Friday, July 31, 2020
Dr. Lisa Koche, MD SPEAKS OUT on coronavirus, mass censorship, and hydroxychloroquine #BitChute
Dr. Lisa Koche, MD SPEAKS OUT on coronavirus, mass censorship, and hydroxychloroquine #BitChute
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Trump Supporters Agree Trump DEAD WRONG on 5g!
The top video regarding Trump and 5g is awash in disapproval with far more downvotes than thumbs up. The people know the same thing that 26,000 SCIENTISTS AND 10,000 PEER-REVIEWED STUDIES demonstrate. That 5g is not safe! Here's a sample of the comments starting from the top...
Anonymous Geordie Anonymous Geordie 1 year ago 5G is the weapon used for agenda 21 Agenda 21 DEPOPULATION 166 Truth Teller Truth Teller 1 second ago 67000 2000 67000 2000 4 months ago 5g is a killer that's wat killing the thw world not corvid 19 this is a cover up wuhan ppl died of 5g radation wake up 66 Electricshadowstar 111 Electricshadowstar 111 1 year ago 5G outweighs the dangers of tobacco and asbestos - Claire Edwards United Nations staff member..5G is a war on Humanity - Claire Edwards UN staff. 69 Jacob Black Jacob Black 1 year ago No we dont need 5G and the possible cancer risk it may have look it up! I am ok wilth just 4G. 48 p j p j 4 months ago 5 G IS DANGEROUS! PLEASE PRES. TRUMP NO 5 G! 17 Anna Anna Anna Anna 5 months ago 5G is going to depopulate the world! It's a weapon! Don't you care about that Mr Trump! 36 TheUFOnetwork TheUFOnetwork 1 year ago 5g will cause huge spikes in cancer incidence. 59 Djeezi Djeezi 1 year ago Please people educatie yourself on the dangers of 5g. You and your children lives are at risk. 75 Alan Ashwood Alan Ashwood 1 year ago Who the hell advised him? 5G KILLS! 113 Rex Colubra Rex Colubra 1 year ago Look up “silent weapons for a quiet war” that should give you everything you need to know 69 MK-ULTRA is now wireless. MK-ULTRA is now wireless. 11 months ago Don't be a leader in electromagnetic pollution and NSA Wi-Fi radar.. Be a leader in human rights and quality of life. 23 SingleMomExec Monica SingleMomExec Monica 3 months ago I am disappointed that you are not investing this 5g dangers. 9 easy snipe easy snipe 10 months ago Naw 4g is fine no need for 5g this is ridiculous 27 chamois posso chamois posso 4 months ago 5G when tested birds fell dead from the sky. This is the wrong race to win M.President. It penetrates our bodies. Do not do it. 21 nicole crystal nicole crystal 1 year ago stop trying to make it sound like its something good look it up and protest it 27 Savage Reality Savage Reality 1 year ago We got to do it..they said we have to do it. It's a national security issue! Wake up people this man is a puppet. 34 Heidelinde Holtzhausen Heidelinde Holtzhausen 3 months ago (edited) No man, I am disappointed that everyone makes 5G so important. I don't know why you want to be the leader in this. Where is the peer reviewed health effects of 5G? Prove to me that it is not a threat then I will trust it. 13 Pretty Kala Pretty Kala 3 months ago It’s crazy how I only see T mobile talking about 5G I think that everyone with T-Mobile should cut there phone line 5 Judy Kieffer Judy Kieffer 1 year ago Why are we letting 5G in our life ? It's not considered safe. 31 natureboy tom natureboy tom 3 months ago These TOWERS HAVE GOT TO GO. PEOPLE NEED TO STAND STRONG ON THIS> 4 Daniel James Kratky Daniel James Kratky 1 year ago Yeah good one, let's lead the world by cancerifying our populations. I like you Mr. Trump but you are wrong about this. 8 Islam Muhammad Islam Muhammad 4 months ago Coronavirus!!! 17 North Whitakers North Whitakers 1 year ago Scientists have researched the negative health effects on animals, humans and plants. Why are we doing this to our population? 😢 14 d0fabur5st d0fabur5st 1 year ago Now we know that when he said that the us will “win the 5g war” he didn’t mean that the us will compete and develop better products, he means that he’s gonna ban competitors from us markets... 