Monday, December 31, 2018

No, CNN, Trumps Use of "Witch Hunt" Doesn't Offend Any Real Witches

No, CNN, Trumps Use of "Witch Hunt" Doesn't Offend Any Real Witches

Trump Will Never Be Impeached and Will Be Reelected, HRC Will Be Indicted & the Wall Will Be Built

Trump Will Never Be Impeached and Will Be Reelected, HRC Will Be Indicted & the Wall Will Be Built

Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Another Useless Obama-Era Law - Trump administration is doing its best to unravel this great country from a host of burdensome regulations and laws he imposed as if by fiat. - Free enterprise is the engine that drives our economic train and while we need some regulations and rules, going too far often has the exact opposite effect and stifles innovation and freedom and that is not who we are.

By Jonathan - December 30, 2018

The Obama era is over and the Trump administration is doing its best to unravel this great country from a host of burdensome regulations and laws he imposed as if by fiat.
But Trump can’t do it all alone, he needs some help now and again and Trump just got a massive assist from a federal appeals court.
From The Daily Caller: A federal appeals court ruled Friday that an Obama-era labor law that made businesses responsible for labor violations committed by contractors was too broad, Reuters reports.
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled in 2015 that companies and franchisers with “indirect and direct control” of employees could be held liable for labor violations committed by contractors or franchisees.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that the board did not sufficiently define “indirect” control and sent the 2015 decision back to the board for a more restricted explanation.
The 2015 NLRB ruling overturned more than two decades of precedent while placing businesses at increased risk of violating labor laws. The ruling also empowered unions to negotiate directly with a franchise’s corporate headquarters if franchise employees sought to unionize.
Franchisers, companies and pro-business groups have sought to have the ruling overturned.
An attempt by President Donald Trump’s NLRB fell flat after Republican board member William Emanuel was forced to retroactively recuse himself from ruling in a case that would affect the 2015 decision.
The Obama-era NLRB’s decision threatened to topple the current franchise business model as franchisers that tried to navigate or avoid the additional liability the law forced them to take on. Most franchisers began pulling back support for franchise businesses.
Free enterprise is the engine that drives our economic train and while we need some regulations and rules, going too far often has the exact opposite effect and stifles innovation and freedom and that is not who we are.

Actually @realDonaldTrump ‘s Iraq trip had been previously scheduled. So media pundits who scorned him for not visiting the troops were just plain wrong. None of them visited active warzones or went outside of the United States like Trump. - Media Says Trump Hasn't Visited Troops During Christmastime, Falls Apart When He Does! - Trump Visits Troops in Iraq: Legacy Media Outraged

Actually @realDonaldTrump ‘s Iraq trip had been previously scheduled. So media pundits who scorned him for not visiting the troops were just plain wrong...

Mainstream media ran with the narrative of Donald Trump not visiting the troops during Christmastime, and being the first President to not do so since 2002. That flawed narrative fell apart when Trump made a surprise visit to Iraq on Wednesday, the day after Christmas, followed up with a trip to Germany to visit more troops there. Damage control mode was instantly initiated. Accusations of “caving to the pressure of negative articles” started to pop up. People said he did it just for PR. Others then attacked the jacket he had on. Melania Trump was wearing 6 inch construction Timberland Boots as part of her outfit, people almost made it into a racial thing. Some said she was wearing “combat” boots. Really weird and fanciful lies and narratives were spun! But to go a step further, the statistic was bogus from the beginning. “First President since 2002 only includes two Presidents.” George W and Obama. It’s not some type of long-standing tradition. Bush Jr. visited wounded warriors at Walter Reed in the DC area from 2003-2008. Not in 2001 after 9/11 or in the following year. Obama would visit troops on Marine Corps Base Hawaii during his Christmas vacation with his wife and children. None of them visited active warzones or went outside of the United States like Trump.

Actually @realDonaldTrump ‘s Iraq trip had been previously scheduled. So media pundits who scorned him for not visiting the troops were just plain wrong. None of them visited active warzones or went outside of the United States like Trump. - Media Says Trump Hasn't Visited Troops During Christmastime, Falls Apart When He Does! - Trump Visits Troops in Iraq: Legacy Media Outraged

The Triggering: Trump Supporter Triggers Vape Store Guy To Total Meltdown! (REACTION) - Far Left Love and Tolerance as XHale City Vape Employee (Vape-raham Lincoln) Goes Bonkers - Trans Woman Goes God Super Saiyan on Gamestop Employee After Being Misgendered (REACTION)

Troll Not
What a bully! He's power tripping because of the power, privilege, and status and respect he gets from the Left...

