Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Dear Mark Hamill...

Click to Enlarge

Mr. Hamill, you seem like a nice guy and I'm a lifelong fan of your work, so if you ever happen to see this, try to grasp what I'm saying here and pass it along to every other celeb you know. You have free speech and are in a huge position of power, as it pertains to influence based on your work as an actor. BUT when you get political, you are abusing your power because you did not get into that position based on your skills as a political pundit. Don't be a bully, fight fair! Make an anonymous Twitter account and then duke it out in the arena of ideas. You will not find yourself getting 19,000 likes, I assure you. You will be in the same boat as matt and the rest of us who are not super-successful political commentators. You will find that many of the foot soldiers that you do battle with in this info war, will have gotten much more support than you after the same amount of time. When you both begin at the place you have earned that is... the same starting line.


Joe Rogan Experience #1071 - Steven Crowder & NotGay Jared - YouTube Censorship, Transgender Issues, Politics

Steven Crowder is an actor, comedian and former contributor for the Fox News Channel. He currently runs his own website and also a podcast along with producer NotGay Jared called “Louder With Crowder”

Joe Rogan Experience #1071 - Steven Crowder & NotGay Jared - YouTube Censorship, Transgender Issues, Politics


Youtube Partners With ADL To Censor Controversial Topics - STASI-esque YouTube: Suppressing Dissenting Speech - YouTube's New Censorship Will Creep You Out - YouTube will isolate "offensive videos" that "don't violate" policies:

LGBT activists slam ‘the most important psychiatrist of the last half-century’ because he debunks transgender ideology:

Don’t treat all cases of gender dysphoria the same way:

FBI Lies About Samsung, Bundy, 9/11

Mueller has been exposed lying & covering up information about 9/11 while FBI Director. The FBI & DOJ were exposed lying & covering up their crimes at the Bundy Ranch trial. And now, here's how we know the FBI is lying about the Samsung phones "lost" texts.

FBI Lies About Samsung, Bundy, 9/11


Mueller's 9/11 Cover-Up Connection:

#FBI and #DOJ Make a Pathetic and Spurious Case to Keep the #FISAMemo From the American Public

Leaked Copy of the Democrat Rebuttal Memo

The clash between House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and the FBI continued to simmer on Wednesday when the California Republican said that once “the truth gets out” about the classified memo his staff put together, “we can begin taking steps to ensure our intelligence agencies and courts are never misused like this again,” the Washington Examiner reports.

In a statement, Nunes said it is “no surprise” to see the FBI and Department of Justice “issue spurious objections to allowing the American people to see information related to surveillance abuses at these agencies.”

#FBI and #DOJ Make a Pathetic and Spurious Case to Keep the #FISAMemo From the American Public


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

Trump's State of Union Address 75% Approved

Trump's State of Union Address 75% Approved


President Trump's State Of The Union Address | True News:

Republican Train-wreck: Foul Play Or Omen? - DEEP STATE RUMBLING: Rumors Swirl After Train Carrying GOP Lawmakers Hits Truck on Way to Retreat

Republican Train-wreck: Foul Play Or Omen? - DEEP STATE RUMBLING: Rumors Swirl After Train Carrying GOP Lawmakers Hits Truck on Way to Retreat


Starbird - Antifa Group Take Credit For Amtrak Derailment A Week Ago? - ANTIFA Takes Credit For Train Attacks In Washington State:

Trumps Chad State of the Union vs Sloppy Joe Kennedy

Trump didn't really say this, but it'd be a lot cooler if he did!

Trumps Chad State of the Union vs Sloppy Joe Kennedy


The Kennedy response just horrible! - Joe Kennedy And The Dems Embarrassing Rebuttal - Thoughts on Would-Be Democrat Savior Joe Kennedy - DEM's SOTU Rebuttal By Joe Kennedy Was The Funniest / Most Pathetic Thing On TV Last Night - Gross. Joe Kennedy Slobbers Down the Side of His Face During Democratic SOTU Response:

President Trump's State Of The Union Address | True News:

Maxine Waters To Bring In 41,000 Somali Refugees To California Illegally - Diamond and Silk go off on Maxine and Lewis for not attending the SOTU

A document was leaked that was written by Rep. Maxine Waters to OneUnited Bank, detailing her plan to bring in 41 thousand refugees from Somalia.


