Thursday, April 30, 2020

Coronavirus: Promising News On Remdesivir Drug....Maybe??

Coronavirus: Promising News On Remdesivir Drug....Maybe??

The world is cheering the news that Gilead Science's antiviral drug remdesivir is showing a "clear cut positive effect in diminishing time to recover" for those infected with the covid-19 virus.

President Trump says he is now pushing the FDA to fast-track remdesivir through the approvals process.

So the media is filled with joyous headlines and the stock market had a banner up day.

But as with most announcements lately, digging into the supporting research raises lots of questions about the news.

First off, China's published studies of remdesivir show little to no evidence that the drug makes any difference either in clinical improvement or mortality improvement.

The NAID study being reported today agrees very similarly with China's data EXCEPT that it saw "very significant" clinical improvement. We don't yet have access to the research results themselves, so until we do, there are serious open questions that need to be addressed.

In other news, we're saddened to report that the warnings we issued weeks ago on food supply insecurity are proving true.

Processing plants are being shut down nationwide. Millions of chickens, cattle and pigs are being culled, their carcasses discarded. And millions of tons of produce left to rot. All while food bank demand is soaring from the tens of millions of Americans who have recently lost their jobs.

More voices in the media are now predicting a food crisis ahead. So get going on that garden!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 1, 2020.]



The Future Is Disabled | Guest: Gavin McInnes | Ep 51

The Future Is Disabled | Guest: Gavin McInnes | Ep 51

Tucker: Big Tech censors dissent over coronavirus lockdowns

Tucker: Big Tech censors dissent over coronavirus lockdowns

Trump Showcases Jobs Preserved by Paycheck Protection Program Amid COVID-19 Shutdown

West Wing Reads

Trump Showcases Jobs Preserved by Paycheck Protection Program Amid COVID-19 Shutdown

“Michael Heup not only got his job back at Bitty & Beau’s Coffee, which was temporarily closed because of the COVID-19 crisis, but he also had the chance to talk about it at the White House on Tuesday,” Fred Lucas reports for The Daily Signal.

“‘I love my job, and I am excited about going back to work,’ Heup, a disabled employee, said at the East Room event.”

Click here to read more.
“We can’t wait months. We must protect the vulnerable and mitigate without destroying the economy. Standing up to this virus can’t be the job of essential workers only. We’ve been strong, but we’re tired, and we need the rest of you to help us. By getting back to work,” writes Bronx emergency physician Daniel G. Murphy for the New York Post.
President Trump signed a new executive order last night to “address questions in the food supply chain that have arisen during the coronavirus pandemic.” The order, leveraging the Defense Production Act, treats meat processing plants as part of our critical infrastructure, Christian Datoc reports in The Daily Caller.
“New York’s [Coronavirus] response has been compared unfavorably to Seattle’s and to California’s.” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio “clashed with his public health advisers, spent early March telling New Yorkers to get out and go about their lives, promised the subways were safe, and encouraged residents to make one last visit to their local watering holes hours before ordering them closed,” Politico writes.



Fact-Checking the Media's Trump/Lysol Lies

Fact-Checking the Media's Trump/Lysol Lies

Trump is right about UV light being a medical treatment

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What The Media Won't Tell You About the Outbreak (Red Elephants)

Living standards in the US have declined significantly due to mass migration - depressing wages and creating poverty conditions throughout the country. This makes the CV19 virus more dangerous to those with poor health.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, April 28, 2020.]

Big Trouble for Creepy Joe. Two More Witnesses Come Forward

This is the difference between the Kavanaugh and Trump allegations - there are multiple lines of corroboration here, including the phone call to the Larry King Show. If something like this happened with the other incidents the cases would have been considered solid.

Why this story didn't come out when Joe was running as the VP is a mystery. Why now?


Orwellian ‘memory hole’ in action? Stealth removal of CNN clip supporting Biden sex assault claim proves MSM’s double standards

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, April 29, 2020.]

Newly-resurfaced video from decades ago lends support to allegations against Joe Biden; insight from journalist Rich McHugh. - The Legacy Media Is Taking a Pounding Over its Coverup of Tara Reade Allegations Against Joe Biden - Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade speaks out

Newly-resurfaced video from decades ago lends support to allegations against Joe Biden; insight from journalist Rich McHugh. - The Legacy Media Is Taking a Pounding Over its Coverup of Tara Reade Allegations Against Joe Biden - Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade speaks out

Trump is right about UV light being a medical treatment

Trump was obviously making a statement about UV light possibly being akin to disinfectant, but for for inside the body. He is right about this.