28 sergeo male sergeo male 3 months ago Also leading in the number of covid 19 cases 😂 “you welcome,” 5g. 2 Johnny Walker Johnny Walker 1 year ago How are we going to win if china is cheaper and faster stop BSIng 24 Genadijus Puskinas Genadijus Puskinas 1 year ago He just continuing obama's work, he just calms us down to make sure he have enough time to install 5G for national securitie, meaning riot control ... 7 Motorheads Motorheads 1 year ago Village People Reunion? 14 Zeek M Zeek M 6 months ago (edited) Mr. President , I can not comply with your 5G request. On the grounds that I believe it is a threat to my life and the lives of others. If people start dying because of 5G , You could be charged with first degree murder. Please heed my warning. 4 DARK ENERGY DARK ENERGY 1 year ago China is far ahead of you, will develop faster than the US. 38 Daily Data Daily Data 1 year ago USA #1 fake 5G 38 Cynthia Cui Cynthia Cui 1 year ago Ooooops, China already out compete US this time... this speech just sounds so pathetic to me 👎🏻 4 Candy Apple Candy Apple 6 months ago He's a smart man but is completely ignorant about 5G and what a disaster it will be for the inhabitants on this planet :( 4 AnnieO100 AnnieO100 4 months ago Hurry Jesus. The saints are worn out. 6 Christopher Young Christopher Young 3 months ago Amen. We need Jesus to literally come get us and take us straight to Heaven right now. Im scared 3 The OV Skywatcher The OV Skywatcher 9 months ago 5g is for the serious spiritual war that we can't see. The frequencies from 5g will prevent humans from ascending to our full conciousness. The Ascension should have happens but there is a huge war. The evil ones want to give us a fake Ascension to continue to feed off of our energy 6 nicole crystal nicole crystal 1 year ago (edited) I wanted to believe he was good 7 PapiSantoes S PapiSantoes S 3 months ago (edited) With speeds of up to 100 gigabits per second, 5G is set to be as much as 100 times faster than 4G. We going to drop like flies! 2 03071976 03071976 6 months ago us want to win everything in this surface of this world..... 3 Pukes Pukes 1 year ago Trump banned Huawei barring them from "winning" the 5g race. The whole world will witness this and back Huawei. The U.S empire is dying. 20 Alert Yoazz Alert Yoazz 3 months ago We do not agree with 5g without knowing the impact it has on us . 2 The Phoenix The Phoenix 3 months ago 5G is a dangerous weapons system! This is wrong. 2 foot ball foot ball 1 year ago US can never win 5G race fair and square ..Maybe they have the technology now because the Huawei CFO Meng was in their hand so they force them to transfer the technology before releasing her.... 9 chow jay chow jay 1 year ago Any country ahead of US is now classified as enemy.The colours are showing. So much for democracy and western mores. 26 The Ark-vist The Ark-vist 3 months ago & here we go folks!!! watch out for the real Gepeto-Bill Gates ...vaccine pusher NWO 3 口述非洲 口述非洲 1 year ago Yes. You will win. You already sent your dog Canada bat the Chinese technology giant Huawei to arrest the CFO Mrs Meng. 7 Aurora Taylor Ayurveda Aurora Taylor Ayurveda 1 year ago Hundreds of scientist around the world are calling for an immediate halt to 5G. They warn of 24/7 involuntary, high dose, cumulative radiation exposure causing damage to DNA, heart, eyes, brain and immune system. It could have devastating impacts on infants and small children, whose bodies are most vulnerable to radiation, as well as plants, animals, bees, and wildlife. The frequencies of 5G cannot travel well through solid objects - such as trees. The explosion of 5g towers will result in mature trees will be cut down in urban areas. THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION - NOT A RACE - This is the ego speaking. It's not about WINNING... it's about living. We must wake up to how this will effect our