RUSH: I have the audio sound bites here of the Campus Reform interviews of college students. One was at Columbia University. I think both of these are at Columbia. Cabot Phillips is the…
Oh, by the way. Did you see that Elizabeth Heng’s four-minute ad…? We aired it earlier this week. Facebook has lifted the ban. Pressure was applied and Facebook has lifted the ban and her ad is visible. You know, they pulled the ad saying it was too much hate because it accurately described the genocide of the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia.
Anyway, here’s Cabot Phillips. This was Monday morning on the Campus Reform website asking students at Columbia about the First Amendment…
PHILLIPS: Can you name the five freedoms protected under the First Amendment?
WOMAN: No, I definitely can’t.
MAN #1: No, I can’t.
MAN #1. You mean we can guess?
MAN #2: Uhhh, so, freedom of speech?
MAN #2: (sputtering) Um, freedom of the press?
MAN #3: You’re the constitutional lawyer here, man. You got this. Come on, man. You gotta do it!
MAN #2: Ummmm…
MAN #$3: I’m taking a class in law school right now also. So, dude, no pressure.
MAN #2: Ummmm…

MAN #1: I think the lines are strong when you get offensive trying to end people’s, like, culture.
RUSH: Wait a minute! Wait, wait, wait, wait. Gotta back to… He asked a different question on this. If I don’t tell you what the question is, you’re not gonna know what they’re answering. Question: “Where do you think the line is when something should no longer be protected by the First Amendment?
MAN #1: I think the lines are strong when you get offensive trying to end people’s, like, culture.
WOMAN #1: I don’t think it’s fair for people to use the First Amendment as kind of like, you know, an excuse to say whatever they want. … I don’t have the right to hurt people.
PHILLIPS: You do, though.
WOMAN: Yeah. I guess. This is all very tricky.
RUSH: It’s not tricky! There’s nothing… This is one of the most easy-to-understand things in all of the Constitution! But did you hear? “I don’t… I don’t think that it’s fair for people to use the First Amendment as kind of like, you know, an excuse to say whatever they want. Like, you know, I don’t have the right to hurt people.” (chuckles) But you do! You have the right to offend them. You see, the thing is, nobody has to listen to you. Do you know how many people confuse that with the First Amendment?

“Well, I think, like, the lines are strong when you get offensive, you know, trying to end like people’s, like, culture.” Who’s ending people’s culture? Except ours! Our culture is what’s under assault, and this babe’s not even in favor of free speech to defend it.