Trump was right about UV light being a medical treatment

Aytu BioScience said: “The Healight technology employs proprietary methods of administering intermittent ultraviolet (UV) A light via a novel endotracheal medical device. Pre-clinical findings indicate the technology’s significant impact on eradicating a wide range of viruses and bacteria, inclusive of coronavirus. The data have been the basis of discussions with the FDA for a near-term path to enable human use for the potential treatment of coronavirus in intubated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).”At Thursday’s White House pandemic task force briefing, Mr. Trump talked of possible future therapies. On the dais, William Bryan, acting director of the Department of Homeland Security’s science and technology sector, briefed reporters on how UV light can kill surface viruses. Mr. Byran also spoke of experiments with bleach and isopropyl alcohol eliminating viruses in expelled saliva and respiratory fluids.This prompted Mr. Trump to say, “I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or, or almost a cleaning?” And then he turned to ultraviolet light.

207-222 nm Far-UVC Light Can Slow Spread Of Novel Coronavirus

207-222 nm Far-UVC Light Can Slow Spread Of Novel Coronavirus

UV Light That Is Safe for Humans but Bad for Bacteria and Viruses

Fact-Checking the Media's Trump/Lysol Lies



The Facts That Prove That Almost Everyone Is Wrong About This #Coronavirus #Pandemic

YouTube Censors Viral Video of Doctors Criticizing ‘Stay-at-Home’ Order - #StayAtHome


You Have The Right To Remain Silent

What are they afraid of? Information that is obviously false? This wasn't harassment. This was information presented in court.

Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN and Why is Free Speech Never Brought Up? - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong

Rampant Un-American Censorship of the 9/11 Truth Movement

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Facts That Prove That Almost Everyone Is Wrong About This #Coronavirus #Pandemic

The Facts That Prove That Almost Everyone Is Wrong About This #Coronavirus #Pandemic 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Watch "Coronavirus: Debunking The Hydroxychloroquine 'Controversy' (Dr. Chris Martenson)" on YouTube

Watch "Coronavirus: Debunking The Hydroxychloroquine 'Controversy' (Dr. Chris Martenson)" on YouTube 

Norwegian Psychiatrist Claims Joe Biden is Suffering From “Dementia”

Norwegian Psychiatrist Claims Joe Biden is Suffering From “Dementia” 

Watch "Grocery shopping in the police state" on YouTube

Watch "Grocery shopping in the police state" on YouTube 

Re-open PA Petition #BitChute #CoronavirusPandemic #CoronaHoax #COVID19 #coronavirus #CoronavirusLiar #ReOpenPA #Petition

Re-open PA Petition #BitChute #CoronavirusPandemic #CoronaHoax #COVID19 #coronavirus #CoronavirusLiar #ReOpenPA #Petition 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Watch "#freedomofspeech just #watchwhatyousay" on YouTube

Watch "#freedomofspeech just #watchwhatyousay" on YouTube 

Watch " #KAG" on YouTube

Watch " #KAG" on YouTube 

How the Media Completely Blew the Trump Ventilator Story

West Wing Reads
How the Media Completely Blew the Trump Ventilator Story

“After nearly four years of unrelieved Trump hysteria in the media, it’s hard to rank the worst journalistic outrages,” Rich Lowry writes for the National Review. But how the press misreported the story of America’s ventilator stockpile “belongs high on the list.” 
Last year, America produced a total of 30,000 ventilators. This year, the country will produce somewhere around 200,000—and the machines are already coming in.
“By any measure, that’s a success, certainly compared with where we thought we’d be less than a month ago. If the media weren’t so devoted to gotcha idiocy, more people might know about it.”
Click here to read more.

The U.S. Small Business Administration has “processed more than 14 years’ worth of loans in less than 14 days . . . A month ago, it would have been unfathomable to imagine that a relatively small federal agency like SBA could erect a loan program” of that scale in just one week, Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza writes in USA Today.

“Facing a once-in-a-century pandemic, a crisis that some have likened to a world war, the U.S. is fortunate to have President Trump in charge. I have witnessed him make the tough decisions necessary at every turn to keep America safe. Seven of these decisions stand out,” National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien writes in The Wall Street Journal.

“Now more than ever before, we must take action to address the mental health consequences this pandemic has brought. Under the president's direction, we are harnessing a whole-of-government approach to remove the barriers to addressing mental health and preventing suicide for Americans,” Second Lady Karen Pence, Dr. Barbara Van Dahlen, and Dr. Elizabeth Van Winkle write for Fox News.

