Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Charles Ortel-Cascading Mountain of New Evidence Coming for Clinton Charity Fraud

Why is the Clinton charity shutting down now? Financial analyst Charles Ortel, who has analyzed the Clinton Global Initiative charity for more than two years, says, “I think, in part, because nobody wants to contribute to it. That’s one reason. Unfortunately, they are going to learn the hard way the way charity laws actually work. You can’t simply shut something down and not answer any questions. . . . The laws are such that before you liquidate, and that is what they have to do here, you must make full disclosure, and they have never made proper disclosures here. . . . Going back to the Clinton Global Initiative, narrowly, what the (Clintons) tried to keep from public view are all the crooked side deals. . . . There are multiple private deals concocted out of the CGI, and every single one of them is what’s called ‘illegal private gain.’ . . . What they don’t seem to understand is, with charity fraud, the burden falls on the targeted charity to prove that it was lawful. . . If you destroy these records, which is what I fear they are doing, you are only compounding your problems. . . . Many countries are looking into this, and I think what you are going to find is a cascading mountain of new evidence. . . .This is a text book case of charity run amuck. . . . I think the case is overwhelming.”

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, February 2nd, 2017.]