Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Democratic Party of Lawlessness Calls For Abolishing ICE After Socialist Win in NYC


It’s no secret that the Democratic Party has moved further to the left, with even establishment Democrats often courting full-blown socialism, but the election of a young member of the Democratic Socialist Party in New York City appears to have scared enough of them into adopting some of her far-leftist policies.
Earlier this week, waves were made in the Democratic Party as a 28-year-old woman unseated a long-standing Democratic Congressmen Joe Crowley (D-NY). Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, won a stunning upset with a bare-bones budget against the well-funded and well-known Crowley, who just weeks ago was being talked about as a potential House Speaker if Democrats were to win back the House.
Cortez, who previously worked on the campaign of Bernie Sanders, ran on socialist policies such a single-payer health care system (complete government-run healthcare), declaring housing is a right, criminal justice reform (which coming from the Democrats always means more crime, as it shown by any Democrat-run major city), Medicare-for-All and completely abolishing ICE.
In their panic at a complete political outsider who not long ago was just an unknown bartender, some establishment Democrats appear to be adopting Cortez’s radical policies believing it help defend their coveted seats in Congress from future upstarts.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio along with New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand are the first high-ranking Democrats to adopt Cortez’s policy calling for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which appears to be moving the party towards admitting they want to impose full-blown socialism on all of America.
The idea was once relegated to the far-left. But the liberal push to abolish the federal agency that enforces federal immigration laws is going mainstream in the Democratic Party, with New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Mayor Bill de Blasio adding their support to the cause in the last 24 hours.
“I believe that [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] has become a deportation force … and that’s why I believe you should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it and build something that actually works,” Gillibrand said in a CNN interview Thursday night.
“We should abolish ICE,” de Blasio said Friday morning on WNYC radio.
Gillibrand’s endorsement is notable as she’s the first sitting senator to back the ‘abolish ICE’ push — and is considered a potential 2020 presidential contender.
They join numerous other Democratic candidates, House members, liberal commentators and writers who have fought back against the Trump administration’s immigration policies by calling to gut ICE — which identifies, arrests and deports illegal immigrants inside the United States.
It should come as no surprise that Democrats are quick to adopt policies promoting lawlessness, as they were extremely vocal in criticizing the nation’s police during the frenzy created by the media surrounding police shootings of minorities.
After all, long-time Democrat-run cities already blatantly disregard America’s immigration laws by declaring themselves “Sanctuary Cities” and refusing to enforce federal laws while refusing assisting to ICE seeking to deport dangerous criminals in the areas.
Anyone who wants to see the results of Democrat leadership in America’s major cities need look no further than San Francisco. Once a beautiful city, relatively safe city has now been reduced to handing out human waste maps to tourists, showing them places that are particularly high in feces on the street so that they can avoid. However, citizens still must avoid the massive amounts of syringes littering the streets of downtown San Francisco.
While pockets of far-left socialist voters certainly exist in the deepest blue corners of the nation (particularly in large Democrat controlled cities) who will readily vote for any candidate promising them free stuff, polls have shown that the vast majority of voters still value the law.
According to a new Harvard/Harris poll, the overwhelming majority of voters, including Democrats, do not want to see ICE abolished. Close to 60% of Democrats do not agree with abolishing ICE, which would contradict Mayor De Blasio’s and Cortez’s radical campaign policy.
Nearly 60 percent of Democrats said they do not want ICE to be disbanded. Abolishing the deportation agency, as Breitbart News reported, would have allowed more than 1.6 million illegal aliens to have gone free throughout the U.S. in the last five years.
Additionally, swing voters are vastly opposed to abolishing ICE as well. Nearly 75 percent of swing voters said they supported ICE and did not want the agency to disband. About 78 percent of Republicans said the same, as well as nearly 70 percent of all Americans.
Despite the fact that the majority voters, even Democrats, oppose abolishing ICE and disbanding the southern border of the country, long-time Democrat leaders are being driven further to the left than ever before.
The election of Cortez, despite Nancy Pelosi passing it off as a one-off, has frightened enough establishment Democrats to cause them to adopt her radical socialist policies. The vast majority of America rejects these policies, as well as socialism as a whole, which indicates the Democrat’s fabled “blue wave” is being flushed down the toilet…along with their political careers.