Friday, November 30, 2018

The Grinches at Huffington Post Call Rudolph "Problematic" - Are progressives missing the point of 'Rudolph'?

The Grinches at Huffington Post Call Rudolph "Problematic" - Are progressives missing the point of 'Rudolph'?

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Feds Raid Office of Chicago Lawyer Who Previously Did Tax Work For Trump


On Thursday, feds raided the Chicago City Hall office of a lawyer who used to do tax work for President Trump.
According to the Chicago Sun Times, federal agents removed everyone from the office of Chicago Finance Committee Chairman Ed Burke and put brown paper on the doors.
Ed Burke previously helped Donald Trump with his property taxes, reducing Trump’s tax burden on his Chicago skyscraper by $14 million.
Trump and Burke decided to go their separate ways earlier this year citing “irreconcilable differences.”
“Source says feds showed up this am, asked everyone to leave and put brown paper on the doors,” tweeted Chicago Sun Times reporter, Fran Spielman.

More from The Gateway Pundit

Dershowitz Rips Mueller for ‘False Statement Prosecutions’

Dershowitz Rips Mueller for ‘False Statement Prosecutions’
”I think the weakness of Mueller’s substantive findings are suggested by the fact that he has to resort to false statement prosecutions, which really shows that he didn’t start with very much, and that the very fact that he’s conducting an investigation has created these crimes,” Dershowitz told Bill Hemmer




Jesse Kelly Speaks Out About His Twitter Ban, Gives Serious Warning About The Platform

Jesse Kelly Speaks Out About His Twitter Ban, Gives Serious Warning About The Platform

Brazil's New Top Diplomat: Climate Change is a Marxist Hoax

Brazil's New Top Diplomat: Climate Change is a Marxist HoaxBrazil's newly appointed foreign minister, Ernesto Frago Araujo, who starts his new job in January under President Jair Bolsonaro, has stated that the climate change issue was invented by "cultural Marxists" to help push a globalist agenda that is anti-growth and anti-ChristianCNSNews


Debunking Potholer54 and Global Warming/Climate Change Propaganda:

Young Americans Believe U.S. Is Most Racist Nation

Young Americans Believe U.S. Is Most Racist NationAccording to a new poll from the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness (FLAG) and the polling firm YouGov, nearly half of young Americans believe the United States to be more racist than other nations.Breitbrt

Suddenly Corporate Mockingbird Faux Right Media Endorse Dread Conspiracy Theorists Corsi and Stone

9/11 conspiracy theories[edit]

According to Corsi, "A video clip widely circulated on the Internet shows a test that pulverized an F-4 fighter on impact with a hardened target, providing evidence to answer members of the 9/11 Truth movement who question why so little identifiable airplane debris remained after the hijacked American Airlines Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon."[103] Audio and a YouTube video were circulated, especially among those questioning Corsi's credibility of Corsi's January 29, 2008 interview on Alex Jones's radio show.[104][105][106] In the interview Corsi discusses "the findings of Steven Jones, physicist and hero of the 9/11 Truth movement who claims to have evidence that the World Trade Center towers collapsed due to explosives inside the building, not just the planes hitting them, during the attacks".[104] Corsi cites Jones's findings of microscopic forensic evidence that seemingly negates the U.S. government hypothesis that the aircraft's jet fuel-fed heat alone was sufficiently hot to collapse the steel superstructure of the buildings.

