Monday, September 2, 2019

Leading tech investor warns big tech using smart speakers for surveillance

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SCIENCE & TECHTop Investor: Big Tech Using Smart Speakers For SurveillancePublished 1 min ago on 2 September, 2019 Steve Watson
A leading tech investor has warned that companies such as Amazon and Google are using smart speakers for surveillance purposes.

In an interview with Yahoo News, John Borthwick,of Betaworks said that the information recorded by the devices and relayed back to the host companies cannot be described any other way.

“I would say that there’s two or three layers sort of problematic layers with these new smart speakers, smart earphones that are in market now,” Borthwick noted.

“And so the first is, from a consumer standpoint, user standpoint, is that these, these devices are being used for what’s — it’s hard to call it anything but surveillance,” Borthwick added.

“I personally believe that you, as a user and as somebody who likes technology, who wants to use technology, that you should have far more rights about your data usage than we have today,” Borthwick, a former Time Warner and AOL executive, also said.

Recent findings have indicated that Apple is monitoring audio via Siri, and Amazon is doing the same via Alexa.

Alexa, are you spying on me?

Alexa: *coughs* No, of course not.

— Wrong, Brian (@leonidasmoderus) May 25, 2018

Reports have also suggested that Google employees are listening to users’ voice commandsfor Google Assistant, with Facebook doing the same via the Messenger app.

Following the revelations all the companies have all said they have either stopped the practice or will automatically opt users out of voice sample collection.

This technology has led some people to draw comparisons to George Orwell’s 1984, and a quote from the book illustrates creepy similarities.

“The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard.”

Facebook recently announced the rollout of its new ‘Portal’ smart speakers, which it brags have a camera that can automatically follow users around the room.

Today we're excited to introduce @PortalFacebook to everyone. Come say hi and check out to learn more.

— Facebook (@facebook) October 8, 2018

Undoubtedly wary about fears the technology could be exploited to spy on its users following the company’s data abuse scandals, Facebook has even included a camera cover that can be slipped over the lens.

No thanks, big brother

— ColdClaw22 (@ColdClaw22) October 8, 2018

From the company that sold your phone number to advertisers.

— Torch (@torchatlas) October 8, 2018

Security researchers have also discovered flaws in the technology that could allow unwanted eavesdroppers to hack into the devices.

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GLOBALISMThiel: ‘Globalist’ Google Is In Bed With Chinese Military; Must Be Investigated By FBI and CIAPublished 3 weeks ago on 13 August, 2019 Steve Watson
‘Post-nationalists’ are aiding Communist government over America

Billionaire Tech investor Peter Thiel has warned that Google is aiding the Chinese military, and that the company needs to be investigated by the FBI and the CIA because it is manned by “globalists” who do not understand the threat to the US that China poses.

Thiel described Google’s political culture as “globalist, “post-national,” and “cosmopolitan,” adding that the company is “incredibly insular” and “incurious” about real “problems” outside of its own silicon valley bubble.

Thiel called for US intelligence agencies to get involved as Google is indirectly providing the Chinese government with cutting edge AI technology.

“The question about Chinese interest in [Google’s artificial intelligence development] is one that needs to be looked at much more carefully. That’s why I’ve argued that the FBI or the CIA should be looking at this.” Thiel noted in an interview with Fox News.

Watch the full interview here

“I think it is unprecedented in the last 1000 years or ever that  major U.S. company refused to work with the U.S. military and has worked with our geopolitical rivals. This is not a liberal-conservative thing. This is absolutely unprecedented.” the entrepreneur continued, referring to the fact that Google refused to bid on the Department of Defense’s $10 billion JEDI contract last year, on the grounds that working with the U.S. military could violate its “AI principles.”

“Google has a major AI research lab in China, where, even though it’s not working directly with the Chines military, in effect, all the technology gets handed on to the Chinese military.” Thiel warned, comparing the technology to the “Manhattan Project”.

“This is in black-and-white in the constitution of the Chinese Communist Party, as of 2017, it got amended to stress that there needs to be civil-military fusion in China, where all things need to be integrated. Anything that has civilian use must also be handed over to the People’s Liberation Army, the PLA.” he further explained.

