Thursday, November 24, 2016


A warning to viewers, the following images are disturbing. This all began after Wikileaks founder Julian Assange released hundreds of thousands of secret documents detailing a corrupt DNC, a backstabbing Clinton foundation and the modus operandi of a clumsy criminal campaign attempting to attain the keys to the most powerful seat on Earth. But the real truth Assange was leading us to was hidden between the blurred lines of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta’s released emails.

Fast forward past John Podesta’s brother Tony’s casual email exchange with Thalemic Spirit Cooking adherent Marina Abromovic. That was simply an introduction. The Rosetta Stone was needed next. A Verification that high level Washington D.C. Predatory Pedophiles were using a code to communicate child sex trafficking as casually as ordering a pizza. All hidden in plain view.

The FBI has long known the symbols pedophiles are using to operate. An FBI Unclassified document from wikileaks reveals "Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences.... to include those who sexually abuse children as well as those who produce, distribute, and trade child pornography, are using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences. To specifically indicate the pedophile's gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as "boylove", "girllove", and "childlove." These symbols have been etched into rings and formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins. Investigators should also be attentive to pedophilia symbols advertised on Web sites. During examinations of computer files, investigators should be conscious of subjects who try to conceal child pornography by labeling them with symbols instead of the typical suggestive explicit names.

Now…clues. The menu from Comet Ping Pong. Notice the symbol of the ping pong paddles and its clever resemblance to the FBI documents symbol for Child Love. Hang on New York Times before you declare this fake news from your Ivory Tower. Now look at the symbol for Besta Pizza just two doors down from Comet Ping Pong Pizza, boldly using the symbol for boy lover as was recorded on the Unclassified FBI Document. The evidence begins to reveal that Besta Pizza and Comet Ping Pong Pizza maybe competing for the lucrative Washington D.C. Pedophile market right out in the open.


Donald Trump MUST Act: Hillary's PizzaGate Is Real