Confused Drag Queen yells Lock Him Up at Trump Robot - Complete Idiot Screams At A Robot To “Protest” Trump

Confused Drag Queen yells Lock Him Up at Trump Robot - Complete Idiot Screams At A Robot To “Protest” Trump


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities - Ex-Trump adviser on firestorm over Russia-Don Jr meeting: Whistleblower: Stealing from Third Party Vendors, Exploited Workers, Unsanitary Conditions, Modern Day Company Store

"Company stores have had a reputation as monopolistic institutions, funnelling workers' incomes back to the owners of the company. Company stores often faced little or no competition and prices were therefore not competitive. Allowing purchases on credit enforced a kind of debt slavery, obligating employees to remain with the company until the debt was cleared." Whistleblower: Stealing from Third Party Vendors, Exploited Workers, Unsanitary Conditions, Modern Day Company Store

BuzzFeed's 37 Things Black People Need to Stop Ruining in 2018 - Racist Buzzfeed Writer Ruminates on White People Ruining Everything

Yes, Patrice Peck is a racist:

BuzzFeed's 37 Things Black People Need to Stop Ruining in 2018 - Racist Buzzfeed Writer Ruminates on White People Ruining Everything

Trump is right about the FBI
(CNN)The ferocity of President Donald Trump's recent attacks on the integrity of the FBI has sent shock waves through an agency accustomed to public adulation in recent years. Sadly, much of the presidential criticism of the bureau may be entirely legitimate.


Donald Trump's Phenomenal First Year: Better Than Hillary's Nuclear Hellscape, Critics Agree

Donald Trump's Phenomenal First Year: Better Than Hillary's Nuclear Hellscape, Critics Agree


Lists: Mixed Bag, Trump is Wrong, Trump is Right:

Saturday, December 30, 2017

White Genocide Professors Play the Victim - Sargon

Won't someone think of the genocide-advocating communist professors?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 31st, 2017.]

Berlin to Set Up ‘Safety Area’ for Women During New Year’s Eve Celebrations

New Year’s Eve festivities in the German capital will be marked by a “safety area” for women seeking refuge from harassment, following cases of mass sexual misconduct during country’s celebrations over the past few years.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 31st, 2017.]

Young Turks Panics Along With Corporate Media About Republicans Calling Out Mueller Corruption

Young Turks Panics Along With Corporate Media About Republicans Calling Out Mueller Corruption


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

Reply: Cenk Uygur Did Nothing Wrong - No, Sargon. Cenk did allot of wrong and now he needs to face the consequences:

Fusion GPS Founder's Wife Admits Husband Behind Fake Russiagate Story

Fusion GPS Founder's Wife Admits Husband Behind Fake Russiagate Story


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

CNN's Don Lemon Carries Water For The Deep State By Lying About FBI Corruption

CNN's Don Lemon Carries Water For The Deep State By Lying About FBI Corruption

Reply: Cenk Uygur Did Nothing Wrong - No, Sargon. Cenk did allot of wrong and now he needs to face the consequences


Cenk did not believe in people changing and apologizing when it came to Trump. And it's his side that believes people should resign based off mere allegations and past statements. It's backfiring now, good. It should be used as a political weapon. We should use their standards against them and reserve our own for our own. These people have proven with this last election that there will be no unity. This is all out war. Their party is corrupt to the core. Their ideology is cancerous and failed. Every dirty trick short outright lying and breaking the law is warranted. These enemies of America deserve to be given no quarter. This isn't rhetoric, it's uncucked truth.


They set the rules (where no quarter is given to those displaying sexist behaviour), and now they will live or die by them or will come across as hypocrites. Aside from being crass, did Cenk actually harass women? If he acted as a creepo, like Bill O'Reilly, then he obviously has to go.


No, Sargon. Cenk did allot of wrong and now he needs to face the consequences (Vee)

Cenk Uygur Goofed Big Time and Should Resign (Styx)

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 29th, 2017.]

Neil Degrasse Tyson is a Disinformation Artist

Editor's Note: The pilot describes what happened in the below video. He thinks it's alien based on his experience/facts of the case, ie defying the laws of physics via absent propulsion, maneuvers of the UFO. Noting that a UFO is an acronym isn't genius. It has become a colloquial term for alien spacecraft in most cases. People will note when something is a UFO in the truest sense of the word, meaning just unidentified. This obviously is not one of those times. 


Tyson acts as a disinformation artist when it comes to 'fringe science' data. What he says is not logical. For someone of his intelligence his comments reek of ignorance and irrationality. The excessive use of ridicule is another red flag, with laughing, guilt by association dismissals and general slurs. 