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

A first in U.S. history

1600 Daily
The White House • April 20, 2020
A first in U.S. history

America is winning its war on the Coronavirus. President Trump announced another milestone over the weekend: More than 4 million Americans have now been tested.
“That’s a record anywhere in the world,” he said. The United States has now conducted more tests than France, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, India, Austria, Australia, Sweden, and Canada—combined.
🎬 Kellyanne Conway: It’s time to work together toward reopening America.
President Trump’s response is unprecedented for another reason, too—one that most Americans won’t see covered in the news. “Throughout history, national emergencies have led to a more powerful and centralized federal government,” Hudson Institute Distinguished Fellow Christopher DeMuth writes in The Wall Street Journal.
Until now. “For the first time in U.S. history, an administration is responding to a crisis with deregulation and decentralization,” he says.
Here’s why. Career politicians, both in Washington and around the world, have one instinct during an emergency: to grab power. It’s rarely temporary, and it often has little to do with the situation at hand. Instead, politicians create more agencies and more red tape, claiming that Bigger Government will prevent the next great threat. 
The opposite happens. A slow, bureaucratic response globally made the Coronavirus worse. The World Health Organization, with its $2.4 billion annual budget, didn’t prepare the world for Coronavirus—it downplayed the risk while parroting claims from the Chinese Communist Party that the virus wasn’t spreading between humans.
Elsewhere in the world, countries with government-run socialized medicine have been forced to ration care, often at the expense of older patients.
In the United States, President Trump moved to slash red tape quickly, eliminating outdated rules and bureaucracy around testing, treatments, telemedicine, and more to speed up our nationwide response to his standards.
President Trump knows that Washington works best when it leads, not controls. His priority is making sure that every state, locality, and frontline worker has the resources needed to fight this virus. Whether it’s securing more ventilators or rapidly expanding testing, he’s brought in the full power of America’s best-on-Earth private sector to help. 
The results show that America is unstoppable when it works together. Closely watched areas such as New York, Detroit, and New Orleans are stabilizing and seeing progress. Nationwide, the latest data suggests that America is past its peak for new cases—and on track to see far fewer deaths than even the most optimistic models once projected. 
The President knows who to thank for winning this war: you. Our nation’s doctors, nurses, innovators, essential workers, and patriotic citizens are the best in the world.
“The American people have done a hell of a job,” he says.  
Vice President Pence: Our large metro areas appear to be past their peak.
MORE: See President Trump’s phased approach for Opening Up America Again!

Photo of the Day

President Trump takes questions from the press | April 19, 2020

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

Monday, April 20, 2020

Trump Rewrites the Book on Emergencies

West Wing Reads
Trump Rewrites the Book on Emergencies

“Washington’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic is upending one of the most durable patterns of American politics. Throughout history, national emergencies have led to a more powerful and centralized federal government and to the transfer of federal power from Congress to the executive branch. This time, the federal response rests largely on state and local government and private enterprise, with a wave of deregulation clearing the way,” Christopher DeMuth writes in The Wall Street Journal.
Rather than exploit Coronavirus to seize more power, “for the first time in U.S. history, an administration is responding to a crisis with deregulation and decentralization.”

“Worried about its global image, China is now trying to cover up its cover-ups.” Amid growing worldwide pressure, “China began revising its numbers, releasing a report last week that raised the death toll in Wuhan, the region in which the virus originated, by more than 50%,” Kaylee McGhee writes in the Washington Examiner.

“Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday told 2020 Air Force Academy graduates that they will inspire Americans with the confidence that the country can overcome the ‘invisible enemy’ in the form of the coronavirus crisis sweeping the nation.” The Vice President spoke at a relatively scaled-down ceremony at Falcon Stadium in Colorado, where cadets sat 8 feet apart, Adam Shaw reports for Fox News.

President Trump’s new Guidelines for Opening Up America Again “honor the best traditions of American federalism. The 50 states have been affected by the coronavirus in different ways, and governors and local officials can best make the decisions on when to reopen schools and businesses,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

Trump Outlines 3-Phase Approach to ‘Opening Up America Again’ Amid COVID-19

West Wing Reads
Trump Outlines 3-Phase Approach to ‘Opening Up America Again’ Amid COVID-19

“President Donald Trump on Thursday announced a cautious, three-phase approach—one that still gives wide latitude to governors—for reopening the shuttered economy in states that have had low rates of transmission of COVID-19,” Fred Lucas reports in The Daily Signal.
“Based on the latest data, our team of experts now agrees that we can begin the next front in our war, which we’re calling, ‘Opening up America again,’” the President said.
“We are not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time.”
Click here to read more.

“To listen to the critics, the challenge is to choose between lockdowns and sickness. But the real challenge is to consider the whole of America’s health. And that means charting a course that minimizes the suffering caused by the pandemic while avoiding the suffering caused by economic devastation,” Dr. Tim Daughtry writes in Townhall.

“For seven long days, Democrats have been blocking a $250 billion refill for the Paycheck Protection Program, and on Thursday morning the loan fund finally ran out of money . . . The longer Democrats refuse to provide financing for small businesses after government cut off their revenue, the more Americans will have every right to conclude that Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer are responsible for the worsening economic destruction,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.

“Globalists are cringing, but Trump is right. The World Health Organization failed–big time–in alerting the world to the seriousness of what began as an isolated outbreak of the new respiratory disease COVID-19 in China,” Rebecca Grant writes in Fox News.

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

#AE911Truth Releases Teaser for Much-Anticipated #Building7 Documentary

#AE911Truth Releases Teaser for Much-Anticipated #Building7 Documentary 

Watch "THE REASON ALEX JONES IS MAD AT JOE ROGAN: "Joe Rogan Needs To Be More Of A Leader" | Alex Jones" on YouTube

Watch "THE REASON ALEX JONES IS MAD AT JOE ROGAN: "Joe Rogan Needs To Be More Of A Leader" | Alex Jones" on YouTube 

Sunday, April 19, 2020



Operation Northwoods Is The Ultimate Proof by Truthstream Media #BitChute

Operation Northwoods Is The Ultimate Proof by Truthstream Media #BitChute 

Saturday, April 18, 2020

#Americans Want The #Economy Opened Back

#Americans Want The #Economy Opened Back Up #BitChute #coronavirus #unconsitutional

Can You Handle Coronavirus Truth?