Mother Earth - the connection from our planet, the elements, the animals, and each other has been drastically blocked by distractions... I feel hope in the wave of spirituality that is connecting us back to our roots, our power and our connection. Though this type of technology seems to be taking us further into disconnection and the illusion of false connection. We need to keep our frequency as healthy as possible - turn off your wifi at night while you sleep, use your cellphone on speaker, turn off your bluetooth, take more time in nature than on your devices. Meditate, clear your auric field, be active... keep your frequency STRONG. Educate yourself, form your own opinion and take action that feels in alignment for you. Don't follow - Feel into yourself. Do your own research. and most importantly.. connect to your inner power and the wisdom that is already streaming through our human connection with this Earth and Source. 14 333grace 333grace 1 year ago It is killing us. God sees and will recompense the helpless. This will come back on you by His hand. 4 jesu kristi jesu kristi 1 year ago WHY IS PEOPLE SO OBSESSED ABOUT 5G THE GOVERNMENT WILL USE IT TO TRACK DOWN EVERYONE AND IT WILL INVADE PEOPLE PRIVACY 4 Alvin Duan Alvin Duan 1 year ago let me tell you a JOKE, The United States is Fair, Democratic and Free. LOL... 21 I love Jesus and president trump I love Jesus and president trump 5 months ago I LOVE MY PRESIDENT BUT I DO NOT AGREE WITH HIM ON THIS 16 777Jesuswins 777Jesuswins 6 months ago Please say no to 5G Donald Trump. America loves you. Why will you kill us with 5G? 4 Marvin Salazar Marvin Salazar 3 months ago You should race to win your life with Jesús ! 2 David Heller David Heller 1 year ago You make the robots 🤖happy! 6 Vfopie jcod Vfopie jcod 1 year ago RIP USA. 4 Josué Escalante Josué Escalante 2 months ago I hope soon he change his position, As he did with WHO it’s all about time when he realizes about the dangers of this technology Shel F Shel F 6 months ago Say NO to 5G #No5G 6 Djer 1108 Djer 1108 6 months ago not a word about public health & enviroment safety... what a disgrace! 2 WorldWatchdogNews USA WorldWatchdogNews USA 11 months ago (edited) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah! I just sent this link to my grandmother. "See nana! Don't feel bad you are not the only one who doesn't know what 5g is" 1 leone rogerio leone rogerio 1 year ago Yeah but is it true everything they are saying about radiation ? And killing animals and hurting babies ? 6 WilMar WilMar 1 year ago 5Ge 3 Primary Procyon Primary Procyon 1 year ago See on YouTube: Stop Everything You’re Doing, You Might Wanna Watch This Video Right Away…! Ellen Kno Ellen Kno 3 months ago (edited) "And then they'll want 6G and we'll just fry all you ^$^%*&%$#@!&^%" *laughs Pretty Kala Pretty Kala 3 months ago If we start dying from 5 G I want to see what the government is gonna do 2 J S J S 1 year ago first! Yien Yao Yien Yao 1 year ago Trump, you are the world enermy. 4 Mixel Plick Mixel Plick 1 year ago Is Donny Mushroom Cap battling Stage 4 Windmill Sound Cancer? 3 The Barber The Barber 3 months ago the race we need is the race for salvation for Jesus 1 GoldenKimchee GoldenKimchee 1 week ago 5g will also connect with the nanomachines in the upcoming vaccine. Its all info online. Scary Rej Rej 1 year ago look like African countries will have the 5 G network at lease 5 years before America ..... 1 Big BoomTv Big BoomTv 1 year ago Do y'all know how fast days will go with all this technology look how it's already April 1
Henrik covers the "antitrust hearing". CEO's from Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook - some of the most powerful companies in the world - faces question from congress and lawmakers. The perjury is OUT OF CONTROL. We break down the lies…
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Watch "#NeverBiden" on YouTube
Watch "#NeverBiden" on YouTube