Because of this behaviour I wonder what Tyson's motives could be? Is he performing this clown act for money, does he think he's serving a noble cause by keeping a lid on UFO reality, or does he have skeletons in his closet that allow him to be blackmailed (whilst also taking money?).


Response to Neil De Grasse Tyson quote: UFOs are only unidentified, Not necessarily aliens.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 29th, 2017.]

CIA Tweets UFO Picture and Documents

Editor's Note: Intelligence officer Luis Elizondo, who is mentioned in this video, and who released the recent UFO footage, is a part of Tom DeLonge's group, see bios of the organization here...

Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure:

Asking for more disclosure is great, but appreciation for what is going on is needed. People can't make comments asking for more info, where they bring up their own talking points that go further, right underneath the CIA's UFO Twitter post, if the CIA hadn't made a UFO Twitter post! I'm well aware of CIA wrong doings, but I see far too much cynicism going on with this topic.

Trump appoints the CIA director and as most know POTUS is well-versed in the Twittersphere. The president is obviously aware and not stopping the CIA from posting UFO material. More evidence that...

UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Trying to Photograph a UFO?

You never know what you’ll find when browsing through CIA’s FOIA archives
In celebration of World UFO Day, we dug up some long lost tips on how to take photographs of UFOs:
That begs the question: Did CIA really investigate UFOs?
This is one of the most common FOIA inquiries we receive. Whether a skeptic or believer, discover the facts for yourself by taking a peek into our “X-Files,” and then learn all the ins-and-outs of how to investigate a flying saucer claim.

Posted: Jul 02, 2017 12:49 AM
Last Updated: Jul 02, 2017 01:28 AM

5 Disclosure Predictions for 2018 - Predictions for 2018

5 Disclosure Predictions for 2018 - Predictions for 2018


Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump: 

Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure:

Thursday, December 28, 2017



The Raw Hubris Of Privileged Sheila Jackson Lee - Sheila Jackson Lee Plays Victim Race Card After Taking Teacher’s Airplane Seat

The Raw Hubris Of Privileged Sheila Jackson Lee - Sheila Jackson Lee Plays Victim Race Card After Taking Teacher’s Airplane Seat

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Trump Slams Fusion GPS Dossier and DNC; But It's Even More Crooked than He States - CNN Obsesses Over Trump’s Tweet About The Dossier

Trump Slams Fusion GPS Dossier and DNC; But It's Even More Crooked than He States - CNN Obsesses Over Trump’s Tweet About The Dossier


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

Monday, December 25, 2017

Yet Another Example Of Why Linda Sarsour Is A Total Fraud

Yet Another Example Of Why Linda Sarsour Is A Total Fraud

MSNBC's Joy Reid Is Desperate To Hide Mueller Corruption - MSNBC's Joy Reid Defends Lisa Bloom's Paying Off Alleged Victims

MSNBC's Joy Reid Is Desperate To Hide Mueller Corruption - MSNBC's Joy Reid Defends Lisa Bloom's Paying Off Alleged Victims


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

Red Ice The "Forbidden Source" Linked By Tucker Carlson of Fox News

Red Ice The "Forbidden Source" Linked By Tucker Carlson of Fox News


Styxhexenhammer666 Explains Why the Alt-Right is Wrong about Ethno-Nationalism:

Reply: Cenk Uygur Did Nothing Wrong


Cenk did not believe in people changing and apologizing when it came to Trump. And it's his side that believes people should resign based off mere allegations and past statements. It's backfiring now, good. It should be used as a political weapon. We should use their standards against them and reserve our own for our own. These people have proven with this last election that there will be no unity. This is all out war. Their party is corrupt to the core. Their ideology is cancerous and failed. Every dirty trick short of outright lying and breaking the law is warranted. These enemies of America deserve to be given no quarter. This isn't rhetoric, it's uncucked truth.

Neil Doesn't Have A Clue... - PILOT Who Chased THIS UFO Reveals All

A thousand facepalms to you, Neil.

Editor's Note: The pilot describes what happened in the below video. He thinks it's alien based on his experience/facts of the case, ie defying the laws of physics via absent propulsion, maneuvers of the UFO. Noting that a UFO is an acronym isn't genius. It's has become a colloquial term for alien spacecraft in most cases. People will note when something is a UFO in the truest sense of the word, meaning just unidentified. This obviously is not one of those times.