Maxine Waters To Bring In 41,000 Somali Refugees To California Illegally - Diamond and Silk go off on Maxine and Lewis for not attending the SOTU


Women's March 2018 Is A Fraud Educate Yourselves

Women's March 2018 Is A Fraud Educate Yourselves

Amyra Batya 1 day ago (edited)
They aren't feminists. They're leftists. Their allying with Islam may seem inconsistent, but it's not. Leftists and Islamists share a lot in common. Both groups seek paradise on earth by whatever totalitarian means necessary. Both groups believe they're on the side of righteousness. Both believe in silencing (and ultimately disarming) their opposition. Both justify violence and sympathize with criminals. Neither group believes in personal responsibility, individualism, or freedom. Neither feels obligated to be honest or play fair... Both groups have a bloody history of tyranny and genocides.

Idiots React to Trump's State of the Union - MSNBC Host Joy Reid Triggered By Trump Using Word Family - Democrats Incensed as Trump Delivers Message of Unity

Idiots React to Trump's State of the Union - MSNBC Host Joy Reid Triggered By Trump Using Word Family - Democrats Incensed as Trump Delivers Message of Unity


The Kennedy response just horrible! - Joe Kennedy And The Dems Embarrassing Rebuttal - Thoughts on Would-Be Democrat Savior Joe Kennedy - DEM's SOTU Rebuttal By Joe Kennedy Was The Funniest / Most Pathetic Thing On TV Last Night - Gross. Joe Kennedy Slobbers Down the Side of His Face During Democratic SOTU Response:

Congressional Black Caucus refuse to clap for low Black Unemployment levels - Jay Z on Black Unemployment levels "not about money at the end of the day."

Congressional Black Caucus refuse to clap for low Black Unemployment levels - Jay Z on Black Unemployment levels "not about money at the end of the day."


President Trump's State Of The Union Address | True News:

Donald Trump responds to Jay Z. EMINEM is mad as hell - Donald Trump Responds to Jay-Z Criticism with Historically Low Black Unemployment Numbers - Van Jones: Jay-Z sets a better example than Trump - Reply: The Facts Beg to Differ:

The Kennedy response just horrible! - Joe Kennedy And The Dems Embarrassing Rebuttal - Thoughts on Would-Be Democrat Savior Joe Kennedy - DEM's SOTU Rebuttal By Joe Kennedy Was The Funniest / Most Pathetic Thing On TV Last Night - Gross. Joe Kennedy Slobbers Down the Side of His Face During Democratic SOTU Response

The Kennedy response just horrible! - Joe Kennedy And The Dems Embarrassing Rebuttal - Thoughts on Would-Be Democrat Savior Joe Kennedy - DEM's SOTU Rebuttal By Joe Kennedy Was The Funniest / Most Pathetic Thing On TV Last Night - Gross. Joe Kennedy Slobbers Down the Side of His Face During Democratic SOTU Response

They're Not Happy About It! - Trump State of the Union Address 2018 - Full Speech

They're Not Happy About It! - Trump State of the Union Address 2018 - Full Speech

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

President Trump's State Of The Union Address | True News

On January 30th, 2018, President Donald Trump gave his State Of The Union Address before a sea of cheering Republicans and resentful sour-faced Democrat politicians who were visibly disgruntled over the record low black unemployment rate.

President Trump's State Of The Union Address | True News

Summary Trumps State Union - The Kennedy response just horrible!

Summary Trumps State Union - The Kennedy response just horrible!

Dems Flee From USA Chant

Rep. Luis Gutierrez chose a great time to run out of the President's State of the Union. Perhaps he just couldn't handle the spontaneous outburst of patriotism.