Watch "MSNBC Anchor ATTACKS Black Democrat For Supporting Trump!" on YouTube
Watch "MSNBC Anchor ATTACKS Black Democrat For Supporting Trump!" on YouTube
SPOOKYWEATHER: COVID19: Long Lasting Damage & More HCQ 'Controversy':
SPOOKYWEATHER: COVID19: Long Lasting Damage & More HCQ 'Controversy':
SPOOKYWEATHER: Big Tech CENSORED Trump Video About Doctors And COVID, This Is The BIGGEST Censorship Scandal EVER (Tim Pool):
SPOOKYWEATHER: Big Tech CENSORED Trump Video About Doctors And COVID, This Is The BIGGEST Censorship Scandal EVER (Tim Pool):
Former AIDS Scientist Calls Out Dr. Fauci’s Medical Corruption - Patrick Bet-David
Former AIDS Scientist Calls Out Dr. Fauci’s Medical Corruption - Patrick Bet-David
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Monday, July 27, 2020
Ph.D., professor of #epidemiology at #Yale says #Hydroxychloroquine the key to defeating #COVID #BitChute
Ph.D., professor of #epidemiology at #Yale says #Hydroxychloroquine the key to defeating #COVID #BitChute
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Sources/More Info:
Sweden vs. USA: Lock Downs, Mask Mandates & Freedom - Let's Compare!
Professor: Economic Impact of Lockdown Will Cause More Deaths than Coronavirus
Ron Paul: What If the Lockdown Was All A Big Mistake? - What if the “cure” is worse than the disease?
Friday, July 24, 2020
Trump Is Trying To End The Afghan War, He Is Right And We MUST Support This
Trump Is Trying To End The Afghan War, He Is Right And We MUST Support This
Beyond Reason Radio: Both Truths About Afghanistan 'Trump was right in most of what he said' - Hannity Reacts To Trump’s Speech On Afghanistan - Keane: Trump moving in the right direction in Afghanistan - Turner: Trump in an 'unenviable position' on Afghanistan
BR 8-22-17; On this edition of Beyond Reason Radio Yaffee goes over Trump's new plan for the war in Afghanistan and addresses how this country is not being honest about the future of the conflict. Yaffee believes Trump was right in most of what he said and that we are going to have to face some bold realities when it comes to our future in the Middle East. ALSO Yaffee talks about how Free Speech is under threat, things that made Yaffee Laffee, and today's Bible Lesson! Listen here now!
Beyond Reason Radio: Both Truths About Afghanistan 'Trump was right in most of what he said' - Hannity Reacts To Trump’s Speech On Afghanistan - Keane: Trump moving in the right direction in Afghanistan - Turner: Trump in an 'unenviable position' on Afghanistan
Beyond Reason Radio: Both Truths About Afghanistan 'Trump was right in most of what he said' - Hannity Reacts To Trump’s Speech On Afghanistan - Keane: Trump moving in the right direction in Afghanistan - Turner: Trump in an 'unenviable position' on Afghanistan
BR 8-22-17; On this edition of Beyond Reason Radio Yaffee goes over Trump's new plan for the war in Afghanistan and addresses how this country is not being honest about the future of the conflict. Yaffee believes Trump was right in most of what he said and that we are going to have to face some bold realities when it comes to our future in the Middle East. ALSO Yaffee talks about how Free Speech is under threat, things that made Yaffee Laffee, and today's Bible Lesson! Listen here now!
Beyond Reason Radio: Both Truths About Afghanistan 'Trump was right in most of what he said' - Hannity Reacts To Trump’s Speech On Afghanistan - Keane: Trump moving in the right direction in Afghanistan - Turner: Trump in an 'unenviable position' on Afghanistan
We are losing our integrity, we have to change our MINDSET❗ DR RASHID BUTTAR
We are losing our integrity, we have to change our MINDSET❗ DR RASHID BUTTAR
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Free Hydroxychloroquine Book
This eBook contains clinical studies and other medical research establishing the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc in the prevention and early treatment of COVID.