Can You Handle Coronavirus Truth?

I think it's funny that when the shit hits the fan those who are supposedly the craziest among us are turning out to be right again, as well as the most calm.


80% have no or mild symptoms. Vast majority of the rest are moderate. Very small percentage are severe. 95% of that miniscule amount survive. Asymptomatic carrier numbers are unknown, but likely exist in droves. Flu killed 80,000 in 2018.

Sept. 27, 2018 -- Influenza was deadlier last season than it has been for at least four decades, killing 80,000 Americans. So said the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention late Tuesday in an interview with the Associated Press. 80,000 Americans Died From Flu Last Year

These draconian measures are not warranted.

Also, the numbers of deaths we are getting cannot be trusted according to many medical professionals...

Doctor Calls Out CDC COVID Death Statistics

And Then the Experts™ Started Questioning the Narrative | ‘Conspiracy Theory’ of the Faulty Count

Global scientists revise predictions, claim coronavirus mortality much lower than previously thought

Tucker: What is the Actual Death Rate of COVID-19?

Anecdotally there are things like the account below, I too have heard stories like this from people personally...

Jeanne Lofland
There have been people on FB talking about the virus. The one is an ICU nurse. She said 3 patients died from other illnesses and when she went to work the next day the death certificates listed the virus as the cause of death. Another woman said an elderly relative died from complications of heart failure and his death certificate said he died from the virus. People all over the world are making similar claims.

And yes, despite the partisan political games being played that are costing lives, the treatments my ilk have been suggesting continue to work while sheeple wait on a vaccine...


"We doctors need more freedom to use experimental anti-coronavirus" treatments

“This is the Beginning of the End of the Pandemic” – Dr. Stephen Smith Announces Hydroxy-Choloroquine Study that is “Game Changer” in Battle Against Coronavirus (VIDEO)

COMBATING COVID-19 WITH ZINC AND QUERCETIN - Quercitin for Colorectal Cancer

Ask yourself why info relating to 5g and its effect on coronavirus is being censored...

Virginia Lockdown Protesters: Reopen the State, We’re Going Broke! #lockdown #coronavirus

Virginia Lockdown Protesters: Reopen the State, We’re Going Broke! 

#lockdown  #coronavirus

President Trump’s Guidelines for Opening Up America Again!

1600 Daily
The White House • April 16, 2020
President Trump’s Guidelines for Opening Up America Again!

Thanks to you, President Trump’s aggressive strategy to beat Coronavirus is working.
A quarter of U.S. counties have no Coronavirus cases reported. Half of American states have fewer than 2,500 cases total. New infections are declining across the New York metro area, as well as in the closely watched Houston and New Orleans communities.
While Americans must remain vigilant in following President Trump's Coronavirus Guidelines, the data suggests we have passed a nationwide peak on new cases. This progress means it’s time to help states prepare for how to reopen our country.
Today, President Trump unveiled just that: Guidelines for Opening Up America Again! White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany explains:
  The guidance being put out today is in line with what the experts are saying. It’s in line with what the data is showing. And it’s a plan to put this economy back on track—put the economy back on track to the hottest in modern history that President Trump created and also protect American lives.  
Reopening America won’t happen everywhere overnight. President Trump’s plan calls for a phased return, outlining specific steps for state and local officials to follow in tailoring their response. The criteria include showing a downward trajectory of COVID-like symptoms reported over 14 days in a given state or region, as well as a decline in documented cases or positive tests during the same 14-day window.
A region’s hospital and healthcare system capacity is another important factor. The President’s guidelines specify that hospitals be able to treat all patients without crisis care before a state or region reopens for business. Robust testing programs, including emerging antibody testing, should be in place to protect at-risk healthcare workers.
When America reopens, core state preparedness responsibilities won’t change. The ability to set up safe, efficient screening and testing sites remains essential. States will continue to advise citizens on protocols for social distancing and use of face coverings.
No matter the situation in your state, all Americans must keep up the fight against this virus. Continue to practice strict personal hygiene, including frequently washing your hands and disinfecting commonly used items and surfaces. People who feel sick should stay home and follow the advice of their medical providers. Employers should follow industry best practices on social distancing, sanitation, travel, and use of shared spaces.
This war isn’t over, but it can and will be won. “We want to get our country back,” President Trump says. “And we’re going to do it, and we’re going to do it soon.”