Dems Flee From USA Chant

We Will Return America To The People

We Will Return America To The People

Trump Tough on North Korea in SOTU Address

Trump Tough on North Korea in SOTU Address

Trump Issues Order To Keep Guantanamo Bay Open

Trump Issues Order To Keep Guantanamo Bay Open

Trump Calls To Rebuild US Nuclear Arsenal

Trump Calls To Rebuild US Nuclear Arsenal

The 4 Pillars Of Trump's New Immigration Plan

The 4 Pillars Of Trump's New Immigration Plan

Victims Of Illegal Immigrants Remembered In SOTU Address

Victims Of Illegal Immigrants Remembered In SOTU Address

SOTU Address Calls For Massive Infrastructure Improvements

SOTU Address Calls For Massive Infrastructure Improvements

Reducing FDA Regulations Will Save Lives: State of the Union Highlight

Reducing FDA Regulations Will Save Lives: State of the Union Highlight

Auto Manufacturing To Return To America

Auto Manufacturing To Return To America

Trump Calls Out National Anthem Kneelers

Trump Calls Out National Anthem Kneelers

Historic Tax Victory Celebrated at State of the Union Address

Historic Tax Victory Celebrated at State of the Union Address

Trump Pledges To Reform The VA In SOTU Address

Trump Pledges To Reform The VA In SOTU Address

America's Economic Recovery: A Highlight of SOTU Address

America's Economic Recovery: A Highlight of SOTU Address

Trump Commends Our Nations Heroes At SOTU Address

Trump Commends Our Nations Heroes At SOTU Address

TRUMP: A New Tide Of Optimism Is Sweeping Our Nation

TRUMP: A New Tide Of Optimism Is Sweeping Our Nation

POTUS Trump Honors Crippled North Korean Freedom Fighter Ji Seong-ho at SOTU

POTUS Trump Honors Crippled North Korean Freedom Fighter Ji Seong-ho at SOTU

STUNNING! Democrats BOO Parents of the Girls Murdered by MS-13 Killers in New York

STUNNING! Democrats BOO Parents of the Girls Murdered by MS-13 Killers in New York

WOW! Black Caucus Sits on Butts, Refuses to Applaud Record Low Black Unemployment Rates at SOTU

Congressional Black Caucus members sat on their butts and refused to applaud when President Trump announced the record low unemployment rates in America today.

You’d think this would gain a little enthusiasm, but no!

FIGURES. Democrats SIT ON BUTTS When President Trump Says We "Proudly Stand for the National Anthem"

FIGURES. Democrats SIT ON BUTTS When President Trump Says We "Proudly Stand for the National Anthem"

Watch Live: Trump's First State Of The Union!

Watch Live: Trump's First State Of The Union!

Alex Jones Interviews U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz

Alex Jones Interviews U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz

Republicans Vote To Release The Memo, Democrats Continue To Push "Russian Bot" Narrative

Republicans Vote To Release The Memo, Democrats Continue To Push "Russian Bot" Narrative


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

Hannity: Stop with the hysteria, Trump didn't fire Mueller - Mueller investigation is a ‘trainwreck of misconduct’: Judicial Watch director

Hannity: Stop with the hysteria, Trump didn't fire Mueller - Mueller investigation is a ‘trainwreck of misconduct’: Judicial Watch director


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

Gutfeld: Trump is winning and the Dems, media can't admit it - Gutfeld: Eminem, Jay-Z and Trump

Gutfeld: Trump is winning and the Dems, media can't admit it - Gutfeld: Eminem, Jay-Z and Trump


Lists: Mixed Bag, Trump is Wrong, Trump is Right:

Donald Trump responds to Jay Z. EMINEM is mad as hell - Donald Trump Responds to Jay-Z Criticism with Historically Low Black Unemployment Numbers - Van Jones: Jay-Z sets a better example than Trump - Reply: The Facts Beg to Differ:

Monday, January 29, 2018

The 2018 Grammy's Recap: Hillary Clinton Reads Us a Bedtime Story From Fire & Fury Book - Kevin's Corner: Hollywood you're not ordinary people! - Ben Shapiro Completely DESTROYS Hollywood - Grammys Crash And Burn! Lowest Ratings Ever After Hillary Visit!

