Friday, April 1, 2016

Still Report #754 - Cruz Tops Out Trump Surges

Ted Cruz may have topped out in nationwide polling as allegations of numerous sex scandals continue to bubble just beneath the surface – reminiscent of the days of Bill Clinton’s legendary sex scandals.

In the daily Reuters tracking poll, Cruz topped out on March 30th at 26.5%. Today Cruz has slipped to 25.4% in just two days.
Trump ended about 10 days of declines on March 28th and is now surging northwards again at 32.6% nationwide. Trump is gaining not only what Cruz is losing, but gaining all those who previously said they would not vote at all. These folks have been dubbed by the MSM as “late deciders”.
Kasich is holding steady at about 16%.
Cruz is trying to stay away from reporters questions about his sex scandals after his first attempt being protected by Carley Fiorina 3 days ago ended in obvious humiliation. As a result, he’s even avoiding mainstream TV interviews that feature reporters with a reputation for tough questions like CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Fox’s Sean Hannity. 
But Cruz is trying to have it both ways by whining recently that he’s being deprived of as much free media exposure as Trump.
Both Hannity and Cooper have outed that claim as a lie as both have explained on air that Cruz is refusing invitations to come on their shows – Cooper saying as many as 10 recent invites.
Wisconsin polling is consistently showing Trump behind Cruz by 10 points. Red State happily crows that Cruz is “slaughtering” Trump. By what margin? 10 points. Funny, but Red State didn’t even call Trump’s 20 point wins over Cruz a landslide in the past.
However, one has to wonder if Trump’s grassroots effect will kick in on election day as pictures of long lines continue – even in cold, dismal conditions – for Trump events, while zero lines materialize at much smaller halls used for Cruz events.
Trump just announced that Sarah Palin is flying in this weekend to do several events with him in advance of Tuesday’s primary vote.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good evening.