Monday, April 4, 2016


The fix is clearly in.

Ted Cruz is clearly pinning his hopes on winning the GOP presidential nomination via a contested/brokered convention this summer in Cleveland.
Drifting slowly beneath the Establishment swamp though is a small army of RNC-devoted delegates who are poised to quickly alter the nomination outcome upon the second and third votes, and neither Donald Trump nor Ted Cruz are likely to survive that outcome.
Why Mr. Cruz continues to allow himself to be used so openly by the GOP Establishment as a wedge to prevent Donald Trump from reaching the majority of delegates necessary to lock up the nomination remains unclear to even some of Cruz’s supporters. Cruz has embraced the Republican Establishment in recent weeks, turning his campaign over to the very forces he once railed against as the “DC Cabal.”

Watch the following video to see what the RNC has already planned in order to overtake the nomination process during a brokered convention. It comes in the form of 168 RNC-loyal delegates who will quickly break away from Trump once voting begins, and then likely do the same to Cruz and finally coalesce behind a candidate who might not have even won a single vote during the primary race – a “fresh face” as GOP Establishment strategist Karl Rove recently declared could emerge.
It’s hard to imagine a man as intelligent as Ted Cruz is unaware of this, which would suggest he’s a willing accomplice in the willful disenfranchisement of millions of GOP primary votes, and if that is in fact true, the remaining question then is WHY?
The fix is clearly in, and this video outlines exactly how the Establishment intends for it to play out at the GOP convention…