Friday, November 25, 2016

SR 1360 – Is Donald Trump Giving Hillary Clinton a Pass?

Good morning, I’m still reporting on Is Donald Trump Giving Hillary Clinton a Pass?
Good morning, I’m still reporting on the Clintons.
You may have noticed that I made no reports yesterday.
How come? Some times my reporter’s sense just tells me to stop. Most of the time I’ll rush into any old burning building of a story when I’m pretty sure I know enough about it to take on – even if it twists and turns.
But Trump saying he would not pursue Hillary Clinton ran me into a brick wall. Here’s what he actually said:
“Whatever power I have on the matter …. I think it would be very divisive for our country.“
So let’s put this in context. 
Point #1: where was this statement made? In the New York Times headquarters in front of their editorial board.
Although Trump has frequently disrespected the NYT throughout his campaign – something NO OTHER presidential candidate has ever dared to do – now he has to work with these people. Trump might be strong, but not stronger than the sum of the entire MSM. 
Being President requires engendering the cooperation of a wide swath of Americans. The old saying in politics is, “enemies accumulate.” Or, put another way, there is an old Still family saying – “Never antagonize your enemies.” 
-- or you’ll end up like Obama. 
Trump has wisely realized that the head-bashing style needed to win this campaign, doesn’t work when you are actually trying to govern. He has one period of time to reset all relationships – to ask for and receive grace. One time when all the exaggerated rhetoric of a political campaign can be pretty much be forgiven – and NOW is that time – and Trump is charging through that window of opportunity.
Now I’m not trying to make excuses here for Trump. I will sound the alarm loud and long if the Clintons escape without consequences. How many times have I talked about the importance of the rule of law? How many years have I spent chasing the crimes of the Clintons?
However, prosecuting the Clintons is not Trump’s call. If it was, he would be assuming the role of dictator – judge, jury and executioner – and that is the spin the MSM would have taken had Trump answered in any other way. Now, it’s time for the wheels of justice to take over.
Eric Bolling, and his legal panel last night spoke to this exact point from a legal perspective on the O’Reilly Factor:
Besides, there are no doubt several other factors at play. 
For example this story in New York magazine yesterday. Prominent computer scientists claiming that based on their statistical analysis, there was vote rigging of voting machines in the 3 big rust-belt states that Trump won, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
The implication is that Trump somehow manipulated the vote in these 3 states to win. 
First of all, let’s remember that George Soros is the billionaire with a financial stake in the voting machines in the U.S. 
Secondly, that’s not Trump’s style, so, lacking any hard evidence, this story is easily dismissed.
However, it could also easily be hyped to the max by the NYT. They could certainly pounce on this issue and keep it alive until the Electoral College meets in just 26 days - and further tear the nation apart – a divide that may never be healed. So Trump needs to make nicey-nice with the Old Gray Lady. 
Remember, Trump has been right all along – even when we thought he was wrong. He has proven himself under unprecedented, withering political fire against all odds. Therefore, he still gets a big benefit-of-the-doubt factor from Beth and I.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.

Bill Still is a former newspaper editor and publisher. He has written for USA Today, The Saturday Evening Post, the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, OMNI magazine, and has also produced the syndicated radio program, Health News. He has written 22 books and two documentary videos and is the host of his wildly popular daily YouTube Channel the “Still Report”, the quintessential report on the economy and Washington.