Monday, September 2, 2019

Dave Chappelle Gets ZERO Percent On Rotten Tomatoes, Leftist Media Has Become Cultish And Humorless (Tim Pool)

Dave Chappelle Gets ZERO Percent On Rotten Tomatoes, Media Has Become Cultish And Humorless. His Netflix special was definitely pushing the line as far and as hard as it could. Many jokes seem to have been meant to target woke outrage from the far left.

It seemed like a provocation, Dave Chappelle intentionally decided to cross the line with edgy humor, and we all predicted what would happen.

Critics so far for Rotten Tomatoes have given his anti-woke special a whopping zero percent. Admittedly its only 5 reviews so far, but other reviews show the desperate attempts to reject his comedy and maintain their social justice narrative.

Critics for the far left say he's old, tired, or lazy. They say the special is boring and predictable. But these criticisms don't pass muster. George Carlin for instance did a comedy special well into the end of his days so claims of Chappelle being too old are obviously absurd.

The real issue is that conservatives know how to take a joke, for the most part. Even though Dave jokes on white people and American history, conservatives are seemingly fine with it if not ecstatic. 

Jokes bring us together, humor helps us seem past our differences and meet each other on a level playing field. But for the woke authoritarians of the far left humor breaks their hold on our culture. Jokes are forbidden, humorless cultish behavior must be pushed. 

In the end though, liberty wins. Hopefully Dave Chappelle's work will show the authoritarian leftists that most Americans would prefer to laugh and have a good time then live under their boot. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, September 3rd, 2019.]