, when she ran against Senator Barbara Boxer in California, Boxer ran this devastating ad against her:
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a full professor in the Practice of Management at Yale University was interviewed by MSNBC and this is what he said about the ad:
He made some other comments about Carly that are particularly telling as well:
While Carly was still in the race, a paid analyst, Joe Shumate, was found dead of a heart attach while analyzing poll numbers for the campaign.
He was owed a final paycheck of $30,000, but Fiorina refused to pay Shumate’s family despite multiple entreaties by one former campaign manager to make good on the debt.
Now here is the third item – the famed “Mother Bear” defense of swashbuckling lover-boy Calgary Ted.
Old political hands know that when infidelities are uncovered during a campaign there is a certain diversionary way to handle it.
Here are the steps:
1. Hide the spouse,
2. Delete Social Media, 3. have a female spokesperson there to intercept any embarrassing questions of the candidate. Why? Women seem to cool the flames of allegations of infidelity better; and
4. deny, deflect and deny some more.
After the National Enquirer / Ted Cruz sex scandal story hit the streets a month ago, you saw Carly Fiorina play the perfect foil for protecting Ted Cruz.
Once you know what’s going on, this scene just becomes unbearably creepy.
Insiders say that these two can’t stand each other. So why are they now bonded together for the remaining few weeks of the campaign?
Well, before Fiorina dropped out of the race after the New Hampshire primary in early February, there was that little dustup when her campaign was the beneficiary of an unprecedented, secret $500,000 gift from a Ted Cruz Super PAC.
The Federal Election Commission has since written the Cruz campaign demanding to know what the -- at least unusual -- gift was all about.
The Cruz team has refused to answer adequately. However, one of the five women implicated by the National Enquirer story is said to have been Fiorina’s campaign manager, Sarah Flores.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good Day.



Indiana Hoosiers for Donald J.Trump 2016


1 day ago ... Robert Montgomery "Bob" Knight (born October 25, 1940) is a retired American basketball coach. Nicknamed "The General",Knight won 902 ...

Presidential Nomination System Rigged? America Thinks So

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have both complained that the US voting system is stacked against them. Now, a new poll conducted by Reuters and Ipsos shows that more than half of US voters believe that the system used to nominate their presidential candidates is "rigged," while more than a quarter of respondents said they don’t understand how the primary process works. Is America’s election process fair? We look at the results of the survey on the Lip News with Mark Sovel and Elliot Hill.


Superdelegates Prove the System is Super-Rigged

Petitions: Tell the GOP to Stop Trying to Steal the Nomination from Donald Trump


Two House Committee Chairs Endorse Donald Trump

Donald Trump has received his first endorsements from House committee chairmen. 

House Transportation Chairman Bill Shuster and Veterans Affairs Chairman Jeff Miller have now pledged their support for the Republican presidential candidate.


Some Donald Trump Endorsements

How To Move To Canada (If Trump Becomes President)

Why Canada instead of Mexico? Don't want to live there? Neither do we. Trump 2016.

Trump's 'Woman Card' Comment Lands Him In Hot Water

Donald Trump was accused of outrageous sexism on Tuesday night after he said that if Hillary Clinton were a man she would get hardly any support.


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1 day ago ... Related: Please Don't Vote For Hillary Clinton Just Because She's aWoman. Watch This First. (short version) ...
Apr 14, 2016 ... “Geraldo went nuts and played the race card by calling me a racist,” Stone ... at CNN is a form of “casting,” due to her being a Hispanicwoman.
Apr 18, 2016 ... (short version) · The Clintons' War on Women by Roger Stone & Robert Morrow .... Trump campaign defends Donald's 'woman card' comme.