Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Insane Border Patrol car chase demonstrates how illegals put American citizens at risk on public roads

06/18/2018 / By 

Another tragedy involving illegal aliens has occurred in Texas that not only serves to highlight the inadequacies of our current level of border security but also how dangerous it can be for American citizens caught up in the political posturing over the issue.
As reported by News4 San Antonio, an SUV packed with 14 people — 12 of them in the country illegally — tried to outrun U.S. Border Patrol agents who attempted to stop the vehicle over suspicions of human smuggling.
During the ensuing chase, vehicles reached speeds of 100 miles per hour or more. At one point the driver of the SUV lost control of the vehicle and it rolled over several times, ejecting several people.
Four illegal aliens were pronounced dead at the scene; a fifth died later at a San Antonio hospital, while a sixth was said to be in critical condition.
In all, nine people were flown or transported from the scene for medical care. News4 San Antonio reported that the two smugglers, believed to be American citizens, are in custody. 
The station reported further:
A border patrol agent observed three vehicles traveling one behind the other on FM 2664 and suspected a smuggling attempt was happening, the agency said in a statement. The agent was able to stop one of the vehicle [sic] and called out a description of the other two. A second border patrol agent was able to pull over the second vehicle but the third refused to stop. The agency said multiple arrest [sic] were made in both vehicles.
Dimmit County Sheriff Marion Boyd, said, “What we could tell, the vehicle ran off the road and caught gravel.” 
Regarding the conditions surrounding the chase — illegal immigration — he said, “It’s a problem. This is, what I think, a perfect example of why our borders need to be secure.”
Boyd also noted that the accident, as bad as it was, could have been a lot worse — for the county and its residents. 
“It endangers American lives as well as those of…people from Mexico and other countries coming here to…for whatever reason, they’re coming. So it is a major problem.” 
His solution? He agrees with President Donald Trump: In places where it can be feasibly built, the U.S. needs a border wall — because it’s obvious that Mexico isn’t interested in any solution that makes it more difficult to export its poverty and criminal element to its northern neighbor.

The cost of illegal immigration is multi-faceted

But the problem of illegal immigration encompasses more than just physical endangerment of American citizens, though that’s serious in and of itself. (Related: Citing chaos in Europe, Trump VOWS America ‘won’t become a migrant camp’ on HIS watch.)
Hordes of migrants pouring into the country from impoverished third-world nations is a massive financial drain not just on the U.S. Treasury but local communities as well who are increasingly responsible for taking care of them.
Think for a moment what city, county, and state taxpayers in Texas are going to have to shell out just to care for the migrants injured in this horrific crash; their care is liable to run into the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, they are so serious. 
Communities also pay for illegal immigration in other ways. ‘Undocumented’ migrants very often work for lower wages, thereby depressing them for American citizens. 
Local schools are required by law to provide educational services to migrant children — services that not only include regular classes but also school-supplied meals, after-hours care, and other amenities.
Many counties close to the border must spend scarce resources on extra policing due to increased migrant crime.
And of course, Democrats and RINOs complaining the loudest about Trump administration immigration law enforcement policies don’t live in areas most affected by illegal immigration.
What happened in Big Wells, Texas, this week is a tragedy, for certain, but it goes far beyond just the loss of life. 
Read more about the costs of illegal immigration at InvasionUSA.news.
J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.
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