FREE ebook, please enter your email and the eBook will be sent to that email...
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Kanye 2020 still less insane than Biden 2020
As these two commentaries point out, Kanye wasn't as unhinged as he has been portrayed to have been. In fact, he was MUCH more coherent than Joe Biden.
Watch "Kanye West's South Carolina Campaign Rally Goes OFF The Rails!" on YouTube
Kanye West Goes Nuts... Still More Coherent than Biden #BitChute
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Easily demonstrable facts prove Joe Biden would destroy the economy if elected in 2020
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Artur Davis, a four-term Democratic Congressman had a real problem with Biden’s “put y’all back in chains” comment back in 2012. |
Joe Biden Supports 2 Regulations That Would Destroy Entire Industries—and My Job
Former Vice President Joe Biden touts Trump-like economic recovery plan. #FoxNews #TheFive
Gutfeld on Joe Biden's 'America First' strategy
"For the second time in 12 years,” President Obama said today in his reluctant endorsement of Joe Biden, “we'll have the incredible task of rebuilding our economy." It will indeed be an incredible task, but President Obama is hardly one to give advice on how to grow an economy. Joe Biden is unquestionably the worst choice to get America’s economy roaring back to life.
For most of the Obama-Biden Administration, a plurality of voters agreed Obama and Biden’s policies were actually making the U.S. economy worse. That same old left-wing, liberal agenda – the one Joe Biden is campaigning on today, but worse – caused the most painfully slow economic recovery since the Great Depression and stagnant wage growth that left millions of vulnerable Americans behind.
That all changed once President Trump was elected. By nearly every indicator, consumers and businesses are far more confident in the Trump Administration’s economic leadership than Obama and Biden’s. President Trump’s course correction brought job creation and wage growth surging back to life after years of stagnation under Joe Biden’s watch, bringing a flood of good news for America’s workers:
- NYT: Black Workers’ Wages Are Finally Rising
- WaPo: For the first time, most new working-age hires in the U.S. are people of color
- CT: The 3.5% jobless rate: America’s long-awaited boom for low-skill workers
- Yahoo: America's lowest earners are powering the economy
- CNBC: Pay gains during Trump’s first year in office best since the Great Recession
- WSJ: Rank-and-File Workers Get Bigger Raises
- Axios: Wages for typical workers are rising at their fastest rate in a decade
The choice in November is clear: rebuild the U.S. economy from this artificial interruption with President Trump, the lifelong businessman who built the best-rated economy in more than two decades and the lowest unemployment in half a century, or go backwards to the same failed career politicians and policies that gave us the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression.
Economist Stephen Moore... said Sunday that it's a "scary proposition" if former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, wins the Nov. 3 election... If Biden were to win the election, your voting not just for Joe Biden, but for a very left-wing economic agenda that would potentially do serious harm," Moore said. "Those are the factors that make investors very nervous right now. And you can see it with the performance of the stock market this week."
Moore said many Republicans do not like Trump, but they are fearful of a Biden presidency and what that would mean for the economy. He added that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D), who is also perceived as a moderate within her party, would effectively be co-president in a Biden administration.
"Pelosi would be the co-president if Joe Biden were elected president," Moore said. "You've got Democrats running for higher taxes....What happened to the moderate wing of the Democratic Party? It's silent.