The 2018 Grammy's Recap: Hillary Clinton Reads Us a Bedtime Story From Fire & Fury Book - Kevin's Corner: Hollywood you're not ordinary people! - Ben Shapiro Completely DESTROYS Hollywood - Grammys Crash And Burn! Lowest Ratings Ever After Hillary Visit!


ANNOYING CELEBRITY HYPOCRITES - I Can't Take Any More! - Hillary Clinton Crashes The Grammys To Read Fire And Fury Fiction Garbage - #Grammys Hypocrite Millionaires Love #TrumpTaxPlan | #HRC Lingers Like a Fart in a Crowded Elevator:

Donald Trump responds to Jay Z. EMINEM is mad as hell - Donald Trump Responds to Jay-Z Criticism with Historically Low Black Unemployment Numbers - Van Jones: Jay-Z sets a better example than Trump - Reply: The Facts Beg to Differ:

ANNOYING CELEBRITY HYPOCRITES - I Can't Take Any More! - Hillary Clinton Crashes The Grammys To Read Fire And Fury Fiction Garbage - #Grammys Hypocrite Millionaires Love #TrumpTaxPlan | #HRC Lingers Like a Fart in a Crowded Elevator

The Grammys were one big festival of fun for everyone. Here's what you missed if you didn't see them.

ANNOYING CELEBRITY HYPOCRITES - I Can't Take Any More! - Hillary Clinton Crashes The Grammys To Read Fire And Fury Fiction Garbage - #Grammys Hypocrite Millionaires Love #TrumpTaxPlan | #HRC Lingers Like a Fart in a Crowded Elevator


The 2018 Grammy's Recap: Hillary Clinton Reads Us a Bedtime Story From Fire & Fury Book - Kevin's Corner: Hollywood you're not ordinary people! - Ben Shapiro Completely DESTROYS Hollywood - Grammys Crash And Burn! Lowest Ratings Ever After Hillary Visit!:

Donald Trump responds to Jay Z. EMINEM is mad as hell - Donald Trump Responds to Jay-Z Criticism with Historically Low Black Unemployment Numbers - Van Jones: Jay-Z sets a better example than Trump - Reply: The Facts Beg to Differ:

Donald Trump: “I Wouldn’t Say I’m A Feminist”

Donald Trump: “I Wouldn’t Say I’m A Feminist”

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Hillary Clinton's Feminist Bitches Culture War Critique - Drunken Hillary Clinton Thanks "Activist Bitches" in Bizarre Rant

She has lost it:

Hillary Clinton's Feminist Bitches Culture War Critique - Drunken Hillary Clinton Thanks "Activist Bitches" in Bizarre Rant


Donald Trump responds to Jay Z. EMINEM is mad as hell - Donald Trump Responds to Jay-Z Criticism with Historically Low Black Unemployment Numbers - Van Jones: Jay-Z sets a better example than Trump Reply: The Facts Beg to Differ:

Donald Trump responds to Jay Z. EMINEM is mad as hell - Donald Trump Responds to Jay-Z Criticism with Historically Low Black Unemployment Numbers - Van Jones: Jay-Z sets a better example than Trump - Reply: The Facts Beg to Differ

Van Jones: Jay-Z sets a better example than Trump

Wow, just wow. The facts beg to differ...

Rapper Jay-Z Charged in 3 Assault Cases:

Jay-Z Cops Plea Rapper pleads guilty to assault charge in 1999 stabbing:

Jay Z Sold Crack as a Teenager: “I Was Thinking About Surviving”:

Jay Z admits to cheating on wife Beyoncé:

Chad: Jay-Z success story built on violence, misogyny:

"From the dope spot, with the smoke Glock
Fleein' the murder scene, you know me well
From nightmares of a lonely cell, my only hell...