See President Trump’s Guidelines for Opening Up America Again!
🎬 WATCH: All of America is mobilized against this invisible enemy

Photo of the Day

President Trump and Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao celebrate America’s truckers on the White House’s South Lawn | April 16, 2020

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

Democrats Need to Stop Holding Small-Business Help Hostage

West Wing Reads
Democrats Need to Stop Holding Small-Business Help Hostage

“It’s beyond tragic: The loan program to aid small businesses hit by lockdowns is almost out of cash, yet Democrats still refuse to OK new funds unless their unrelated demands are met,” the New York Post editorial board writes. 
“If small-business closures spike, costing countless workers their jobs, Americans shouldn’t forget the Dems’ cynicism.”
Click here to read more.
MORE: “It’s time for Democrats to stop proposing sweeping partisan plans that predate this crisis”

Beginning with the Trump Administration’s “work to evacuate more than 800 Americans and people of other nationalities from Wuhan, China, in January and February, as of April 15 we’ve repatriated more than 62,000 Americans from more than 100 countries on nearly 600 flights—a staggering number in a very short time,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo writes in The Wall Street Journal.

“CNN this week published a report copying almost word-for-word a Chinese Communist Party press release praising the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s efforts to contain the coronavirus and degrading the U.S. Navy’s failures to do likewise.” In other words, CNN is reciting propaganda from the Chinese government nearly verbatim, Becket Adams writes in the Washington Examiner.

“President Trump was right to announce Tuesday that he will immediately stop funding the World Health Organization, which was scheduled to get $893 million from the U.S. in the current two-year funding period. The president’s action is the first step needed to spark meaningful reform of the United Nations organization,” Gordon Chang writes for Fox News. 

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

Updates on Nightmare in NJ and Red Flag Scenario Gone Wrong #BitChute #redflaglaws

Updates on Nightmare in NJ and Red Flag Scenario Gone Wrong #BitChute #redflaglaws

Something everyone should know about WHY 9/11 happened in 2 minutes & 12 seconds. #BitChute #911 #September11

Something everyone should know about WHY 9/11 happened in 2 minutes & 12 seconds. #BitChute #911 #September11 

9/11 Families, Experts Mount Unprecedented Challenge to NIST in New Filing

9/11 Families, Experts Mount Unprecedented Challenge to NIST in New Filing 

Coronavirus Truth

Shocking new documents prove China deliberately withheld critical coronavirus info

Why did Trump decide to stop giving the World Health Organization nearly half a billion annually?


Doctor Calls Out CDC COVID Death Statistics

David Icke: The Coronavirus Cure Is Fatal

Coronavirus Truth

Mind Treasury: Shocking new documents prove China deliberately withheld critical coronavirus info:

Mind Treasury: Shocking new documents prove China deliberately withheld critical coronavirus info: 

Why did Trump decide to stop giving the World Health Organization nearly half a billion annually? #BitChute

Why did Trump decide to stop giving the World Health Organization nearly half a billion annually? #BitChute 

Trump Pulls WHO Funding, Says Organization ‘Must Be Held Accountable’

West Wing Reads
Trump Pulls WHO Funding, Says Organization ‘Must Be Held Accountable’

“President Donald Trump made it official [yesterday] that the administration was halting money to the World Health Organization, the international body that said in January that COVID-19 could not be spread by human-to-human contact, and praised China’s response to the virus,” Fred Lucas reports in The Daily Signal.
“Our countries are now experiencing—look all over the world—tremendous death and economic devastation because those tasked with protecting us by being truthful and transparent failed to do so,” the President said.
Click here to read more.
MORE: “China broke the World Health Organization. The U.S. has to fix it or leave.”

CNN anchor John King admits that the WHO dropped the ball in its early response to Coronavirus, echoing criticisms from President Trump. “I’m not going to defend the WHO,” he said, noting that their response “was flat footed. It did overly trust China, the president is right about that.” Read more from Peter Hasson in The Daily Caller.

President Trump scored a major diplomatic victory this weekend “when he brokered a deal between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and Russia to limit their production . . . Credit to Mr. Trump for using U.S. global influence to mitigate the mayhem,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.

“Tim Miller was to the point where he was going to have to make some really tough choices. That’s when an unexpected lifeline”—President Trump’s Paycheck Protection Program—“helped the Owasso resident save the business he has worked tirelessly to build up over the past eight years,” Shawn Hein writes for the Owasso Reporter.

“President Trump on Tuesday announced a new public-private partnership aimed at allowing hospitals to lend unused ventilators to areas that need them to treat patients who have contracted the novel coronavirus,” Morgan Chalfant reports in The Hill.

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

Democrats Opt for Blackmail Over Small-Business Money—and the Media Covers for Them

West Wing Reads
Democrats Opt for Blackmail Over Small-Business Money—and the Media Covers for Them

“What a deal for Democrats: They get to hold the economy for ransom, and the media blithely cover for them,” the New York Post editorial board writes.
“On Thursday, Senate Democrats nixed a simple but urgent request to boost cash in the emergency small business loan program Congress set up this month from $350 billion to $600 billion.”
“Everything is an opportunity,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, previewing Democrats’ plan to use the small business money as leverage for other items on their agenda.
Click here to read more.

