Saturday, November 26, 2016

Jill Stein Wants Money For a Recount in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Scam? (REACTION)

Jill Stein has launched a campaign (originally) asking for $2.5 million to trigger a recount of the 2016 Presidential Election results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, three states that Trump won which normally trend Democrat. In an interview, she said that there is a need to recount votes essentially because it’s a good thing to do in general. When asked if there was a smoking gun, she said without hesitation that there isn’t, but there had been other allegations surrounding the campaign in general that could potentially raise the alarm in this case. 

The issue here is that Stein now has the $2.5 million she requested … and some. To the tune of $5.1 million at the time of writing this. So why is she requesting more?

It seems as if this could be a scam on at least a couple of different fronts. First of all, language on her website was changed after the initial financial goal was raised and vastly exceeded. Originally, the language said a certain, specific amount for each state that was needed and $1 million in lawyer’s fees. Now, the language has changed to say that between $2 and $3 million is now needed for lawyer’s fees. What has changed in just a matter of days or hours? If the $2.5 million dollar goal is what was needed to trigger the recount in all three states, then the recount should have happened. So why is Jill Stein now saying that between $6 and $7 million is needed?

Also, the three states selected are a dog whistle of sorts to anti-Trumpers. People that will think those states should have gone Democrat and feel like a recount could, if nothing else, delegitimize Trump. Or, to the other extreme, it could get him totally removed. So they’ll be more than willing to donate to the cause. 

Just by looking at the case on the surface, this simply looks like a cash-grab attempt. Prey on the anger and sadness of anti-Trumpers to give you a bunch of money but do nothing but “attempt” to trigger a recount, as language on her website says there is no guarantee a recount can even happen. Maybe Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are nothing other than distractions and not serious candidates. Or maybe Jill Stein is stone cold crook?