The Triggering: Trump Supporter Triggers Vape Store Guy To Total Meltdown! (REACTION) - Far Left Love and Tolerance as XHale City Vape Employee (Vape-raham Lincoln) Goes Bonkers - Trans Woman Goes God Super Saiyan on Gamestop Employee After Being Misgendered (REACTION)

The Triggering: Trump Supporter Triggers Vape Store Guy To Total Meltdown! (REACTION) - Far Left Love and Tolerance as XHale City Vape Employee (Vape-raham Lincoln) Goes Bonkers - Trans Woman Goes God Super Saiyan on Gamestop Employee After Being Misgendered (REACTION)


University Caves to Mob. Deletes Study About Gender Dysphoria:

Transgenderism is Ideology NOT Science! (Dr. Leonard Sax Uncut) | Louder With Crowder:

LGBT activists slam ‘the most important psychiatrist of the last half-century’ because he debunks transgender ideology:

Trump Freezes Non-Military Federal Worker Pay Raises - Trump Now Threatens to Shut Off Aid to Central America over Government Shutdown

Trump Freezes Non-Military Federal Worker Pay Raises - Trump Now Threatens to Shut Off Aid to Central America over Government Shutdown

Friday, December 28, 2018

Predator Film 2018 Claims Global Warming Will Kill Off the Human Race in a Generation, Maybe Two

Two generations from now the film will have debunked itself. If you can't wait until then...

Debunking Potholer54 and Global Warming/Climate Change Propaganda:

Will Global warming increase the chance for alien Predators attacking humans.?
One character in the movie claimed we had one maybe two generations at most so the Predators were coming to retrieve our DNA before it was too late. They use the DNA from many species to make their own species more evolved.

THE Predator Movie Review... or is it Predator 4? or 6? - Rental Reviews

While Democrats Were Sleeping President Trump Ended Catch-and-Release Policies

AWFUL: Triple Amputee Vet Who Started GoFundMe for Wall Reveals His Young Children Are Now Getting Death Threats from Leftists

AWFUL: Triple Amputee Vet Who Started GoFundMe for Wall Reveals His Young Children Are Now Getting Death Threats from Leftists

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

In Defense of Columbus: An Exaggerated Evil

In Defense of Columbus: An Exaggerated Evil Real Engineering

Real Engineering
Seriously impressed with the amount of research that went into this. Your point on intent was interesting, would like to hear your take on the Irish famine. Lots of people in Ireland, including myself, have called it a genocide. This is the first time I have really questioned that because of your points.


University of Notre Dame to Cover Murals of Christopher Columbus

University of Notre Dame to Cover Murals of Christopher Columbus
The University of Notre Dame is set to cover a series of historic Christopher Columbus murals prominently displayed on campus. Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins announced Sunday that Columbus’s arrival to the new world “was nothing short of a catastrophe” for the native peoples.

The College Fix


Trump Trolls Liberals And Obama, Proclaims Monday As Columbus Day AGAIN! - The Truth About The Native American Genocide - Native Americans Played a Significant Role in the Founding of the United States as We Know It:

In Defense of Columbus: An Exaggerated Evil:

Democrats, People Know You Are Lying about Border Wall Effectiveness, Here's Some Friendly Advice

Watch: Man Tries To Scale New 30 Foot Border Wall To Enter Illegally, It Doesn’t Go Well 

Illegal immigrant tries to climb U.S. border fence, impales herself on a piece of rebar

Trump: “Do You Believe In Santa?” How About Fed Reserve? QE? - No, President Trump DID NOT Ruin Christmas for 7-Year-Old Girl

Trump: “Do You Believe In Santa?” How About Fed Reserve? QE? -  No, President Trump DID NOT Ruin Christmas for 7-Year-Old Girl


BREAKING: The Dow Jones industrial surges more than 1000 points, closing with a plus of 1085, making it the biggest point gain ever on record. Fire the FED talk help?:

BREAKING: The Dow Jones industrial surges more than 1000 points, closing with a plus of 1085, making it the biggest point gain ever on record. Fire the FED talk help?

Under Law Trump Has The Right To Fire The Federal Reserve Chairman - Trump Takes On The FED And The Military Industrial Complex

NOBODY Cares If the Trump Bone Spur Story is True

"So, no one knows what is going on, and even if there was something to this story, who the hell cares? Say it’s true, let’s just entertain this garbage for a second, you’re meaning to tell me the bombshell is that the well connected and wealthy Trumps received a favor? I’m stunned. I’m shell-shocked…because the Kennedys, Bushes, or the Clintons never asked for favors on anything, right?