Neil Doesn't Have A Clue... - PILOT Who Chased THIS UFO Reveals All

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump: 

Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure:

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike - Wow, QANON's Identity Revealed + Donald Trump's Storm Is Underway - A Primer on #QAnon and #QClearance: What You Should Know and Why #DeepState Is in #DefCon1 Panic

Is this man Q? I can't say for sure, but it seems plausible, especially since the NSA turned in Trump's favor back in November and warned him about upcoming deep state shenanigans. I've been BANNED FOR LIFE from Twitter for tweeting that Anderson Cooper is a former CIA intern (true) and Gloria Vanderbilt's son (also true), and if you want to continue to see my research and opinions please follow me on GAB instead. Way better on free speech:

The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike - Wow, QANON's Identity Revealed + Donald Trump's Storm Is Underway


Behold! The Storm... Lightning Strikes the House of Saud - Trump just destroyed another major Democrat Funding source. Al Waleed arrested - Trump Was Right Back In 2015 ! Prince Arrested: 

Trump's alleged comments on Haitians and Nigerians - "They All Have AIDS" is a Nonsense Legacy Media Attack Line on Trump

Trump's alleged comments on Haitians and Nigerians - "They All Have AIDS" is a Nonsense Legacy Media Attack Line on Trump


Donald Trump a Racist?

De Facto Travel Restrictions Now Exist For Americans - Paul Craig Roberts

Green Party presidential Candidate Jill Stein is being investigated by the Senate Intelligence (sic) Committee for “Russian connections.” 
What has brought Russiagate to Jill Stein? The answer is that she attended the 10th Anniversary RT dinner in Moscow as did the notorious “Russian collaborator” US General Michael Flynn. RT is a news organization, a far better one than exists in the West, but if you were one of the many accomplished people who attended the anniversary dinner, you are regarded by Republican Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina as a possible Kremlin agent. 

What is going on here? Stein sums it up: “we must guard against the potential for these investigations to be used to intimidate and silence principled opposition to the political establishment.”

Here I sit considering two interesting invitations. One is to speak at the main Plenary Session of the Moscow Economic Forum in April. The other is to speak at the Summit for Global Challenges in the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan in May. The very minute I accept, the NSA will notify its mouthpieces, the New York Times, PropOrNot’s promoter the Washington Post, Senator Burr, and Special Russiagate Prosecutor Robert Mueller. Would I be renditioned to Israel or Eqypt or Saudi Arabia and tortured until I confessed that I was a member of the Trump-Flynn-Jill Stein Kremlin spy network? 
As the United States is no longer a free country governed by a Constitution that protects civil liberty, that possibility cannot be discounted. What is for sure is that if I accept these invitations, the US Establishment will discredit my voice when I write about US/Russia relations. Indeed, that was the intention of the PropOrNot Washington Post story that attacked 200 truth-tellers as “Russian agents/dupes.” Many of those so attacked have experienced slower growth in their readership. After all, Americans and Europeans are insouciant. They are actually sufficiently stupid to believe what governments and print and TV media tell them. 
I, too, was invited to RT’s 10th Anniversary celebration in Moscow. Imagining the celebration would be grand balls in palaces and myself, decked out in white tie with my French Legion of Honor dancing with those beautiful RT women, I almost accepted. But I learned in time that the event was conferences and speeches and decided to forego a Moscow winter.

Otherwise I would be in the dock with Trump, Flynn, and Jill Stein and whomever the Washington Gestapo settles on next.

Russiagate is an orchestrated hoax. That has now become so aparent that even insouciant Americans are catching on, even those low IQ ones who sit in front of TV news. I often disparage Congress, but here is a member who is admirable, Republican Representative Jim Jordan from Ohio. 

Watch the short video and delight in the power and force with which Rep. Jordan goes after the piece of crap US deputy attorney general the Twitter President has in office. When the President of the United States has to rely on a congressman to call out the Justice Department and the FBI for its criminal actions and for its treason to overthrow both democracy and the elected government of the United States, you know we have elected a president who is too scared to defend himself. Roger Stone is correct, if Trump were a real man, Mueller, Comey, Hillary, Obama, and the rest of the criminal scum would be arrested, prosecuted and sentenced for their vast crimes, crimes that exceed those of anyone in prison today.

But Trump is nothing but talk. No action.

How much longer can I give interviews to Russian and Iranian media before the Washington Gestapo gives me a midnight knock on my door.

Whatever America is, it is not a free country.

If Trump wants to make America great again, he must shatter the CIA, FBI, NSA, and media into a thousand pieces. The concentrated power that President Eisenhower warned Americans about in 1961 is far too great for liberty to survive.

