Monday, October 31, 2016
I just proudly voted (early voting in my state!) for Donald J. Trump. Feels good man. And contrary to commonly held media spin, voting Donald Trump today didn't transform me into a racist, sexist bigot backed secretly by the Russians.
Full Show - Hillary’s Plans To Rig Election Leaked - 10/31/2016
On this special October 31st 2916 Halloween transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the Hillary camp is in a new pickle after a devastating Friday announcement from the FBI that it would continue its investigation into the Democrat presidential candidate's use of a private email server. Meanwhile, Donald Trump sees blood in the water and uses the latest October surprise to point out Hillary's corruption. On today's show, Republican operative Roger Stone breaks down the new Trump strategy to claim victory on November 8. Also, election expert Bev Harris explains the latest on voter fraud and how the public can help maintain integrity. We're also joined in the third hour by world-renowned Libertarian Lew Rockwell for his take on the election and more.
Hillary's Girlfriend Caught In Yahoo Attack
It appears that hackers may have stolen classified information from Hillary Clinton back in 2014 during the Yahoo breach.
Latest Wikileaks - October 31 Leaks - Wikileaks 24
1. Conflict of interest: Bill was personally paid and received gifts from CGI sponsors
- "Oddly, wjc does not have to sign such a document even though he is personally paid by 3 cgi sponsors, gets many expensive gifts from them, some that are at home etc"
- "I could add 500 different examples of things like this"
- CGI stands for the Clinton Global Initiative.
- This is pretty damning. Here we have Band reporting serious violations to board members of the Foundation. Those board members failed in their fiduciary duty to the foundation, they should have immediately commissioned a financial audit from an independent CPA firm to figure out how much money had been misappropriated.
- Deuce5081 from Reddit expands on this further here.
2. Man who ran 'Bill Clinton Inc.': "I'm also starting to worry that if this story gets out, we are screwed"
- “Need get this asap to them although I'm sure cvc won't believe it to be true bc she doesn't want to Even though the facts speak for themselves. John, I would appreciate your feedback and any suggestions"
- "I'm also starting to worry that if this story gets out, we are screwed."
- Bill Clinton Inc. can be found in detail in the Top 100 List, inside the top 30.
- This is more discussion on the infamous Doug Band memo about Teneo, which revealed corruption and inurement by the Clintons. They were using "charity" to personally enrich themselves to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. Doug is worried that if the "story gets out" Teneo, the company involved in the scheme will have to be shut down completely.
3. Disney, ABC head is colluding with Hillary's campaign
- "Also, I saw Bob Iger on Saturday who said he's had a couple of good talks with you."
- Bob Iger is the CEO of Disney, which also owns ABC News and ESPN. According the Conservative Review, "WikiLeaks shows that when it comes to Disney and ABC News, liberal media bias comes from the very top."
- The first email expresses Bob Iger's interest in taking an active role in the campaign, and the second email is a follow-up email from 2 months later showing that Iger met with Podesta and that discussions went well.
- Bob Iger helped host a Beverly Hills fundraiser that cost $100,000 cover charge for hosting couples.
- He has also given over $400,000 to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats since 1999.
- George Stephanopoulos who works for ABC used to work for the Clintons and has donated over $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
4. Bob Creamer from Project Veritas videos proven to be working for DNC and close to Hillary campaign
- "Hey Neera, Just wanted to pass along this note I sent to Bob Creamer, who as you may know is consulting for the DNC and is close to Robby Mook. Wanted to pass it along to you as well, hoping you won’t take offense because I feel some urgency about this."
- This email was from Michael Lux to Neera Tanden, who forwarded it to Podesta with the comment: "From your buddy." Michael Lux is a member of DemocracyPartners.
- As a reminder, Bob Creamer is the man implicated in Project Veritas undercover videos who is a the head of DemocracyPartners and admitted on tape to being directly involved with the DNC and Clinton Campaign, and working with them on a daily basis to incite violence at Trump rallies, fake every protest, talking about voter fraud, and how Hillary herself is involved and knows what is happening.
- After the videos aired, Bob Creamer was fired but democrats claimed he didn't have ties to Hillary's campaign (despite what he openly admits to in the videos).
- This is a huge confirmation of Bob Creamer's deep involvement with the Hillary Clinton campaign. This is from December 2015 only a few months before Robert Creamer's group incited great violence at the Chicago Trump rally, in which the people in the video brag about starting.
5. Team Hillary feared Clinton-Cosby comparisons
- "4. WJC Issues - a. Is his conduct relevant to your campaign? - b. You said every woman should be believed. Why not the women who accused him? - c. Will you apologize to the women who were wrongly smeared by your husband and his allies? - d. How is what Bill Clinton did different from what Bill Cosby did?"
- "We should agree on the list of questions, and agree on when/how we are prepping these."
- Ron Klain, a Democratic political advisor, strongly urges the Clinton Campaign to prepare for questions in regards to Bill Clinton's past treatment of women, alluding to the assaults of women.
- Over the past couple of years, Bill Cosby has been the subject in several rape and assault accusations of women. Bill Clinton has been for decades.
6. Media collusion: "I have been very aggressive defending her and avoiding any criticism"
- "I could write a column listing one by one the corporate clients of many of Hillary's closest advisors and many Democrats would puke. I have researched this, and it is appalling, and these are people attuned to making money from whomever writes their checks"
- There are some people now working for her who consider her a profit center for their income and not a cause or a mission that they believe in. They almost certainly carry with them an incredible jealousy that Obama has always harbored towards Bill Clinton and a condescending attitude towards Hillary Clinton.
- A long email from Brent Budowsky, who is a journalist but clearly views himself as one of the main advisers of John Podesta.
- Some of Clinton's people are "dumber than bird shit" according to this journalist. Who was Budowsky thinking about here? Neera? Huma? Philippe Reines?
- Budowsky has "researched" the Democrat corruption but he would not act like a journalist if it is detrimental to Democrat party interests.