Thursday, October 24, 2019

Poll: majority of Americans want to give up constitutional free speech to fight hate speech

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CENSORSHIPPoll: Majority of Americans Want to Re-write First Amendment to Stop “Hate Speech”
60 per cent of Millennials says Constitution ‘goes too far’ in allowing free speech.

Published 1 min ago on 24 October, 2019 Paul Joseph Watson 
A new poll has found that a majority of Americans want to re-write the First Amendment to “reflect the cultural norms of today” in order stop “hate speech.”

The survey indicates “free speech is under more threat than previously believed,” according to The Campaign for Free Speech, who conducted the poll.

51 per cent of Americans want to see the First Amendment rewritten while more than 60 per cent agree with restricting free speech in some way.

Nearly 60 per cent of Millennials agreed that the Constitution “goes too far in allowing hate speech in modern America” and should be done over, compared to 48 percent of Gen Xers and 47 percent of Baby Boomers.

Most Millennials also support laws that would make “hate speech” a crime and 54 per cent of those support jail time for offenders.

Almost 60 per cent of respondents also thought that “government should be able to take action against newspapers and TV stations that publish content that is biased, inflammatory, or false,” with 46 per cent supporting possible jail time.

“The findings are frankly extraordinary,” executive director Bob Lystad told the Washington Free Beacon. “Our free speech rights and our free press rights have evolved well over 200 years, and people now seem to be rethinking them.”

The numbers are shocking and reflect a total lack of understanding of the concept of free speech, which is that the very worst speech must be upheld for free speech to exist at all since what’s considered “offensive” or “hate” is entirely subjective.

The Supreme Court has ruled that so-called “hate speech” is part of free speech but the majority of Americans, and especially younger people, have no grasp of this.

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CENSORSHIPTwitter’s New Rules Lead to Fears of Meme Ban
“Synthetic and manipulated media” to be targeted.

Published 17 hours ago on 23 October, 2019 Paul Joseph Watson 
Twitter’s announcement that it will begin a crackdown on “synthetic and manipulated media” has led to fears that political memes could be censored in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election.

On Monday, Twitter said that it was “working on a new policy to address synthetic and manipulated media on Twitter.”

According to the Big Tech giant, “synthetic and manipulated media” is “media that’s been significantly altered or created in a way that changes the original meaning/purpose, or makes it seem like certain events took place that didn’t actually happen.”

Twitter Safety
 · Oct 21, 2019
 We’re always updating our rules based on how online behaviors change. We're working on a new policy to address synthetic and manipulated media on Twitter – but first we want to hear from you.

Twitter Safety
What’s synthetic and manipulated media?
It’s media that’s been significantly altered or created in a way that changes the original meaning/purpose, or makes it seem like certain events took place that didn’t actually happen.

6:07 PM - Oct 21, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
173 people are talking about this
Many pointed out that this description could easily describe memes and other satirical media that is intended to humorous but not necessarily factually accurate.

“The majority of responses back to Twitter Safety’s post was that the move was expected and grounded in hurt feelings of Democrats to put controls on Republicans before the 2020 Presidential election,” writes Kari Donovan.

If Twitter does start to ramp up censorship of memes, it wouldn’t be the first Big Tech outfit to do so.

Earlier this year, Instagram announced it would use “52 global “fact checking partners” to censor “false photos and memes on its platform,” according to Poynter.

Last year, Facebook also announced it was developing a new AI algorithm that can detect and ban “offensive” memes.

Back in September, the Pentagon declared war on memes as DARPA launched a new program to fight “polarizing viral content” before it spreads.

A study undertaken by researchers at University College London found that the most effective memes in the run up to the 2016 presidential election largely originated in two places – the subreddit r/the_donald – a forum devoted to boosting President Donald Trump, and 4chan’s politically incorrect /pol forum.

A VICE write-up of the study acknowledges that the most “effectively spread” memes originated on r/the_donald and /pol.

The Donald subreddit was subsequently placed in quarantine and 4chan has been repeatedly blamed as a radicalizing outpost for mass shooters and right-wing extremists.

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CONTINUE READING CENSORSHIPJustin Trudeau Wants to Censor the Internet if He Wins Re-Election
The king of blackface will get to decide what is considered “hate speech.”

Published 3 days ago on 21 October, 2019 Paul Joseph Watson 
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will mandate social media companies to censor “online hate and disinformation” if he wins re-election.

That’s right, the world’s number 1 blackface enthusiast will decide what constitutes “harmful” content.

Trudeau’s Liberal Party responded to the following question; “Does your party support the development of a national strategy to combat online hate and disinformation?”

“To help stop the proliferation of violent extremism online, we will move forward with new regulations for social media platforms starting with a requirement that all platforms remove illegal content, including hate speech, within 24 hours or face significant financial penalties,” was the party’s response.

The move comes after Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which banned posts on the Internet considered to spread “hatred or contempt,” was repealed by Parliament.

Trudeau party reps have previously met with top Facebook execs in an effort to ramp up censorship efforts.

According to progressives, “hate speech” is anything that contradicts their dogma. Giving Trudeau the power to censor such content is a trap door to the widespread evisceration of free speech online.

“Ultimately, free speech is hate speech, and hate speech is free speech,” warns Mark Steyn. “It’s for the speech you hate, the speech you revile. The alternative to free speech is approved speech, and that necessarily means approved by whom?”

The Canadian election is too close to call. Trudeau could lose to the Conservatives or be forced to head up a minority government by forming a shaky coalition.

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CONTINUE READING CENSORSHIPTucker Carlson Warns Mark Zuckerberg
Empty words can’t change the fact you’re the spearhead of the greatest threat to free speech ever.

Published 4 days ago on 20 October, 2019 Paul Joseph Watson

Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook supports ‘free expression’.

While Facebook simultaneously bans people for holding certain opinions or even posting photos of certain ‘dangerous’ people.

Tucker Carlson has a warning.

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