Instead, the weakest president in American history actually read the speech handed to him by the ruling neocon military/security complex and declared Russia and China inimical to Washington’s interests.

Americans are too insouciant to understand it, but this was a declaration of war against two countries, which when combined are more than a match for Washington. 

Neither Russia nor China, much less an alliance between them, will accept Washington’s hegemony.

If the hubris-crazed fools in Washington persist, we are all going to die.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 23rd, 2017.]


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

Atheists Give Trump ‘Lump of Coal’ for Christmas for His Support for Religious Liberty - Stefan Molyneux's Christmas Spectacular With Styxhexenhammer666

Trump promised America ‘We are going to say Merry Christmas again’

Trump promised the nation that, if elected president, “We are going to say Merry Christmas again.”
“There’s no ‘war on Christmas,'” asserts Annie Laurie Gaylor, FFRF Co-Founder. “That’s Fox News’ phony construct. But there most definitely is a concerted war on the First Amendment’s cherished principle of separation between government and religion.”
FFRF Co-President Dan Barker added Trump has “already inflicted” such “grave harm … on America’s wall of separation between church and state.”
Barker particularly points to Trump’s religious freedom executive order that authorizesAttorney General Jeff Sessions to issue religious liberty guidance for all federal agencies.
FFRF often supports its anti-Christian message with President Thomas Jefferson’s reference to the “wall of separation between church and state.”
As Breitbart News reported, however, Jefferson used the phrase in a letter to Baptists in Danbury, Connecticut, to calm their fears of perceived threats from the state on their faith practices.
According to the report:
After writing that letter, Jefferson went on attending church, at services held in the House chamber of the U.S. Congress. (On Sundays, the Capitol was a church building.) He also went on to approve legislation for the federal government to undertake the construction of churches in the frontier regions, and helping pay pastors to preach in these churches, to carry the Christian faith to the native peoples there.
Clearly, what Jefferson was describing was not a rigid barrier between faith and public policy, but denominational allegiance by the state. As the Constitution says, the federal government was not to “establish religion,” that is, to select a particular denomination as a national church.

An atheist organization took out an ad in the New York Times to announce it is giving President Donald Trump a “lump of coal” for Christmas for his executive order protecting religious liberty.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) – an organization that champions abortion and LGBT rights – displays what it calls its “light-hearted, full-page ad” on its Facebook account. The ad appeared on Thursday – the winter solstice.
“President Trump’s great big Christmas present to the Religious Right . . . is a great big war on the separation of church and state,” the ad states.
The ad’s four large stockings – labeled “Religious vouchers,” “Cabinet Zealots,” “Church Politicking” and “Stacked Judiciary” – are hung and filled with money, crosses and other gifts. Smaller stockings hung beneath the larger ones each bear a lump of coal and are labeled “Women’s rights,” “LGBT,” “Planned Parenthood,” “Muslim Immigrants” and “Civil Liberties.”
On Thursday, FFRF posted to Facebook, “Away with the manger – in with the Solstice!”
The atheists proclaim, “Christians stole Christmas.” The group adds:
We don’t mind sharing the season with them, but we don’t like their pretense that it is the birthday of Jesus. It is the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun — Dies Natalis Invicti Solis. Christmas is a relic of sun worship. For all of our major festivals, there were corresponding pagan festivals tied to natural events. We’ve been celebrating the Winter Solstice, this natural holiday, long before Christians crashed the party.
Trump, however, has made religious freedom a hallmark of his agenda.
“We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied, or silenced anymore,” the president said during the National Day of Prayer event in May. “We will never, ever stand for religious discrimination. No American should be forced to choose between the dictates of the federal government and the tenets of their faith.”


Thor's Daddy, Odin, Is the Real Santa Claus:

“Extreme Pro-Hillary Clinton Bias”: Congressman Reveals FBI Operation To Help Clinton Get Out Of The Email Scandal With An “HQ Special” - Clinton and DNC Implicated in Corruption Scheme

In yet another bombshell surrounding the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has revealed that there is evidence that the upper echelon of the agency planned too, and then gave Clinton special treatment.

Appearing on FNC’s “America’s Newsroom,” Gaetz told the network that a congressional committee currently has email evidence that Clinton supporter and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe had indicated that Clinton was going to get an “HQ special” which apparently meant she going to receive special treatment in an investigation that was actually carried out by agents who supported her for president.

Gaetz also noted his belief that there was an extreme pro-Hillary Clinton bias running through the agency which benefited Clinton greatly.

