Thursday, June 20, 2024

All You Need to Know about 9/11 to Prove it was an "Inside Job" - Global Research

All You Need to Know about 9/11 to Prove it was an "Inside Job" - Global Research 

Ex-Intel Agent Exposes Previously Classified UFO and Alien Cases

Watch "Ex-Intel Agent Exposes Previously Classified UFO and Alien Cases" on YouTube

Amazing testimony here, including an account of silver robotic UFO occupants stealing a nuclear weapon! 

Dr Steven Greer - Shocking UFO Secrets & Government Cover-Ups: The Truth About Alien Technology

Watch "Dr Steven Greer - Shocking UFO Secrets & Government Cover-Ups: The Truth About Alien Technology" on YouTube 

Bird Flu is Now Cow Flu— Learn How the PCR Tests are Fraudulently Used to Create Panic

Bird Flu is Now Cow Flu— Learn How the PCR Tests are Fraudulently Used to Create Panic 


Trump Slams Media & Biden Admin as ‘Shameless Liars’ For Claiming Embarrassing Videos Are Fake

Trump Slams Media & Biden Admin as ‘Shameless Liars’ For Claiming Embarrassing Videos Are Fake 

Biden’s D-3 Amnesty Pulls 100,000+ Illegal Migrants into College Jobs


Biden’s D-3 Amnesty Pulls 100,000+ Illegal Migrants into College Jobs

Joe Biden’s pre-election amnesty will use work-visa programs to move 100,000 illegal migrants into the white collar jobs sought by U.S. graduates

The State As Parent

The State As Parent

California Senate Approves Ban on Requiring Schools to Notify Parents of Child’s Pronoun Change

The California Senate has approved a bill that would ban school districts from requiring teachers to notify parents if their child asks to go by a new pronoun at school”

Disney Exec ADMITS On-Camera that 'Disney is RACIST Against White Men - We Will NOT Hire Them' 🚨

Watch "Disney Exec ADMITS On-Camera that 'Disney is RACIST Against White Men - We Will NOT Hire Them' 🚨" on YouTube 

Holy Shit

Remember when Giuliani said there was pedo stuff on Hunter's laptop...

Remember when Giuliani said there was pedo stuff on Hunter's laptop...

Pepperidge Farm remembers. Russian media is reporting this and YouTube is NOT fact checking it...