Monday, November 28, 2016

Ohio State Knife Attacker Was Somali Refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan. Surprised? Here’s My Reaction

Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio was rocked by an attack from a Somali refugee who was also a student at the school. What was first reported as a shooting was later revealed to be a vehicle and knife attack. The assailant in this case drove his vehicle into a crowd of people, hopped out, and proceeded to stab at least 9 people. Thankfully, nobody in the incident has died of their injuries, but they were hospitalized. The only person to pass away in the incident was the attacker himself, shot by officer Alan Hurujko when he refused to drop the knife he was wielding.

College campus violence is an all-too common occurrence. From the mass shootings from a lone gunman to the robberies and home invasions on or around campus - violence is an issue at colleges. Many times, these schools are located in very high crime areas due to low property value of the place, or because the neighborhood changed from what it originally was when the college was built. Either way, it is a well known fact that college campuses have unfortunately become hotbeds for crime. So what is the purpose of importing Somali refugees into the mix?

Not much is specifically known about the individual who carried out the OSU attack outside of his country of origin and his immigration status - a refugee with permanent residency within the United States. Americans have expressed concern about importing so-called “refugees” from the Third World and from countries that have a problem with violence emanating from Islamic ideology. This situation confirms their concerns. 

Why bring refugees halfway around the world when they can be helped in their own homelands? It’s clear and obvious at this point that while the majority of refugees from the middle east will be law abiding citizens, but at the same time, there will be bad apples. Fueled by isolation, social media, and of course the prerequisite of their Islamic faith. That is most likely what has happened here according to intelligence agency reports. It doesn’t have to happen again if we use common sense and stop importing people that do not wish us our our Western society in the United States well.