It's pro-Deep State/neocon bias ...

Hillary knows where many of the bodies are buried, and her fellow crooks are covering for her.



[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 25th, 2017.]

“Extreme Pro-Hillary Clinton Bias”: Congressman Reveals FBI Operation To Help Clinton Get Out Of The Email Scandal With An “HQ Special” - Clinton and DNC Implicated in Corruption Scheme


Woman Who Accused Trump of Groping Praised Him in Fawning Email Begging to be His Makeup Artist


A woman who has accused Donald Trump of “groping” her in the 90s has been exposed as previously fawning over Trump, proclaiming her diehard support of him as a candidate and soliciting him for a position as his personal makeup artist.
Trump accuser Jill Harth, who coincidentally had her entire home mortgage paidoff my lawyer Gloria Allred’s daughter Lisa Bloom to “help” her feel comfortable in coming forward with salacious stories involving Trump, has been caught begging Trump for a job in a series of emails make public by The Hill.
In the first email, dating October 1st of 2015, Jill Harth praised Trump for the “tremendous job” he is doing shaking up politics in America. She claims she is “definitely on Team Trump as so many others are.”
Harth then asks Trump to, “PLEASE let me do your makeup for a television interview, debate, a photo session, anything,” even going as far to bold the words “please” and “anything” in her request. It appears Harth was so passionate and dedicated to Donald Trump, along with his political campaign, that she would be willing to do “anything” to obtain a position on his team. The full text of Harth’s email to the Trump team is as follows:
Certainly this seems to be odd behavior for Jill Harth, considering her horrific story of being groping by Trump in the 1990s, as to why would a woman who experienced such terror want to place herself in a position with the very man who alleged caused that pain and suffering in her life. Furthermore, Harth’s request wasn’t just for a position on his team, but rather working personally alongside Trump by doing his makeup for televised appearances. She would in very close proximity to a supposed “predator of women” and even touching him regularly, an act that one would imagine any woman who was a victim of sexual assault would do anything to avoid.
Months later, in January of 2016, Jill Harth sent another email the Trump team requesting to be put on their guest list for Trump’s campaign rally in Rock Hill, South Carolina. She stated she would be traveling to the Trump rally with friends, but “would very much like to wish Donald well and show my support for his campaign personally.”
Again, Harth wants to place herself in the presence of the very man who she accuses of groping her. Not only that, she is pledging support to his political campaign regardless, stating she already had acquired tickets to the event.
Stories in conflict should cause concern for the public, especially when it comes to allegations of sexual misconduct, as if proven false will only serve to tarnish the credibility of future claims by other women who suffered very real and legitimate assaults at the hands of predators.
To be clear, it is not “victim shaming” nor is it inappropriate to legitimately question an accuser’s story, especially in such a highly charged political climate and when they have received significant cash benefits for their story in the form of a mortgage payoff.
In the case of Jill Harth’s claims, it appears whatever groping she claims occurred at the hands of Donald Trump were either nowhere near as severe as she made them out to be and caused little to no concern on her part, or they were completely fabricated for the purpose of monetary gain in the form having her mortgage taken care of by lawyer Lisa Bloom.
Jill Harth isn’t the only Trump accuser to be exposed for previously begging Trump to benefit their business ventures, as former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos was found to have asked Trump (after the alleged sexual assault) in an e-mail to please attend her restaurant as a promotional event
I’m certain you are a very busy woman. I am in a unique situation being that I am the only former Apprentice who operates a business where Mr Trump’s supporters can walk in, express their admiration for him and inquire about my experience. Mr Trump has a great deal of support in Huntington Beach, Ca! He has witnessed both my highs and lows operating a small business and I am pleased to report that business is good. Sunny’s Restaurant has a long history of making people feel special. We hire a diverse crew and embrace anyone who is honest while working hard. Mr Trump is cut from the same cloth.
I would greatly appreciate reconnecting at this time. He will know my intentions are genuine.
Thank you,
Summer Zervos
Furthermore, Summer’s own cousin John Barry expressed shock after a press conference in which Summer made sexual misconduct claims about Trump and said, “I am completely shocked and bewildered by my cousin, Summer Zervos, and her press conference today. Ever since she was on The Apprentice she has had nothing but glowing things to say about Mr. Trump.”
It’s also important to note that Summer Zervos is being represented by notorious lawyer Gloria Allred, mother of Lisa Bloom who is representing Jill Harth.  Considering Harth had her mortgage paid off by Bloom, one can only wonder in what way Zervos might be benefiting financially from her claims against Trump.