Why Roger Stone’s JFK book has to be taken seriously:

Suddenly Corporate Mockingbird Faux Right Media Endorse Dread Conspiracy Theorists Corsi and Stone

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

There's Embedded Enemies in the Trump Administration. Mike Pompeo Just Hired Another One

There's Embedded Enemies in the Trump Administration. Mike Pompeo Just Hired Another One

Portland is a Sh*thole - Portland OR is a Liberal Mess. - Tolerant Liberal to Trump Supporter in Portland "Give me your hat or fuck off" - Oregon small business owner fed up with liberals

Portland is a Sh*thole - Portland OR is a Liberal Mess. - Tolerant Liberal to Trump Supporter in Portland "Give me your hat or fuck off" - Oregon small business owner fed up with liberals

China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System - China's Bike-Sharing Disaster

China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System - China's Bike-Sharing Disaster

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

White Liberals Dumb Down Their Vocabulary When Speaking To Black People

A new study reveals the bias that white liberals have when speaking to black people, while white conservatives speak to black people as equals. Paul Joseph Watson exposes the hypocrisy of the left and the bigotry of low expectations.

White Liberals Dumb Down Their Vocabulary When Speaking To Black People

Twitter Deletes Account Of Iraq War Vet For No Reason

Twitter Deletes Account Of Iraq War Vet For No Reason


YouTube Removes Roger Stone And Owen Shroyer After Order From Media Matters - Owen Shroyer Responds To Being Banned On YouTube By Media Matters - John McAfee: Social Media Is Designed To Censor And Control The Population - Net Censorship Is Meant To Silence Conservatives Before Big Event - If you support the Democratic Party at this point, which is deeply involved in this, you are complicit...

President Trump right AGAIN - Mexican citizens agree - Caravan is an invasion - San Diego Chief Border Patrol Agent Rodney Scott said during an interview with CNN that rock throwing migrants used women and children as human shields.

President Trump right AGAIN - Mexican citizens agree - Caravan is an invasion - San Diego Chief Border Patrol Agent Rodney Scott said during an interview with CNN that rock throwing migrants used women and children as human shields.


Trump Was Right, This is an Invasion! - Border Wall Showdown Ignites Outrage From Virtue Signaling Left - Border Invasion Is Officially ON! Tear Gas Deployed, Liberal Media In Shambles! (REACTION):

A comprehensive, pragmatic, and objective look at Trump's presidency should prove to even a hyper-partisan that Trump is a very decent POTUS.

Border Patrol Says the News Media is Lying! - As Predicted, Migrants are Using Women and Children as Human Shields

Border Patrol Says the News Media is Lying! - As Predicted, Migrants are Using Women and Children as Human Shields


Trump Was Right, This is an Invasion! - Border Wall Showdown Ignites Outrage From Virtue Signaling Left - Border Invasion Is Officially ON! Tear Gas Deployed, Liberal Media In Shambles! (REACTION):

Monday, November 26, 2018

Trump Was Right, This is an Invasion! - Border Wall Showdown Ignites Outrage From Virtue Signaling Left - Border Invasion Is Officially ON! Tear Gas Deployed, Liberal Media In Shambles! (REACTION)

Trump Was Right, This is an Invasion! - Border Wall Showdown Ignites Outrage From Virtue Signaling Left - Border Invasion Is Officially ON! Tear Gas Deployed, Liberal Media In Shambles! (REACTION)

Sunday, November 25, 2018

US President Donald Trump is leaking out a little bit of forbidden truth about the false flag operation of 9/11, American scholar Dr. Kevin Barrett says.

US President Donald Trump is leaking out a little bit of forbidden truth about the false flag operation of 9/11, American scholar Dr. Kevin Barrett says.

Dr. Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on a verbal between Trump and Adm. William H. McRaven, the former Navy SEAL commander who oversaw the mission to kill Osama bin Laden.


