Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Why Does Facebook Use NATO To Help Censor Users? (Liberty Report)

Facebook has "hired" the Atlantic Council - a NATO, US government, and foreign funded "think tank" to determine whether posts or members are authentic or whether they are "agents of a foreign power." How is it possible that US government's directly funded entities are collaborating with corporations to decide what speech is to be prohibited?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, August 14th, 2018.]


The Left's Mission is to Brutally Enforce Their Radical Ideology - Student Advocates Banning Hurtful Speech, Gets Schooled - Heather Mac Donald: How Much More Delusional Can University Students Get? - Senate Democrats Draft Bill To Censor The Internet:

Don't Despair, Get Physically Active and Defend the First Amendment, They Can't Censor Us in the Real World!: