Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Three Major Reasons Democrats Need to Fund a Physical Barrier at the Southern Border - Fact-Checking Chuck Schumer in His Response to Trump Oval Office Address

1. There is a humanitarian crisis at the border.

The Democrats are trying to claim that ports of entry and not the southern border are the real issue as it pertains to drugs coming into the country. The truth is, both are an issue and as Rush Limbaugh pointed out on his radio program today, Trump's larger plans addresses each problem.

Also see:

How Can Anyone Say Illegal Immigration Isn’t a National Emergency?:

Vice President Pence Talks to Rush About the Crisis at the Border:
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I’ll tell you what. You put your finger on it, though. You know, you’ve known the president for a long time. I gotta tell you, you know, what an honor it is for me to serve alongside a president who literally gets up every day… Just like he just signed a bill to end human trafficking in the Oval Office. This is a president who gets up every day and says, “What can we do today to keep the promises that we made to the American people?” And he just said a few minutes ago…
We’ve made tremendous progress in this country in our economy, security, but, as he said last night to the nation — and your listeners know it well — we have a growing humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border. And while we’re in the midst of a partial government shutdown three weeks and counting, we are also in the midst of a crisis at our southern border, and President Trump and I and our entire team is determined to stand firm until the Democrats in Congress come to the table and work with us to secure the border, build a wall, end this humanitarian crisis, and do what’s right for the American people.

President Trump puts spotlight on big human trafficking problem at southern border
'The president also touched on border crime, saying “in 2018, 1.7 pounds of narcotics has been seized” at the border. He said there was a “big human trafficking problem” adding “17,000 adults with criminal records were apprehended, including 6,000 thousand gang members, including MS-13.”

Human trafficking on the rise in border region
Human trafficking between the U.S. and Mexico is on the rise as more young women are kidnapped or lured to the border area with promises of a better life but who find themselves locked away in an underground world of sexual slavery and prostitution, according to experts gathered Thursday in Chula Vista.

Deadly human trafficking business on Mexico-US border - Sinaloa cartel rivalries present an omnipresent risk of extortion, kidnapping and death for migrants travelling through.

WATCH President Donald Trump's Commission Team on Combating Drug Addiction and Opioid Crisis 6/17/17

First off, this is a major issue and a good effort is being undertaken here. The opioid crisis has killed more Americans over a two year span recently than died in the Vietnam War. This is an issue that my wife as an ER nurse sees deaths and overdoses from nearly every work day and at an unprecedented rate. It has also affected her personally with the death of several friends who she never thought would do heroin. It is also an issue constantly in the news in the area that I live near the PA/OH border towards Youngstown, OH. 


Scientists already know the United States is facing a serious opioid epidemic. So far, opioid overdoses have caused a drop in Americans’ overall life expectancy and killed more than 42,000 people in 2016 alone. 

Now, a recent study suggests the problem is even bigger than we imagined. Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health believe that as many as 70,000 opioid-related deaths are currently unaccounted for, thanks to vague reporting on death certificates.

The numbers have been getting better due to a plethora of efforts by law enforcement and Trump administration officials among others, but are still too high and as demonstrated above quite possibly are under reported.

CBS "debunks" Trump by demonstrating that he is right about woman crossing the southern border being raped at alarming rates...


MSNBC star Joy Reid downplays MS-13, says only Fox News viewers have heard of dangerous gang - JOY REID A HATER? MSMBC LOVES MS13 VIOLENCE? - Joy Ann Reid's dishonest idiocy knows no bounds #MS13 #SOTU - Parents of MS-13 victim respond to Joy Reid and share experience as SOTU guests:

2.  Walls Work.

Democrats, People Know You Are Lying about Border Wall Effectiveness, Here's Some Friendly Advice:

Watch: Man Tries To Scale New 30 Foot Border Wall To Enter Illegally, It Doesn’t Go Well 

Illegal immigrant tries to climb U.S. border fence, impales herself on a piece of rebar

3. Democrats are apparently being hypocrites on the issue of having a barrier at the southern border. 

Democrat Morticians Respond to Trump
And these people came off last night as a bunch of elites talking down their noses to everybody that we don’t know what we know, we don’t know what we care about, what we care about is not relevant, they’re running the show, there isn’t any crisis even though both of those people, Schumer and Pelosi, along with Obama and Hillary, have, over the years, advocated for a border wall. They have authorized money for a border wall, much more than Trump is asking. There is blatant hypocrisy all over the place on this.

Hillary Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi, Obama, and Other Democrats All Agree with Trump’s Immigration Plan!

Editor's Note: Of course all of this apparent hypocrisy is really just evidence that the Dems were simply paying the issue lip service, with no real intentions of doing anything, which they didn't. Case in point, Hillary says in the video clips that she does "think you do have to control your borders" and was in favor of a "build the physical barrier" (AKA build the wall) policy. However, Wikileaks revealed that in private Clinton stated, "My Dream Is a Hemispheric Common Market with Open Trade and Open Borders."

As was revealed in a candid moment a few years ago by another anti-trumper, Chris Matthews: 'Let's face it,' Democrats want illegal immigrants for the votes. With the population as it currently stands, the Democrats have lost the argument in this country as it pertains to the fundamental tenets of secular, globalist, liberalism. Since the 60's, any strides progressivism has made in the US has been due to backlash at bad governance by conservatives, but the past 30 years has demonstrated that the American people prefer center-right ideas over the ideology of the Democratic Party.

The most glaring evidence of this, is the Demonrats insistence on giving illegals preference over American citizens. The reason they do this is clear. The demographics prove that bringing in large amounts of Hispanics as well as third-world immigrants, who by and large vote for failed big government policies, as epitomized by the collapse of socialist Venezuela, is a huge gain for the Democrats. Trump is right that illegal immigrants voting is a real issue, just as anchor babies voting is another, and DACA recipients being legalized and getting voting rights is yet another. Well, these are not real issues of concern if you are a Democrat, because if the native population has seen through your bullshit, then just replace them with others who have not gotten the memo yet!

Democrats All Agree with Trump’s Immigration Plan! 😆


DEBUNKED: How Trump's border wall would disrupt nature:

It’s the Statue of Liberty, Not the Statue of Immigration:

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