Sunday, May 12, 2019

Border crisis worsens: 100,000 border crossers arrested in April, highest since 2007


Nearly 100,000 people were taken into custody along the southern border in April after illegally crossing from Mexico into the United States, marking the highest number in one month since April 2007, according to new federal data.
Department of Homeland Security numbers show U.S. Border Patrol agents in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California apprehended 98,977 people who crossed between ports of entry in areas that do and do not have barriers.
A total 109,144 people were encountered at the border in April. On top of the 99,000 unauthorized crossings, another 10,000 people attempted to pass through border crossings but were turned away.
Roughly 60% of that figure — 58,474 — were families and 9% — 8,897 — were unaccompanied children. The remaining 31,606 people arrested were single adults, likely unable to claim a credible fear of return and apply for asylum like the families.
April’s numbers are up from 103,000 in March — 92,600 people who illegally crossed the southern border and nearly 11,000 people encountered by federal police approaching ports of entry but turned away, including asylum seekers.

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