Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Latest Wikileaks - November 1 Leaks - Wikileaks 25

1. "we are going to have to dump all those emails"

  • In this email, John Podesta writes to Clinton aide Cheryl Mills​ that "we are going to have to dump all those emails" RIGHT after the famous New York Times story broke about Hillary's private email server. They realized they'd have to destroy evidence as it had been made public. The congressional subpoena came two days later.
  • They discussed the destruction of evidence in this email prior to the official subpoena orders, due to the fact that now that their secret was exposed, they knew they would be subpoenaed shortly, which turned out to be the next day.They hadn't got the order yet, but they saw the writing on the wall.
  • However, this is still illegal under Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(e) and 18 U.S. Code § 1519.
  • It's called Spoliation, which means if you don't have a subpoena in hand but its reasonable to assume one is incoming, it is still illegal to destroy evidence.
  • It is unclear who "Lanny" is referring to. According to Zerohedge, Lanny could be "the infamous former DOJ staffer Lanny Breuer who quit in January 2013 after telling Frontline that some banks are too big to fail, or, more likely Lanny Davis, special counsel to President Bill Clinton, and spokesperson for the President and the White House on matters concerning campaign-finance investigations and other legal issues."
  • This email exchange almost assuredly signals that there was intent to mislead and delete incriminating emails, something the Clinton campaign has been trying to deny for quite some time.

2. Podesta's very close friend at DOJ in charge of Huma Abedin's 

    email investigation

  • As everyone knows, the FBI recently re-opened the investigation into Hillary's email case, as 650,000 emails have been discovered on Huma Abedin's shared laptop with Anthony Weiner, which were originally sent from Hillary's hidden email server (possibly containing the deleted emails).  Abedin is Hillary's closest confidant and long time top aide.
  • Shortly after this announcement, it was announced that the Department of Justice would aid in the review of the emails.
  • The DOJ wrote a letter to Congress explaining that they "will continue to work closely with the FBI and together, dedicate all necessary resources and take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible."
  • The person who wrote that letter was Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik.  The reason Attorney General Loretta Lynch is not involved is because she was caught having a private meeting with Bill Clinton at the airport in Phoenix days before the FBI and DOJ investigated Hillary Clinton.  She also recently refused to answer questions about the Iran ransom payments, essentially pleading the 5th.
  • She recused herself from the Hillary Clinton case, so Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik is in charge.
  • The first link and quote is from Podesta, who had dinner with Kadzik one day after Hillary's Benghazi hearing.
  • The second link and quote is Podesta praising Kadzik and claiming Kadzik "kept [him] out of jail." You might be wondering what Podesta did that warranted jail time?  He lied during the Monica Lewinski trial... Here he is admitting his lawyer kept him out of jail, not his innocence.
  • The last link and other quotes are from Peter Kadzik's son to John Podesta who is begging to work on Hillary's campaign as his father is good friends with him.
  • Kadzik was also involved in the pardoning of Marc Rich.  Read Marc Rich's story and ask yourself why he was pardoned.
  • In summary, the very close friend of Clinton's Campaign chair, John Podesta, will be in charge of an investigation that could potentially sink Hillary Clinton.

3. More CNN collusion with Hillary's campaign

  • It seems as if half of these emails are related to media collusion and mainstream media and publishing organizations being in bed with Hillary.