Shit, I'm tight grill when my situation ain't improvin'
I'm tryna murder everything movin' – feel me?" - Jay Z

WARNING: LANGUAGE! Trump's language has nothing on Jay Z's and Beyoncé's lyrics:

Jay-Z Proclaims "Kill Catholics and Jesus":

Must SEE! Lady Gaga & Jay Z Caught in Bizarre Satanic Ritual:

#spiritcooking jayz - Twitter Search:

Jay-Z: Illuminati Musical Satanism: The Documentary:

Jay-Z's alleged mistress, dead:

@LizCrokin Malice author, sex crime survivor & investigative journalist censored by MSM for covering Clinton corruption, sex trafficking & Seth Rich. Pedogate is REAL

Why was Jay Z's mistress murdered right after she agreed to do a story with me? It wud of blown Bey's big preg announcement at VMAs!!!

Larry Elder: Dems giving Trump zero credit on the economy - Black unemployment falls to lowest level on record:

Donald Trump a Racist?:

Lists: Mixed Bag, Trump is Wrong, Trump is Right:

Must-See Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton Information:

Donald Trump responds to Jay Z. EMINEM is mad as hell - Donald Trump Responds to Jay-Z Criticism with Historically Low Black Unemployment Numbers - Van Jones: Jay-Z sets a better example than Trump Reply: The Facts Beg to Differ

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Correct the Record- Linked Clinton "Faith Adviser" Shielded from Harassment Claims by Hillary

Correct the Record- Linked Clinton "Faith Adviser" Shielded from Harassment Claims by Hillary


What’s the real difference between Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby? The media is starting to ask:

Propagandists Move to Blame Eventual Overthrow of Mexican Establishment on Russia

Preemptive propaganda:

Propagandists Move to Blame Eventual Overthrow of Mexican Establishment on Russia


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

Mueller's 9/11 Cover-Up Connection

Recent government filings show that, as FBI Director, Robert Mueller was involved in the FBI release of deceptive statements about a Sarasota 9/11 probe. 

Mueller's 9/11 Cover-Up Connection


Former FBI Agent: Exposes Comey and Mueller - Deep state agent Robert Mueller is on the case "once again":

Robert Mueller is a deep state MONSTER who is complicit in the deaths of at least half a million people:

The BBC Hates White People - Seeking Insight


The BBC Hates White People - Seeking InsightBen Shapiro @ UConn - FULL TALK + Q&A (HD) - White privilege isn't real - Jordan Peterson:

Fake News about Trump Firing Mueller is Cover for #ReleaseTheMemo Sean Hannity 1/26/18 - Fake News New York Times Claims FISA Memo is a Conspiracy Theory #ReleaseTheMemo

Fake News about Trump Firing Mueller is Cover for #ReleaseTheMemo Sean Hannity 1/26/18 - Fake News New York Times Claims FISA Memo is a Conspiracy Theory #ReleaseTheMemo


FAKE NEWS ALERT! No President Trump WAS NOT booed at Davos after calling press 'vicious and fake'


Long Shlong Sliver Esquire Jr The 3rd 29 seconds ago I just watched the video where President Trump gets "booed" to save you time from watching it, he wasn't booed. He mentioned fake news and some people booed the media... Not President Trump. It's actually funny watching it because libs know that what they say is fake but will go along with it even though 99% of what they say is literally debunked every... single... day... So, if you want a good laugh at some libs, watch the video lol

Elven Mage Jr 2 hours ago Fake news. The crowd actually turned around and booed at the press.

Leon Rod 5 hours ago 

Again the CNN/MSM prove to the world why they are called "VERY FAKE NEWS"!!

Kevin Nienhuis 7 hours ago (edited) Once again the Washington Post has been caught lying!!! You bozos: they're NOT booing Donald Trump, they're booing the wretched, miserable dishonest news media scum that he is pointing out in the back of the room! Please, WaPo, I beg of you: would you please STOP LYING!!! Your candidate lost the election over a year ago, now get over it!!! You and your leftist activist cohorts in the media are in dire need of psychiatric help -- get some, soon!