Amid concerns over his cognitive capacities, Dem frontrunner calls himself an ‘Obidenbama Democrat’
Let's take a look at President Trump's economic data vs that of the Obidenbama regime...The Truth about the Jobs Obama Created
WINNING AGAIN: Obama saw WORST PAY GAINS since Great Depression – Trump sees GREATEST PAY GAINS since Great Depression
Trump's aluminum tariffs restore a crucial industry and protect American jobs," industry leaders Jesse Gary and Bob Prusak write in the Washington Examiner - Obama After Trump Imposed Tariffs On China: The U.S. Is Right To Insist On Fair Trade With China
The Left Tries to Ridicule Trumps' Economic Policies... lol - We're in a job boom, more importantly, a boom in the RIGHT kind of jobs. Also wages are rising again. - Obama Debunked By Kevin Hassett Chairman CEA For Taking Credit For Trump's Booming Economy
REBUTTAL: Jim Carrey’s Socialist INSANE Ramblings! vs Trump Economy - Jim Carrey: Stop Apologizing! We Must Say YES to Socialism! + Proof Obama is Wrong to Take Credit for Trump Economy
CNBC: GREAT AGAIN: AUGUST JOBS UP OVER 200,000 - Wage growth high - Obama Admits Trump's GDP Numbers Are Much Bigger
TRUMP IS RIGHT: THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS CRAZY AND HERE ARE 101 REASONS WHY IT SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN - Trump is Right: Stock market is falling because the FED raised interest rates. - After Raising Rates Once During The Obama Years, The Fed Promises Constant Rate Hikes During The Trump Era
BREAKING: More WINNING! Trump Economy EXPLODES Former Obama Official Put To SHAME - Economy grows 3.5% in the third quarter
Fact the media won’t tell you: 3.5 million people are OFF food stamps since @realDonaldTrump took office - Under Obama millions remained on taxpayer funded assistance, under Trump they found work and higher wages
In under 2 years, @realDonaldTrump created 438,000 manufacturing jobs. In 8 years, Obama *lost* 192,000. Now U.S. manufacturers say they’re more optimistic than ever – more great news for the American worker!
Full Show - Record Number Of Americans Employed As Democrats Turn On Each Other And Split Party - Facts: Female unemployment lowest in 65 years Trump’s SBA lent $500 million more to women-owned businesses in 2017 than Obama did in 2016 Trump launched the Women’s Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative to promote female entrepreneurs Women are thriving under Trump Presidency!
The Left Tries to Ridicule Trumps' Economic Policies... lol - We're in a job boom, more importantly, a boom in the RIGHT kind of jobs. Also wages are rising again. - Obama Debunked By Kevin Hassett Chairman CEA For Taking Credit For Trump's Booming Economy
REBUTTAL: Jim Carrey’s Socialist INSANE Ramblings! vs Trump Economy - Jim Carrey: Stop Apologizing! We Must Say YES to Socialism! + Proof Obama is Wrong to Take Credit for Trump Economy
CNBC: GREAT AGAIN: AUGUST JOBS UP OVER 200,000 - Wage growth high - Obama Admits Trump's GDP Numbers Are Much Bigger
TRUMP IS RIGHT: THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS CRAZY AND HERE ARE 101 REASONS WHY IT SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN - Trump is Right: Stock market is falling because the FED raised interest rates. - After Raising Rates Once During The Obama Years, The Fed Promises Constant Rate Hikes During The Trump Era
BREAKING: More WINNING! Trump Economy EXPLODES Former Obama Official Put To SHAME - Economy grows 3.5% in the third quarter
Fact the media won’t tell you: 3.5 million people are OFF food stamps since @realDonaldTrump took office - Under Obama millions remained on taxpayer funded assistance, under Trump they found work and higher wages
In under 2 years, @realDonaldTrump created 438,000 manufacturing jobs. In 8 years, Obama *lost* 192,000. Now U.S. manufacturers say they’re more optimistic than ever – more great news for the American worker!
Full Show - Record Number Of Americans Employed As Democrats Turn On Each Other And Split Party - Facts: Female unemployment lowest in 65 years Trump’s SBA lent $500 million more to women-owned businesses in 2017 than Obama did in 2016 Trump launched the Women’s Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative to promote female entrepreneurs Women are thriving under Trump Presidency!
Trump Economy Archive
Demonrats Say Welcome To Hell Instead Of Welcome To Health Because Orange Man Bad - Apparently #NoLivesMatterToDems If Their Pursuit Of Power Is At Stake!
YouTube Censorship Of This Topic Has Cost Untold Lives. Shame On ThemTube! 4Freedom Go To Bitchute!
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