The daughters of a podiatrist, who’s dead, say this was a favor to the Trump family that cannot be verified and the only other solid lead, the alleged second podiatrist, is also dead. Sounds like this story was a drooling vegetable from the get-go."

Joe Rogan is right about Alex Jones being right about a lot and more than he knows...

The Covid-19 virus "acts like no pathogen humanity has ever seen"
Joe Rogan Experience #1131 Joe Rogan is right about Alex Jones being right about a lot and more than he knows... Dear Duh-bunkturds, predictions that don't come true might have stopped the corruption that was exposed! How come when Alex Jones says something it's bunk, but when Elon Musk says the same thing it's genius? Joe Rogan And Elon Musk Confirm Alex Jones’ Theories:
Scientific American Confirms: Atrazine Herbicide is a “Sex-Changing Weed Killer” that Turns Male Frogs GAY 9/11 CONSPIRACY: ALEX JONES PREDICTS 9/11 IN JULY 2001: Alex Jones Predicted the Censorship That He and Countless Others Are Now Experiencing Many Years Ago Health Ranger / Alex Jones predicted a Syrian-style false flag attack two months ago: See video Alex Jones: Media Are Taking ‘My Victory’ In Predicting Civil War First, Turning It ‘To Defeat’ Debunking Joe Rogan's 'Response' to Alex Jones Calling Him Out Over His Comments on George Soros/civil war Why does Rogan repeatedly keep mentioning Sandy Hook as a talking point against Jones on his shows, but yet he can't be bothered to find out what Alex has actually said about it??? Even if Jones was wrong, he was right to raise the issue because of exposed and related government documents that speak to the issue of Jones' concern with Sandy Hook... "Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation." "Conduct funerals for mock-victims" Sure is a crazy sounding idea, but the government owns it, not Jones. But I guess one would have to know about real conspiracies and history to know this. Alex Jones' Predictions that came True "Alex Jones has accurately predicted and warned of events occurring several times. -In July of 2001, Alex Jones warned of a huge terrorist attack, an attack so large that the government will take advantage of it. 48 days later, 9/11 happened. -In 2005, he warned of the real estate crash. It happened. -In 2008, he warned of the possibility of a "One World Currency" and the UN is doing everything they can to make that happen. -As of recently, he predicted the mess that is in Europe, as well as the EU attempting to take over Europe. and the list goes on..." Also, contrary to what Joe believes, there is an intellectual case for conspiracism akin to the likes of Alex Jones, who was also right about Pizzagate before he was wrong because he was threatened into shutting up... and he was right about Schwarzenegger... STFU Up Tom Arnold! Roseanne Isn't Racist, Your Buddy Arnold Schwarzenegger Is. Pizzagate Hasn't Been Debunked and There's An Intellectual Case for Conspiracism Last but not least about Alex Jones, he was right about Trump... Live Leak Article Falsely Claims Donald Trump Has Disavowed ...and Joe is wrong about Obama deserving credit for the Trump economy... The Left Tries to Ridicule Trumps' Economic Policies... lol - We're in a job boom, more importantly, a boom in the RIGHT kind of jobs. Also wages are rising again. - Obama Debunked By Kevin Hassett Chairman CEA For Taking Credit For Trump's Booming Economy REBUTTAL: Jim Carrey’s Socialist INSANE Ramblings! vs Trump Economy - Jim Carrey: Stop Apologizing! We Must Say YES to Socialism! + Proof Obama is Wrong to Take Credit for Trump Economy Update 3/8/2019 - After the massive amount of censorship people start fact checking Jones more when he appears on big podcasts and they find that he is right right and right about a lot of things that sound crazy but are true...
Mr Jones is a very informed man and this is a very crazy and evil world with lots of secrets. But have no fear, because Alex Jones is here and ideas are bulletproof like superman!

More reports about Alex Jones predicting and being right about things while others were silent or wrong...

Roger Stone Is Worried They’re Going To Assassinate Trump


Learn from history: Trump is JFK. John Brennan is Allen Dulles. WATCH OUT - Growing evidence that CIA’s John Brennan is a Wahhabist convert

Monday, December 24, 2018

Hemp For America! - Hemp is officially legalized with President Trump’s signature on the Farm Bill - The Boston Globe

Americans Want Their Border Wall Now! - Kimmel Says Those Who Want Border Wall Are Meth Heads

Americans Want Their Border Wall Now! - Kimmel Says Those Who Want Border Wall Are Meth Heads

Friday, December 21, 2018

Trump Shocks the World with US Military Pull Out from Syria

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and International Affairs and Security Analyst via Moscow, Mark Sleboda examine US President Trump's stunning announcement to pull out US troops from Syria.