President Trump booed at Davos after calling press 'vicious and fake'

A Message from President Trump

President Trump addresses the 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

A Message from President Trump

Long Shlong Sliver Esquire Jr The 3rd 29 seconds ago
I just watched the video where President Trump gets "booed" to save you time from watching it, he wasn't booed. He mentioned fake news and some people booed the media... Not President Trump. It's actually funny watching it because libs know that what they say is fake but will go along with it even though 99% of what they say is literally debunked every... single... day... So, if you want a good laugh at some libs, watch the video lol


Diamond and Silk: Trump gave 'phenomenal' speech in Davos - President Trump Confronts Globalists at Davos World Economic Forum:

Friday, January 26, 2018




The BBC Hates White People - Seeking InsightBen Shapiro @ UConn - FULL TALK + Q&A (HD) - White privilege isn't real - Jordan Peterson:

President Trump's Immigration Proposal: A "White Supremacist Ransom Note"

President Trump's Immigration Proposal: A "White Supremacist Ransom Note"



Whether It's About Trump, Race, History or Even 9/11, the Last Thing America Wants Is the Truth - Exposing the Brutal Facts: Lionel Interviews Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Whether It's About Trump, Race, History or Even 9/11, the Last Thing America Wants Is the Truth - Exposing the Brutal Facts: Lionel Interviews Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth


Original Photos Show WTC 7 Still Smoking 12 Days After 9/11 According to Photographer:

#TheStorm Explained: The Latest #QAnon and How #Trump Terrifies the #DeepState #ShadowGovernment - Qanon – Obama Retains Counsel Pending Memo Release?:

#TheStorm Explained: The Latest #QAnon and How #Trump Terrifies the #DeepState #ShadowGovernment - Qanon – Obama Retains Counsel Pending Memo Release?

#TheStorm Explained: The Latest #QAnon and How #Trump Terrifies the #DeepState #ShadowGovernment - Qanon – Obama Retains Counsel Pending Memo Release? - FBI Texts Found. Rogue Agents Finished


Proof QANON Is Real-- In 3 Minutes, MSM Won't Touch This - #QAnon Is Our Deep Throat: The Game Changer That Will Destroy the #Sockpuppet #MSM #FakeNews Shills - 4Chan poster, QAnon, seems to have predicted +++ in Trump tweet - Intelligence Analyst Dr. Jerome Corsi Lays Out His Case That QAnon Is An Intelligence Source & Close to the President - High Level Intelligence Source Confirms QAnon Is REAL:

Milo Yiannopoulos: The Left Has Already Started A Civil War

Milo Yiannopoulos: The Left Has Already Started A Civil War

Tell Me Again about How Right Wingers Are More Violent Than Leftists:

Milo Yiannopoulos Live Interview with Alex Jones 1/26/2018

Milo Yiannopoulos Live Interview with Alex Jones 1/26/2018

Report: Trump Ordered Firing of Mueller in June but Backed Off - Trump denies bombshell report that he asked for Mueller to be fired

Report: Trump Ordered Firing of Mueller in June but Backed Off - Trump denies bombshell report that he asked for Mueller to be fired

Steel Magnolia 2 hours ago
Ok, call me crazy, but this is why I do not trust the White House lawyers. Trump cannot even have a conversation with an attorney without that leaking? I was under the impression that discussions with attorneys are confidential. I have no doubt Trump asked about firing Mueller--I would have weighed that option as well. Obviously he did not order anybody to fire Mueller because the bastard is still on his witch hunt, but the president would be within rights to fire him. This president can have no private conversation without it leaking out. I'm surprised some janitorial staff member hasn't scooped a stool sample from the White House commode and sold it to WaPo. This is effing ridiculous!


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

As Predicted: Trump Demands Wall, but Open to Restoring Parts of DACA

As Predicted: Trump Demands Wall, but Open to Restoring Parts of DACA

CNN Goes Off The Deep End! - Fulfilling Prophecy, CNN Now Openly Endorses Cuckolding As a Relationship Saver

CNN Goes Off The Deep End! - Fulfilling Prophecy, CNN Now Openly Endorses Cuckolding As a Relationship Saver

Canada health plan idolized by Dems has worst year ever

Canada health plan idolized by Dems has worst year ever

Larry Elder: Dems giving Trump zero credit on the economy - Black unemployment falls to lowest level on record

Black unemployment fell to 6.8 percent in December, the lowest ever recorded by the U.S. Labor Department since it began tracking the black unemployment rate in 1972.

