Thursday, September 6, 2018

The New York Times OpEd Should Frighten Every American

The New York Times OpEd Should Frighten Every American - Treason? Anonymous New York Times ‘Resistance’ Piece | Trump Responds

truth Savage
The leftist need to understand that Trump SAYING the press is the enemy is much better than Obama who spent 35+million on suppressing media FOIA requests.. Also Obama charged and jailed more whistle-blowers than any other president in previous history.. Look I don't care for Trump really but I find myself rooting for him more and more as I see the media continually spew hateful rhetoric and lies about him.. The way the MSM and sjw are going at Trump is just out of control and unprecedented.. I don't like politicians period left or right I don't like Clinton or Obama or Trump.. But I have to take up trumps side when I see the disdain and utter vile dishonesty that is being used to try and attack him.. Those tactics are just un-american PERIOD.