Friday, December 2, 2016

Carrier Employees React to Trump Saving Their Jobs, ‘Morale Through the Roof”

The Washington Post interviewed several employees of Carrier after the announcement was made that the company was keeping their production operations at their factory in Indianapolis, and found that the decision had an instant impact on the morale of the workers.
Kipp Glenn of the United Steel Workers Union spoke to some of Carrier’s employees and said that the company’s decision to keep operations in America was a great morale booster.
“Morale went through the roof, people were happy, they were high-fiving, hugging, saying our jobs aren’t going anywhere”, Glenn said.
Jeremy Blackfort, a Carrier worker sporting a red Trump hat, described an equally jubilant scene among employees.
“Everyone was smiling, everyone was laughing, so there was a lot of excitement in there.  Just keep in mind we don’t know the details are of it yet, that might be told to us tomorrow, but for right now we’re just excited that there is a mention of our jobs going to be here.”
Blackfort also stated that he “had at least 4 offers today on my hat“, referring to the iconic red Trump hat he was wearing, explaining that he bought the hat for 5 dollars at the state fair earlier this year and “everyone was wanting to buy my hat today.”  Blackfort turned down the offers though and said, “No, I’m keeping this one.”
“Man, we’re so excited here in Indianapolis, I’m just a common-Joe guy.” Blackfort continued.  “Working here in Indianapolis, and this man isn’t even in office yet and he has saved my job from going to Mexico.  If he can do this and not even be into the office yet, what’s he going to do for our country, I mean this is going to be great.”
Blackfort then pointed to his Trump hat and said, “Right here, Make America Great Again, that’s what it’s going to be all about.”
It certainly is all about that, Mr. Blackfort, and enjoy your continued hard work at Carrier Air Conditioner.
Another Carrier employee, also wearing a Trump hat, said that he was shocked at the speed in which Donald Trump intervened and that he was “floored” when he heard the news.
“I didn’t think it was gonna happen this fast, I was floored.  When I voted for Mr. Trump, I voted for him because of what I believed he was gonna do for our country and the people that he was gonna help.  I didn’t think I was gonna be one of those people getting helped so fast when I voted.”
Most voters realize that politicians make grand promises on the campaign trail in order to gain more votes, but unfortunately many of those promises go unfulfilled during a president’s 4 or 8 year term.  However, Donald Trump prides himself in being a businessman, not a politician, so perhaps that is why he was able to actually negotiate a deal that helped to save jobs in America, and he did it all before he was even sworn into office.
Recall that earlier this year, Barack Obama reacted to Trump’s claim that he would save the jobs of these Carrier employees by saying that there “was no magic wand” to keep companies from moving out of America.  It appears you don’t need a magic wand, just common sense and a passion for Making America Great Again.
Trump’s Vice President-elect Michael Pence also deserves credit for negotiating with Carrier to keep 1,000 jobs in the United States, specifically in the state of Indiana where is was the governor.