Larry Elder: Dems giving Trump zero credit on the economy - Black unemployment falls to lowest level on record


Donald Trump American Jobs Saved Tracker

This page is dedicated to tracking that number of jobs that Donald Trump has saved, helped create or brought back to America due to his business friendly policies and negotiations...


Pittsburgh Steel Workers Back To Work, Economy Booming!

70 Record Closes for the Dow! - Dow has milestone year in 2017

DOW S&P 500 and NASDAQ Close at Record Highs - Manufacturing Optimism Rose to Another All-Time High in the Latest @ShopFloorNAM Outlook Survey

The Trump effect: U.S. Economy Reaches Its Potential Output for First Time in Decade

Dow Hits 24,000 as Growth Continues, also Trump Tax Plan Passes Senate

Dow Jones Index Passes 23,000 Milestone

President Trump Signs the National Manufacturing Day Proclamation 10/6/17 - Trump: Stock Market hits an ALL-TIME high! Unemployment lowest in 16 years! Business and manufacturing enthusiasm at highest level in decades!

S&P ekes out record high - Dow, S&P 500 hit record highs

MSM REPORT: ECONOMY MAY BE GROWING ABOVE 4 PERCENT - Stock Market up 5 months in a row!

We Did It! America Created 1 Million Jobs in Trump’s First Six Months

CNBC’s Squawk Box Panel: Jobs Report Is “ Pretty Solid,” Huge Growth Of Discretionary Income Jobs - Employee Bridge President Joanie Courtney On Jobs Report: Manufacturing Number “Is Outstanding” - Fox’s Adam Shapiro Discusses New Jobs Report: Unemployment Is Tied For Lowest In 16 Years

U.S. stocks close at all time high as Federal Reserve holds rates - @realDonaldTrump - Highest Stock Market EVER, best eonomic numbers in years, unemployment lowest in 17 years, wages raising, border secure, S.C.: No WH chaos! - There Have Been 25 Record Stock Market Highs Since Trump’s Election

Trump Announces Foxconn to Bring Thousands of Jobs to Wisconsin


TRUMP 'MADE IN AMERICA' WEEKLY ADDRESS - President Trump Participates in a Made in America Product Showcase - Trump launching ‘Made in America' campaign - Trump Products Manufactured Internationally? - Laura Ingraham Show 7/17/17 Trump Kicks off 'Made in America' Week


Dow Hits Record Close - Trump: Stock market hits another high with spirit and enthusiasm so positive. Jobs outlook looking very good!


TRUMP NATION Black unemployment drops to lowest level since 2000!

Paying Attention To what is Real - Trump Today WOW! - President Trump Participates in an American Technology Council Roundtable

JUST IN: TRUMP SIGNS NEW EXEC ORDER THAT'S UNLIKE ANYTHING HE'S DONE BEFORE - President Donald Trump acted Thursday to demolish a bureaucratic infrastructure that he said needed to be removed to allow America’s companies to create apprenticeships that will provide jobs for millions.

REBUTTAL: 5 John Oliver Coal Fallacies - Coal Gives US Civilization, Arby’s Gives Us Gas - Coal mine celebrated by Trump opens in Pennsylvania

CNN’s Christine Romans On Jobless Rate: This Is A” 16-Year Low, The Lowest Jobless Rate Since 2001”

Aussie Business Leader to Invest $2 Billion in US Thanks to Trump: “Because of His Great Leadership” (VIDEO) - Australian business leader Anthony Pratt of Pratt Industries announced last week he would invest $2 billion to create 5,000 high paying jobs in the United States.

April Jobs Up 211,000, Unemployment 4.4% | CNBC - TRUMP EFFECT: Unemployment rate 10 year low. Illegal Immigration down by 70%

Watch Trump sign orders inside the factory - The executive orders he signed Saturday were designed to keep jobs and wealth in America.