“Frequently lost in the current debate surrounding hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine — should these drugs be used as treatments for the coronavirus? — is the fundamental principle of giving hope to individuals with life-threatening diseases. The emergency use authorization granted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for these two drugs provides one such avenue to give patients hope, as does key legislation signed into law two years ago by President Donald Trump,” Mary Vought writes for Fox News.

“This is fast becoming my favorite genre of journalism: A major news outlet will at first report accurately on a breaking news event, but then amend its own headline later in such a way as to make sure it does not a) reflect well on Republicans or b) reflect poorly on Democrats,” Becket Adams writes in the Washington Examiner.

“We shouldn’t replicate what happened after the H1N1 health crisis by depleting our stockpile and failing to replenish items that were removed and used in the treatment of patients. President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and their team will not repeat the mistake of the previous administration,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) writes for Fox News.

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The left is hoping you don't remember...

1600 Daily
The White House • April 15, 2020
The left is hoping you don’t remember . . .

President Trump and many governors, Republican and Democrat, are focused on getting America through this global pandemic and back to work safely. The left’s political class, meanwhile, is fixated on something else: dividing Americans for partisan gain.
The difference is that real leaders want results. Many are working with the President to achieve just that. Media pundits and Democrat leaders in Congress, on the other hand, are in the business of manufacturing conflict. They lose out if Americans unite.
Yet the left botched the Coronavirus story again and again. Now, they blame the President and hope you don’t remember how they fought him every step of the way:  
The President formed a Coronavirus Task Force on January 29, when there were just a handful of confirmed cases in the United States. That day, The New York Times warned its readers to “beware the pandemic panic.” By the next day, Democrats were busy fighting each other over the impeachment spotlight.
President Trump restricted travel from China two days later. Democrat leaders called the ban “xenophobic” and unnecessary. The Washington Post published a piece that day: “How our brains make coronavirus seem scarier than it is.”
In an Oval Office address on March 11, President Trump spoke about the U.S. response and announced travel restrictions from Europe. Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined the media and other Democrats in questioning the action: “We’ll see whether it’s worth the trouble.” 
The Trump Administration negotiated with Congress later in March to get immediate relief for working Americans through the bipartisan CARES Act. Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats stalled the Senate bill with their own list of demands—filled with partisan items that had nothing to do with Coronavirus.
There are more examples, but the pattern is clear: The left attacks President Trump for overreacting to Coronavirus, then later claims he didn’t do enough. It’s a classic Washington stunt, but it won’t work this time. Americans have seen these tricks before.
🎬 President Trump followed recommendations of health experts without delay
WATCH: Media minimized Coronavirus from the start

President Trump is holding the WHO accountable
American taxpayers send $400-500 million to the World Health Organization each year. China, with its 1.4 billion people, contributes about one-tenth of that amount.
The U.S. foots the bill, and here is what it receives in return: A WHO response to the Coronavirus outbreak that has been filled with one misstep and cover-up after another.
The WHO repeatedly parroted the Chinese government’s claims that the virus was not spreading between humans, despite dire warnings from doctors and health officials. When Taiwan contacted the WHO in December after seeing reports of human-to-human transmission, the WHO cowered to China and kept it from the public.
🎬 President Trump: WHO failed when it mattered most
In addition to covering for the Chinese Communist Party, the WHO went out of its way to attack U.S. officials working to contain the virus. WHO leaders voiced strong opposition to travel restrictions from China and other countries, despite applauding travel restrictions within China itself. That led to further spread of the virus globally.
On February 24, President Trump requested $2.5 billion from Congress in emergency funds to fight the virus. That same day, the WHO insisted Coronavirus was not a pandemic—and chillingly praised China’s government for getting it under control. 
In a global health crisis, telling the truth is a matter of life and death. In this basic duty, the WHO failed. Until these mistakes are acknowledged and fixed, President Trump has halted U.S. funding for the organization. “Maybe WHO will reform, and maybe they won’t,” President Trump said. “But we’ll be able to see.”
“Timeline Proves WHO Helped China Make COVID-19 Pandemic Worse”
🎬 President Trump: We’re reviewing mismanagement and cover-ups   

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks during a Coronavirus briefing | April 14, 2020

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

SPOOKYWEATHER: The JFK Sessions Pt 6: LBJ the Psychopath. The Richard Dolan Show. :

SPOOKYWEATHER: The JFK Sessions Pt 6: LBJ the Psychopath. The Richard Dolan Show. : 

SPOOKYWEATHER: Tucker: What is the Actual Death Rate of COVID-19?:

SPOOKYWEATHER: Tucker: What is the Actual Death Rate of COVID-19?: 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Have to be a real special kind of stupid to think he was marketing this as a cure. Lysol kills covid19 but ya don't eat it! He wasn't saying eat toothpaste! That's the equivalency here. Even opposition fact check sites give this the title of misleading.