Elsewhere during the interview, Thiel, a Trump supporter, noted that “There are many other people in Silicon Valley who support the president, but they are not going to say it.”

“And so that’s always the problem – unanimity doesn’t mean that everybody agrees. It normally just means that everybody is just too scared to speak up.” Thiel added.

Thiel, who co-founded PayPal and was an early investor in Facebook, has previously warned that Google is aiding in the transfer of AI technology to the Chinese military in favor of America because “woke” Google employees are anti-American and prefer China to the U.S.

Calling Google’s action a “treasonous decision,” Thiel warned that “There’s probably a broad base of Google employees that are ideologically super left wing, sort of woke, and think that China’s better than the U.S. or that the U.S. is worse than China – it’s more anti-American than anything.”

CONTINUE READING SCIENCE & TECHNew Finnish Study Finds No Evidence For Man-Made Climate Change
There goes the “consensus”.

Published 2 months ago on 11 July, 2019 Paul Joseph Watson
A new study by researchers at Turku University in Finland found that the human contribution to a rise of 0.1°C in global temperatures over the last century is just 0.01°C.

The paper, titled ‘No experimental evidence for the significant anthropogenic climate change’ was published by Jyrki Kauppinen and Pekka Malmi.

The study found that, “During the last hundred years the temperature is increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C.”

Kauppinen and Malmi conclude that global temperatures are controlled primarily by cloud cover and that “only a small part” of the increased carbon dioxide concentration is anthropogenic.

The study also calls into question the claims of the UN IPCC, which concluded that global temperatures are largely driven by human activity.

While the methods and results of the study can be debated, this once again illustrates how there is no overwhelming consensus on man-made global warming as the media often claims.

In reality, there are dozens of prominent scientists who believe that climate change is driven by natural forces or that the United Nations’ climate projections are unreliable.

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CONTINUE READING SCIENCE & TECHFacebook & Twitter Still Hosting Content For Antifa Group Responsible for Portland Violence
Rose City Antifa doxxes people on their website, celebrates milkshake assault.

Published 2 months ago on 1 July, 2019 Paul Joseph Watson
Facebook and Twitter are both still hosting content by the Antifa group responsible for organizing the violence in Portland on Saturday. The same group also openly doxxes people on their website.

Numerous people were violently attacked during the rally, with journalist Andy Ngo being treated for brain bleed after he was attacked with milkshakes that contained quick drying cement.

First skirmish I’ve seen. Didn’t see how this started, but @MrAndyNgo got roughed up.

— Jim Ryan (@Jimryan015) June 29, 2019

Two other men were also clubbed with metal poles and maced in the face during the fracas. One of the victims required 25 stitches after suffering deep gashes to his head.

Portland Antifa beats an elderly man bloody with a crowbar. As another man attempts to help, he is hit in head with crowbar then sprayed in face with mace.

This is #AntifaTerrorists

Slowed video down slightly for better visual.

Twitter now hiding the hashtag

— Priscilla ♀⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@Lucet_Veritas) June 30, 2019

This man, Adam Kelly was attacked in Portland by ANTIFA the domestic terrorist organization

— Joe Biggs (@Rambobiggs) June 30, 2019

The group responsible for organizing and bragging about this violence, Rose City Antifa, has not been suspended by Facebook or Twitter, with both Big Tech platforms still hosting their content.

In a post on the group’s official Facebook page, they celebrate the “amazing success” of Saturday’s rally and admit to having been behind the milkshake attack on journalist Andy Ngo.

The group’s Twitter profile, with over 18,000 followers, is still active and tweeting, including a tweet that expresses gratitude for “organizing and getting those tasty milkshakes into your bellies!”

And again, thank you to every single one of you who came out to oppose hate groups and white supremacists yesterday.

There were hundreds of us!

Much thanks to all of the other groups who helped with organizing and getting those tasty milkshakes into your bellies!

— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 30, 2019

The group is also using to raise money for future activities.

The group also brazenly doxxes people on their own website. Here is a screenshot from this page where Haley Adams’ address is listed (it has been blacked out for this article).


I am banned by Facebook for my opinions, but actual domestic terrorists who carry out violence and doxx people are allowed free reign.

But there’s no political bias, honest!

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There is a war on free speech. Without your support, my voice will be silenced.

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