The question is asked whether Trump has crossed a 'Deep State red line' with this withdrawal move.


Trump's Bold Geopolitical Pivot, Will the Deep State Retaliate?

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and former U.S. Army Special Operations Officer and global psychological warfare counter-terrorism analyst Scott Bennett take a quick look at US President Donald Trump decision to disengage from Syria and bring American troops home. Does this mark a major turning point and pivot away from years of a failed and disastrous US foreign policy dogma in the Middle East that has left the region in ruins.

How will the Deep State and neocon warmongers react and retaliate to US President Trump's decision to deliver what he promised during his presidential end to the military industrial complex wars.

Note: In relation to why so many people on the left support the neocon drive to war against Assad and Putin - a large degree of this thinking comes from them thinking they are fighting against genocidal maniacs - a false idea created in the mainstream, and pseudo alternative, media. They think war against Assad is literally a humanitarian mission - same as the lie they bought for the Western attack against Libya.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 22nd, 2018.]

British Spy Steele Blows Apart Entire Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss MI6 spy, Christopher Steele's, shocking testimony in a British court which details how Hillary Clinton and the DNC had the entire fake dossier lined up as the ultimate insurance policy to discredit Donald Trump should he somehow win the US Presidential elections.

Meanwhile James Comey continues to lie to Congress on his involvement in the slow walking coup targeting Trump, as Michael Flynn battles to exonerate himself from Mueller's witch hunt.



[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 22nd, 2018.]

Senate Intelligence Committee can ‘take a hike’: Jerome Corsi

Dec. 18, 2018 - Conservative author Jerome Corsi discusses how the Senate Intelligence Committee is demanding information from him.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 22nd, 2018.]


Trump administration plans to pull U.S. troops from Syria immediately. 

The fallout: The Kurds will now have to face Turkey alone, which will force them into an alliance with the Syrian Army. Turkey will then have to face Syria, Iran and Russia where Putin will encourage the Turks to withdraw from Syrian territory in order to preserve their economic (gas pipeline) deals, in a situation where the Turkish economy is presently under a lot of pressure. 

In related news the backlash from the mainstream media and from both political parties to this withdrawal, and from the military industrial corporate warhawks in the Pentagon, reveals that these folks are the enemy of the average American person. US troops have ended up being cannon fodder for dead end conflicts that support the goals of large defence corporations and the goals of the neoconservatives - but not the American Nation (Note that no Middle Eastern country will attack Israel because they have HUNDREDS of nuclear weapons).

The running excuse for maintaining the illegal Syrian deployment is that the mission to stop ISIS is not over, but it is. The Russians and Syrian Army have the situation under control.

It has also been said that continued occupation is needed to block Iran (and Russia), but Iran is ONLY there because ISIS was winning. Let the Syrian coalition win, and then EVERYONE can go back home to their respective countries:


[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 21st, 2018.]

Spanish Nationalist VOX Party EXPLODES Gaining 50 Times More Support!!!

Spanish Nationalist VOX Party EXPLODES Gaining 50 Times More Support!!!

The GoFundTheWall Campaign Raises Millions, Media Outraged, Counter Campaign Started.

The GoFundTheWall Campaign Raises Millions, Media Outraged, Counter Campaign Started.

Truck My Ad
I actually like this more because in invalidates government. People doing for themselves after government refusing to serve the people. Not sure what civil servants do anymore besides take bribes from foreigners and big corporations.

Jennifer Veterans4truth
They are going to flip the hell out bc what's going to happen is they we realize that the people will realize we don't need the Government to do anything and we could get rid of them the IRS etc.... I think the are freaking out bc I was in the military and I know how stupid the Government is with spending they would force us to only order our supplies from one particular company it's was insane I'm not kidding a pack of Bic pens would cost like $200 yeah Bic $2/pack at Walmart or wherever . Screws cost like $10 I was like can we order this stuff from other places this is crazy they said nope this is who our contract is with. They love taking money off the top

The body
That means people are stealing and the same companies are the donors to the politicians who are getting a cut. Someone is pocketing money

Jorge Echeverri
I used to procure consumables for my division in the navy, i know exactly what you mean $100 for a box of trash bags, and our fighter pilots would fill 100% of their tanks, go on short 30 minute training missions and dump all the fuel in the ocean and come back empty, all so their stupid budget doesnt decrease next year, blatant fucking waste in the military!!!

