Monday, September 4, 2017

Actress Julienne Davis Threatened, Told ‘Get Back in Closet’ After Coming Out Conservative

Actress Julienne Davis, best known for her role in the movie Eyes Wide Shut, spoke recently about her decision to publicly admit she identifies as a conservative and the dramatic impact it had on her Hollywood career.
Admitting you’re a conservative, or even worse a Trump supporter, isn’t easy these days with a hostile media and roaming gangs of ANTIFA protesters targeting peaceful demonstrations.
Democrats, along with their allies in the leftist media, have worked tirelessly for the past year to brand any and all Trump supporters as “racists” in attempt to shame his voters in suppressing their own beliefs. Their attack strategy has evolved recently, however, as the press has fueled the flames of anti-Trump protesters so they now believe that any pro-conservative rally is made up exclusively of Nazis and white supremacists, naturally leading many of these planned demonstrations to be canceled due to threats of violence.
It should come as no surprise that actress Julienne Davis’s story of coming out conservative in Hollywood is fraught with many of the same attacks that any Trump supporter experiences in liberal cities.
About a year ago I made one of the more risky decisions of my life – one that I knew could hurt my career as an actress. I decided to come out of the conservative closet and admit to my peers that I was a conservative in Hollywood.
Yes, hard as it is for some to believe, not everyone in the entertainment industry on the Left Coast is a left-winger.
An acquaintance had asked me to write for a right-of-center political magazine. I realized I would be outing myself by doing it, but I ended up writing a few dozen articles with a right-leaning libertarian slant that were well received.
Sadly, the magazine closed and I was faced with two options.
Davis describes her experience trying to engage in open dialog with staunch liberals in Hollywood, which mimics with what many average Trump supporters experience when trying to discuss real issues with their liberal friends or co-workers: Liberals refuse to have a civilized dialect when presented with facts that support a conservative narrative, often resorting to name calling and branding the conservative a “racist, Nazi, white supremacist”
Members of the Hollywood left don’t want to listen, discuss, or even see a dissenting viewpoint that challenges their own comfortable echo chamber. It’s ironic that an industry that constantly talks about diversity is so judgmental, hateful and utterly rigid in its groupthink.
Julienne Davis then experienced the typical trend that thousands of Trump supporters experienced during the election when they supported him on their Facebook pages, losing friends and being ostracized for daring to challenge the liberal media’s narratives.
Since then I haven’t fared well. My ‘unfriendings’ on social media have been many – from acquaintances and close working associates to good friends – including even my best friend,” Davis wrote.
The model and singer said she was inundated with “very public insults from Hollywood peers on social media and elsewhere have been numerous,” and has “been attacked with obscenities, called a racist, and had one person tell me he hoped I would die.”
While blocking out the criticism aimed at her, Davis said she “noticed a particular upsurge in unfriendings immediately after the Charlottesville incident.”
“And of course, I know why: The media of choice for the left – including CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, the New York Times and the Washington Post – all reported the incident in such a way as if to make it appear that all Trump supporters are Nazis,” she wrote.
As for my more liberal friends who haven’t ditched me over politics, I’m truly grateful for them. It is they and maybe conservatives like me who will hopefully help to bring people together again and end this insane polarization we are all witnessing.
As for the others, I’m not going to back down and lie to get ahead. But I know that staying true to my conservative beliefs means they’ll steer clear of me so as not to be sullied with the association … much like my so-called “friends” who ditched me publicly.
Bearing this in mind, I can see that I’ll have to take my career into my own hands in trying to find producers and funding for my own screenplay to get my film cast, shot, produced and distributed.
As one very high-up industry (and closeted conservative) person said to me recently:  “Get back in that closet if you want to get that film made.”
Thanks for the tip, but there’s no going back. Wish me luck.
Essentially, Davis was forced to go through the natural stages of ridicule, attacks and isolation for simply possessing a political belief that the leftist media would have the country believe is pure evil. The actress was “unfriended” in the social media spheres and even threatened. Ironically, her liberal friends who will no longer associate with her never had an issue being her friend before she came out as a conservative. They did not believe she was a racist or Nazi while presumably enjoying her company.
However, simply admitting your political beliefs apparently changes a liberal’s perception of you as human being forever. Davis was no longer the fun-loving, caring person that her liberal friends had known for years. No, in their eyes she was now a hatful bigot bent on all manners of evil who has been secretly living a double life in their view. Perhaps if Hollywood liberals would be open to engaging in civilized discussions with the secret conservatives living right under their noses, they would find that they’re not the horrible “Nazis” the media would have them believe, but instead they’re human beings who choose to uphold their beliefs despite the threats, intimidation and hatred they’ll receive from those who brand themselves as “tolerant liberals”.