Have to be a real special kind of stupid to think he was marketing this as a cure. Lysol kills covid19 but ya don't eat it! He wasn't saying eat toothpaste! That's the equivalency here. Even opposition fact check sites give this the title of misleading.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Watch "Thank You Satanic Elite - For Proving Me Right - David Icke Dot Connector Videocast" on YouTube

Watch "Thank You Satanic Elite - For Proving Me Right - David Icke Dot Connector Videocast" on YouTube 

Friday, April 10, 2020

Amid a pandemic, Voice of America spends your money to promote foreign propaganda

1600 Daily
The White House • April 9, 2020
Voice of America spends your money to speak for authoritarian regimes

Voice of America is a global news network funded by American taxpayers. It spends about $200 million each year on its mission to “tell America’s story” and “present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively” to people around the globe.
Today, however, VOA too often speaks for America’s adversaries—not its citizens.
The Coronavirus pandemic is no exception. Secrecy from the Communist Party of China allowed the deadly virus to spread across the world.
Journalists should report the facts, but VOA has instead amplified Beijing’s propaganda. This week, VOA called China’s Wuhan lockdown a successful “model” copied by much of the world—and then tweeted out video of the Communist government’s celebratory light show marking the quarantine’s alleged end.
Even worse, while much of the U.S. media takes its lead from China, VOA went one step further: It created graphics with Communist government statistics to compare China’s Coronavirus death toll to America’s. As intelligence experts point out, there is simply no way to verify the accuracy of China’s numbers.
The Coronavirus story is just one example of this pattern. Last year, VOA helped highlight the Twitter feed of Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif while he was issuing threats against the U.S. and sharing Russian anti-U.S. propaganda videos.
“VOA will represent America,” its guiding Charter reads. And for years after its founding during World War II, VOA served that mission by promoting freedom and democracy across the world for audiences who longed for both.
Today, VOA is promoting propaganda instead—and your tax dollars are paying for it.

🎬 WATCH: The First Lady’s message to frontline responders

The biggest heroes during our national Coronavirus response are America’s healthcare workers and frontline responders. First Lady Melania Trump recorded a video message thanking them this week on behalf of a grateful nation.
“The President and I appreciate all that you are doing to keep the people of our country healthy and safe,” Mrs. Trump said. “In the most difficult of times, the United States never fails to rise to the occasion with both unity and strength.”
“It is because of you, that the people of America are receiving the care and treatment they need.”
President Trump is fighting to make sure these workers have the support they need, as well. The CARES Act, which he signed into law last month, provides $100 billion for hospitals and healthcare providers. FEMA and its partners, meanwhile, continue to work with states to distribute ventilators and other equipment across the country.
🎬 Watch LIVE at 5 p.m. ET: President Trump leads Coronavirus briefing

Photo of the Day

Multiple colored tulips border the Rose Garden of the White House | April 8, 2020

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

Thursday, April 9, 2020 Watch "URGENT FROM DAVID ICKE - NEED YOUR HELP." on YouTube 


LIVE NOW! #662 W.H.O. LIES EXPOSED! | Anthony Cumia Guests | Louder with Crowder #BitChute

LIVE NOW! #662 W.H.O. LIES EXPOSED! | Anthony Cumia Guests | Louder with Crowder #BitChute 

Watch "Lol - Feminist Horror Movie Black Christmas Gets DESTROYED on Rotten Tomatoes" on YouTube

Watch "Lol - Feminist Horror Movie Black Christmas Gets DESTROYED on Rotten Tomatoes" on YouTube 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

SJW Horror Film FAILS! Black Christmas Totally Tanks! (Shocking) #BitChute

SJW Horror Film FAILS! Black Christmas Totally Tanks! (Shocking) #BitChute 

MASS MONDAY: Rhett & Link "Ear Biscuits" Rebuttal | Louder with Crowder #BitChute

MASS MONDAY: Rhett & Link "Ear Biscuits" Rebuttal | Louder with Crowder #BitChute 

5g Coronavirus info censored

I wasn't interested in the 5g / Coronavirus conspiracy that's been floating around... right up until YouTube censored the London Real interview with David Icke yesterday. The Daily Mail website is more batsh*t crazy than anything YouTube censors. What is going on?
1:52 PM · Apr 7, 2020·Twitter Web App
Apr 7
Replying to 
Free speech is gone! Bye Bye ! Welcome to the "Hunger Games".
Stop Vaccine Tyranny
Replying to 
The truth hurts.
Jackie Scoones
Apr 7
Replying to 
Facebook seems a bit hysterical at the moment,that David Icke video is more than 2 hrs long..I think it will surface again if you want to see.Along with that video disappearing I got " fact checked" by Facebook to the effect that vitamin C doesn't alleviate symptoms of Covid-19
Alan Freestone
Apr 7
I've seen it, it's just disappeared from YT.
3 more replies
Replying to 
That London Real interview is a must watch.
Ken Bailie
Apr 7
Replying to 
The allowed range of acceptable thought is being restricted is the short answer. Any thought not approved by the media branch of the government is no longer acceptable. The attack on speech is the visible portion of the assault on free thinking and critical thought.
@Keep_Bexhill_ Weird (Heyoka)