France Protests Turn Deadly Over Macron, Fuel, Living Conditions & Taxes. Wow! [Paris Protest 2018] - France Rises Up Against Macron. John Kerry Says Climate Change Fuels Migration. - Paris Burns as Protests Over Fuel Prices Rise

France Protests Turn Deadly Over Macron, Fuel, Living Conditions & Taxes. Wow! [Paris Protest 2018] - France Rises Up Against Macron. John Kerry Says Climate Change Fuels Migration. - Paris Burns as Protests Over Fuel Prices Rise

Taking a Hint from Silicon Valley, China to Judge Citizens with Social Credit Scores by 2020 - INFOWARS PREDICTED IT: CHINA SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE TO GO NATIONWIDE BY 2020


Authoritarian system being implemented globally as world breaks from ‘Mark of the Beast’ technology

As Infowars predicted, China is poised to judge all 1.3 billion of its citizens by 2021 based on their behavior with a credit program that personalizes ratings for each one, according to reports.
According to the Bejing government’s website, the capital city will be rewarding and punishing its 22 million citizens by the end of 2020, and those who score poorly will be unable to participate in everyday life.
The social credit program will use a combination of facial recognition technology, mobile phone numbers, government IDs, and immersive surveillance systems to determine which citizen is exhibiting “pro-social” behavior.
“The Beijing project will improve blacklist systems so that those deemed untrustworthy will be ‘unable to move even a single step,'” Bloomberg reported Wednesday. “Those with better so-called social credit will get ‘green channel’ benefits while those who violate laws will find life more difficult.”
Infowars has been warning of this authoritarian program for years.
In 2014, we reported that Big Tech giants like Facebook were cooperating with China’s Communist government to begin building the system.
And in 2015, we reported that the so-called “Sesame Credit” social score program is operated by Chinese companies Alibaba and Tencent, who control the country’s social media.
China’s program is a test model for the rest of the planet, and it’s already here.
This is why Big Tech wants Infowars banned: we’ve warned that this was coming years before the mainstream media started covering it.

Proud Boys Targeted By FBI | Gavin Quits - The Proud Boys Get Defamed by the FBI as a WN Group, Gavin "Quits"

Proud Boys Targeted By FBI | Gavin Quits - The Proud Boys Get Defamed by the FBI as a WN Group, Gavin "Quits"


Violence is Bad! Mmkay!:

Dear Black People, Democrats Think They Still Own You

Dear Black People, Democrats Think They Still Own You

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Activist Court Blocks Trump Again on Immigration Move - Deportations in 2018 Under Trump Hit Highest Level Since Recording

Activist Court Blocks Trump Again on Immigration Move - Deportations in 2018 Under Trump Hit Highest Level Since Recording

Trump Is Right: The U.S. Can’t Lose a Trade War

The conventional wisdom of the international expert class is that “you can't win a trade war.” What they really mean is that you can't win a trade war in a fair game . If all sides start in balance, the rules are the same for everyone, and no player has coercive power over any other, the winning strategy is for everyone to cooperate. Economics 101.
But if one country starts with a massive trade deficit, the existing rules are written to favor its opponents. And when the country with the trade deficit just happens to be the most powerful country in the world, it's safe to say that there are multiple paths to victory.
Despite being widely ridiculed in the press, the homespun wisdom encapsulated in President Donald Trump's April 4 tweet that “When you’re already $500 Billion DOWN, you can’t lose!” is essentially correct. The only thing incorrect was the figure. The deficit was $568 billion in 2017, and that figure incorporates America's trade surplus in services. America's trade deficit in goods alone was a whopping $811 billion.


Friday, November 23, 2018

The Unbelievable Fantastic and Magical California Fires As Explained By Mockingbird MSM News

Editor's Note: The word around the conspiracy campfire is that the deep state is trying to push a global warming agenda. If there is anything besides forest management at play here, nobody has any way of knowing who is doing it. It could also be China, Russia, an evil genius, aliens, or demons with a completely different agenda. Apparently these fires were predicted as part of a directed energy weapon plan nearly a year ago, but these theories have been floating around for awhile when fires happen in California. Predicting more fires in the future was a given.