The Superhuman Genius of Trump: The Wall, Syria, Afghanistan, North Korea, Tax Cuts, Unemployment - Trump Bravely Orders Withdrawal in Syria While Chickenhawk Warmonger Neocon Scream Bloody Murder

The Superhuman Genius of Trump: The Wall, Syria, Afghanistan, North Korea, Tax Cuts, Unemployment - Trump Bravely Orders Withdrawal in Syria While Chickenhawk Warmonger Neocon Scream Bloody Murder

LION KING BAD! NPCs Target Hakuna Matata For Cultural Appropriations

LION KING BAD! NPCs Target Hakuna Matata For Cultural Appropriations


How to Break Free and Not Be An NPC - How to Not Be a Non-Player Character and Really Get in the Game:

Owen Shroyer Debates Trash-Talking YouTuber On Pizzagate And Q-anon

Owen Shroyer Debates Trash-Talking YouTuber On Pizzagate And Q-anon


STFU Up Tom Arnold! Roseanne Isn't Racist, Your Buddy Arnold Schwarzenegger Is. Pizzagate Hasn't Been Debunked and There's An Intellectual Case for Conspiracism:

Jordan Sather and QAnon Say Sessions' Firing Part of the Plan!:

QAnon is Fake, QAnon Boomers will be used against us, No more Conspiracy Larping:

David Seaman: Donald Trump Proves #QAnon Wrong by Going After Jeff Sessions:


QAnon Compromised: Intel Source Hijacked By The Deep State's Disinformation Campaign - QAnon Attacks Infowars / President Trump’s Developing Plan To Fire Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions:

David Seaman & Titus Frost Discuss the #QAnon Psyop - David Seaman Exposes #QAnon on Infowars:

David Seaman: The Unmasking of #QAnon - David Seaman: The #QAnon Cult - David Seaman: #QAnon is Wrong About Jeff Sessions:

David Seaman Attacks #QAnon for Going after Alex Jones - Warning! Q Anon Crew Malicious Malware Application & Ponzy Scheme Exposed:

The Cultural Significance of TikTok - Leftist Attempting To Destroy New TikTok App Because They Can’t Control It

The Cultural Significance of TikTok - Leftist Attempting To Destroy New TikTok App Because They Can’t Control It

Roger Stone Demands Release Of His Secret Testimony - Full Show - Trump Believes There Will Be An Armed Uprising Of Americans If Deep State Tries To Remove Him From Office - 12/20/2018

Roger Stone Demands Release Of His Secret Testimony - Full Show - Trump Believes There Will Be An Armed Uprising Of Americans If Deep State Tries To Remove Him From Office - 12/20/2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs Self Care After Complaining About Fake News

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs Self Care After Complaining About Fake News


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Doesn't Know What The Three Branches of Government Are! (REACTION) - The Genius of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 😆

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Doesn't Know What The Three Branches of Government Are! (REACTION) - The Genius of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 😆


Is Trump The Last Republican President? - American Socialism On The Rise

Is Trump The Last Republican President? - American Socialism On The Rise


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Says the Electoral College is Like Slavery and Must Be Abolished

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Says the Electoral College is Like Slavery and Must Be Abolished


Socialism VS Democratic Socialism | Why Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Just Doesn't Get It - VIDEO: DO ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ SUPPORTERS UNDERSTAND SOCIALISM?

Socialism VS Democratic Socialism | Why Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Just Doesn't Get It


“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out.”

Last month, 28 year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shocked the world by defeating incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley to earn the Democratic nomination in New York’s 14th Congressional District.
Ocasio-Cortez gained notoriety nationwide not just for her youth, but for her unabashed embrace of Democratic Socialism.
In her official platform, Ocasio-Cortez offers support for free college, “housing as a human right”,  “medicare for all,” and a mandatory minimum living wage.
Wanting to know if her supporters liked the idea of Democratic Socialism, and if they’d support the government offering these services for free, I headed to Ocasio-Cortez’s district, in Astoria, NY.
People on the street were quick to offer support for Ocasio-Cortez’s brand of socialism, and overwhelmingly supported her vision for the district.
They were more hesitant, however, to offer ideas for how to pay for all of the free things that Ocasio-Cortez is promising.
“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out,” one person stated confidently.
“Oh, God… Us, I guess,” conceded another.
One supporter seemed to think Americans would be okay with paying higher taxes, saying “with a good idea, and a good reason to spend their tax money, people wouldn’t actually mind paying more taxes.”
Another admitted that they’re not quite sure what it is that they like about Ocasio-Cortez’s economic philosophy, but insisted that “I just know that democratic socialist is better than conservative.”
What would these people think when asked how socialism is working in Venezuela? Watch the full videoto find out!


A+ for Trump's School Safety Report

SCHOOL SAFETY: Pres. Trump hosts roundtable discussion on the Federal Commission report