PRESIDENT TRUMP SIGNS THE BUY AMERICAN, HIRE AMERICAN EXECUTIVE ORDER! - Globalist Freak Out: New Trump EO To Favor American Workers, Businesses

Trump Adds Jobs While Dems Complain

Trump's First Full Month in Office Sees Biggest Jobs Gain 'In Years': Report

Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom - RUSH: Obama 'More Than Being IRKED' By Trump's First Month Job Numbers

You’re hired! Trump scores U.S. HUGE jobs deal


The Truth about the Jobs Obama Created

Ford to scrap Mexico plant, invest in Michigan; CEO cites Trump policies

Diamond and Silk: Trump gave 'phenomenal' speech in Davos - President Trump Confronts Globalists at Davos World Economic Forum

Diamond and Silk: Trump gave 'phenomenal' speech in Davos - President Trump Confronts Globalists at Davos World Economic Forum

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Roger Stone Calls On The Trump Administration Stop Hurting The Dogs

Roger Stone Calls On The Trump Administration Stop Hurting The Dogs


Tell the Military: Stop Mutilating and Killing Animals:

Breitbart London Editor Raheem Kassam Interviewed By Paul Joseph Watson

Breitbart London Editor Raheem Kassam Interviewed By Paul Joseph Watson

THOT Crimes: Tradition and Modern Society

THOT Crimes: Tradition and Modern Society

Under No Circumstances Should Trump Testify Before Mueller Even Hillary-Style: Drain The Swamp Now!

Under No Circumstances Should Trump Testify Before Mueller Even Hillary-Style: Drain The Swamp Now!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Roger Stone: Mueller setting 'perjury trap' for Trump - Jeanine Pirro: Trump should not sit down with Mueller

Roger Stone: Mueller setting 'perjury trap' for Trump - Jeanine Pirro: Trump should not sit down with Mueller


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

#ReleaseTheMemo and the Impending Doom of #Mueller et al. — Lionel on "Real News With David Knight"

#ReleaseTheMemo and the Impending Doom of #Mueller et al. — Lionel on "Real News With David Knight"

Jordan Peterson on what made Hitler hate Jews - JORDAN PETERSON: NAZISM | HITLER | CHARLOTTESVILLE

Jordan Peterson on what made Hitler hate Jews - JORDAN PETERSON: NAZISM | HITLER | CHARLOTTESVILLE

Ben Shapiro @ UConn - FULL TALK + Q&A (HD) - White privilege isn't real - Jordan Peterson

Ben Shapiro @ UConn - FULL TALK + Q&A (HD) - White privilege isn't real - Jordan Peterson

#ReleaseTheMemo goes VIRAL as FISA warrant corruption exposed

#ReleaseTheMemo goes VIRAL as FISA warrant corruption exposed

Why the President Must Not Grant Mueller an Interview

Why the President Must Not Grant Mueller an Interview


Roger Stone: Mueller setting 'perjury trap' for Trump - Jeanine Pirro: Trump should not sit down with Mueller

100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

Send Free Care Package To US Troops From Crown Royal (21+ Site Age Gate)

This is super cool.
I am a disabled vet who did 15 months in Iraq. This is what I liked: Cookies Personal stories about your life (we all don’t agree being there, but you all motivate us anyways) Lip Balm (you never know) Calling Cards Chips were cool but I didn’t like eating a lot of salty stuff over there because my lips were often cracked and it hurt. Coffee was good but we have plenty of that over there tbh.
Things that were thrown away by almost everyone: Shampoo Soap Toothpaste
To this day I have a little plush squirtle that I hang in my car that some kid sent us. He was 8 and said it was his favorite Pokémon. I kept it before anyone else could be like “oh cool!” And then throw it away months later. I deployed almost 10 years ago (oh my god...) but that thing is still one of my most prized possessions. He gave me his favorite thing for no other reason than he believed in me.
I’ll take a picture of it when I get back to my car.