SPOOKYWEATHER: The Federal Reserve is Lying About Coronavirus - John Titus on The Corbett Report:

SPOOKYWEATHER: The Federal Reserve is Lying About Coronavirus - John Titus on The Corbett Report: 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Watch "Fans Troll Uptight SJWs With Even Sexier Comic Art" on YouTube

Watch "Fans Troll Uptight SJWs With Even Sexier Comic Art" on YouTube 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

EXPOSED: Everything Wrong with China | Louder with Crowder #BitChute

EXPOSED: Everything Wrong with China | Louder with Crowder #BitChute 



Saturday, April 4, 2020


About 5G:

#5G dangers: The destruction of OXYGEN molecules and the stupid, evil, elected representatives who are allowing it to happen


This video gives a good overview of orgonite. It doesn't matter if you believe crystals are alive or not! :)
Trey's article about orgonite -
Some of Reich's observations have been replicated by other researchers. Stefan Müschenich, in his Master's thesis, demonstrated effects of orgone accumulators on test subjects in keeping with Reich's original descriptions, while subjects exposed to a known "dummy box" showed no such effects.[29] As of 2007, the National Institutes of Health database PubMed, and the Web of Science database, contained only 4 or 5 peer-reviewed scientific papers published (since 1968) dealing with orgone therapy.
Some psychotherapists and psychologists practicing various kinds of Body Psychotherapy and Somatic Psychology have continued to use Reich's proposed emotional-release methods and character-analysis ideas,[29][30][31] but use of orgone equipment is rare, limited mainly to therapists who have been trained in "Reichian" institutions such as the American College of Orgonomy.

On the Above Top Secret forum a poster presented a video of an orgonite device giving off readings on an EMF detector as, "Proof that orgonite does NOT block EMF, but creates it."

Forum member "AllisOne" responds:
Her experiment was not very scientific.

Although I don't subscribe to the orgonite theory, I have read a lot about it. I don't ever remember reading that it "blocks EMF". Ive only read that it "weakens the EFFECT of EMF radiation". However, I'm sure errors in semantics have spread across the net by now.

If you think about it... if you are getting an EMF reading from it then it is:

A: Creating EMF
B: Absorbing and Reflecting EMF

I doubt it is A. If it was A, then it would be an overlooked "free" energy source (not likely).

It is most likely B. If it is B, then I think the object is working as advertised.

If it is absorbing and reflecting EMF, then that means it IS attracting very small amounts of EMF away from your body. Instead of the EMF going to you, it is absorbed into the orgonite, and then emitted back out at a different (lower less harmful) frequency.

It would also mean it IS capable of making EMF transmitters output a fraction less EMF. If you put that thing next to a RF transmitter it would probably interfere with a small portion of the output. Almost like the human body effecting the signal of a FM radio.

She might have just proven herself wrong..
More evidence...

Testing my orgonite with an ion meter

Balance test with a orgonite cellphone protection tab...

Before and after wearing orgonite. Watch this presentation for more info...




The Healing Universe - Scalar Energy and Scalar Waves in Healing

Quartz Healing Therapies - Overview

Nano Zero Point Energy Wands

Friday, April 3, 2020

No-Go Zone: Coronahype, Is The Media Lying? #BitChute

No-Go Zone: Coronahype, Is The Media Lying? #BitChute 

Critical US Medical Supplies Sold to FOREIGN COUNTRIES Amid Shortages #BitChute

Critical US Medical Supplies Sold to FOREIGN COUNTRIES Amid Shortages #BitChute 

Global scientists revise predictions, claim coronavirus mortality much lower than previously thought -

Global scientists revise predictions, claim coronavirus mortality much lower than previously thought - 

Charlie's Angels — How Gender Obsession Can Ruin a Film | Anatomy Of A Failure

Editor's Note: I just saw the film. Here's my quick review. Cringe. Facepalm. Eyeroll. That's Kristen Stewart?! She's a better actress now. Looks better with long hair, like all women imho. It's funny and entertaining at times, but I much rather watch the old ones with Drew Barrymore. That is all.

Charlie's Angels — How Gender Obsession Can Ruin a Film | Anatomy Of A Failure

Tucker Exposes World Health Director in Front of Millions #BitChute

Tucker Exposes World Health Director in Front of Millions #BitChute 

Nickelodeon Uses Quarantine to INDOCTRINATE Children, Cartoon Network Follows Suit #BitChute

Nickelodeon Uses Quarantine to INDOCTRINATE Children, Cartoon Network Follows Suit #BitChute 

Florida Ignores First Amendment, Imprisons Pastor for Holding Services #BitChute

Florida Ignores First Amendment, Imprisons Pastor for Holding Services #BitChute 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020



Ingraham: Americans want to stay safe and free

Ingraham: Americans want to stay safe and free

Batman Is Chinese Now....I Wonder Why?

Batman Is Chinese Now....I Wonder Why?