Monday, September 5, 2016

Hillary’s Popularity Plummets Among Her Own Supporters

Hillary Clinton’s unpopularity rating is rising among her core supporters

Hillary Clinton’s negative ratings hit a new high in an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Wednesday, and it looks as if she might be in trouble even among her core supporters.

For the first time in a year, most women surveyed in the ABC News/Washington Post poll said they view the Democratic presidential nominee unfavorably. Last month, 54% of women said they viewed Clinton favorably, but in the new poll, that figure dropped to 45%.

And it’s not just women.

Sixty percent of highly educated voters (those with post-graduate degrees) said earlier this month that they viewed Clinton favorably. That figure has now plummeted to 47%.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, September 6th, 2016.]