The Unbelievable Fantastic and Magical California Fires As Explained By Mockingbird MSM News

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 20: JM Talboo Interviews Stan Gordon about Recent Bigfoot and UFO Sightings In Pennsylvania, Meaning of the Bigfoot UFO/Connection, and Possible Alien Nature of the Kecksberg UFO Crash

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 20: JM Talboo Interviews Stan Gordon about Recent Bigfoot and UFO Sightings In Pennsylvania,  Meaning of the Bigfoot UFO/Connection, and Possible Alien Nature of the Kecksberg UFO Crash

Show Notes/More Info:

Invasion on Chestnut Ridge


Alien Paranormal: Bigfoot, UFOs And The Men In Black

Debunking Bigfoot Debunkers:

Highly Probable, Possible, Inconclusive, and Widely Rejected Sasquatch Videos and Photos:

Best Evidence for the Existence of Sasquatch - Forensic, Audio, Video, Photo, Statistical Data:

Debunking UFO Debunkers:

Undebunking UFOs Exclusive - Amazing UFO Accounts Supported by Newspaper Clippings:

Overwhelming Evidence for a Bigfoot / UFO Connection:

Is Bigfoot Possibly an Alien Entity?:

Bigfoots From Space | Monsters and Mysteries in America:


UFO Pictures:

The Cometa Report: The French Disclosure:

Materialism/Macrorealism DEBUNKED with Science:


Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump


Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure:

UFO Investigator Frank Edwards:

A Conversation Regarding Tom DeLong, Disinformation, Grant Cameron, & UFO Disclosure Under Trump:

Grant Cameron Showcases Picture I Brought to the Limelight of UFO Investigator Frank Edwards and President Harry Truman:

UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW:

Grant Cameron on Tom Delonge & To The Stars Academy - WikiLeaks Proves DeLonge's Claims Of High level Contacts On UFO Disclosure - CBS:

Blink 182: Aliens Exist Lyrics - Tom DeLonge - Aliens & UFOs Are 100% Real! - Joe Rogan Podcast:

Debunking UFO Debunkers:


Lists: Mixed Bag, Trump is Wrong, Trump is Right:

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Doesn't Know What The Three Branches of Government Are! (REACTION) - The Genius of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 😆

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Doesn't Know What The Three Branches of Government Are! (REACTION) - The Genius of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 😆


Is Trump The Last Republican President? - American Socialism On The Rise

Is Trump The Last Republican President? - American Socialism On The Rise


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Says the Electoral College is Like Slavery and Must Be Abolished

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Says the Electoral College is Like Slavery and Must Be Abolished


Socialism VS Democratic Socialism | Why Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Just Doesn't Get It - VIDEO: DO ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ SUPPORTERS UNDERSTAND SOCIALISM?

Socialism VS Democratic Socialism | Why Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Just Doesn't Get It


“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out.”

Last month, 28 year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shocked the world by defeating incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley to earn the Democratic nomination in New York’s 14th Congressional District.
Ocasio-Cortez gained notoriety nationwide not just for her youth, but for her unabashed embrace of Democratic Socialism.
In her official platform, Ocasio-Cortez offers support for free college, “housing as a human right”,  “medicare for all,” and a mandatory minimum living wage.
Wanting to know if her supporters liked the idea of Democratic Socialism, and if they’d support the government offering these services for free, I headed to Ocasio-Cortez’s district, in Astoria, NY.
People on the street were quick to offer support for Ocasio-Cortez’s brand of socialism, and overwhelmingly supported her vision for the district.
They were more hesitant, however, to offer ideas for how to pay for all of the free things that Ocasio-Cortez is promising.
“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out,” one person stated confidently.
“Oh, God… Us, I guess,” conceded another.
One supporter seemed to think Americans would be okay with paying higher taxes, saying “with a good idea, and a good reason to spend their tax money, people wouldn’t actually mind paying more taxes.”
Another admitted that they’re not quite sure what it is that they like about Ocasio-Cortez’s economic philosophy, but insisted that “I just know that democratic socialist is better than conservative.”
What would these people think when asked how socialism is working in Venezuela? Watch the full videoto find out!
