Friday, February 3, 2017

Facebook Bans Video of Navy SEAL Convoy Flying Trump Flag in Kentucky

A video has gone viral of a Navy SEAL unit driving a military vehicle flying a Trump flag in Louisville, Kentucky, last Sunday outraging many liberal outlets who would have the public believe the armed forces are largely opposed to the president’s policies.
It has been confirmed by a Navy spokesperson, who told ABC News that the vehicle did indeed belong to a Navy SEAL unit based on the East Coast.  The lead vehicle was part of a convey and was flying an iconic blue Trump flag, which included the president’s campaign slogan of “Make America Great Again”, from its rear antenna.
“The convoy were service members assigned to an East Coast-based Naval Special Warfare unit driving vehicles while transiting between two training locations,” Lieutenant Jacqui Maxwell told ABC News. He added that a command inquiry would be conducted about the flag, since “Defense Department and Navy regulations prescribe flags and pennants that may be displayed as well as the manner of display. The flag shown in the video was unauthorized.”
The Navy SEALs were reportedly attending training at nearby Fort Knox, which is a common training ground for military units.
The video was taken by a driver on the highway and you see a convoy of several military vehicles as they make their way down the road.  The driver speeds up to the lead vehicle and you clearly see the blue Trump flag flying in the wind from its rear antenna.
Originally the video circulated on Facebook, where it garnered nearly 80,000 views before they took it down and banned it.  After all, liberal social media outlets can’t let the truth come out that support for President Trump is much greater than the media portrays, and they must at all times protect their distorted narratives.
Hopefully someone has informed liberal comedian Sarah Silverman of this video, as she is under the impression that the military is on the brink of siding with the anti-Trump protesters to “join the resistance”, as Silverman tweeted yesterday after the Berkeley riots.
Sarah Silverman seems to believe that the “military will be with us” to “overthrow” President Trump, when it seems more likely they would be willing to defend the president against the left’s vicious attacks.
In reality, the military has consistently shown their support for Donald Trump even during the election, with a September poll of armed services voters showing him firmly in the lead over his challenger Hillary Clinton, who came in at a mere 16.3%.
Perhaps some members of the armed services have observed the massive liberal media blitz against President Trump’s efforts to secure America’s borders, and have decided to display their support of his administration. Interestingly enough, this event happened after Trump’s executive order putting a temporary ban on migrants from seven terrorism prone countries, in effect opposing the media’s narrative of the nation being “outraged” at the president’s decision.
In case you’d like to try and educate the liberal social media outlets of the message this video represents, here is a useful meme to share.
