Saturday, July 2, 2016

Who Are Donald Trump’s Supporters? Everyone.

To better understand Donald Trump’s meteoric rise to the top of the GOP polls, SocialCode used its audience profiling technology to take a look at the Facebook users who support each of the 2016 presidential candidates, comparing their demographics, interests and behaviors. The most notable finding in the data? Donald Trump’s universal appeal. 
Liberals, Moderates and Conservatives Support TrumpDonald Trump is the only candidate, Republican or Democrat, who over-indexes with people who have ‘very liberal’, ‘liberal’, ‘moderate’ and ‘conservative’ political affiliations; however, his supporters are less likely to be ‘very conservative’ than those of any other Republican candidate. Compared to people who like the top candidates, Trump’s supporters are:
  • 2.7X more likely to be ‘liberal’
  • 1.63X more likely to be ‘moderate’
  • 1.60X more likely to be ‘very liberal’
  • 1.28X more likely to be ‘conservative’
  • 3.57X less likely to be ‘very conservative’
Democrat Bernie Sanders is the only candidate whose supporters are less likely to be ‘very conservative’ than Trump’. Jeb Bush over-indexes the most with “very conservative” supporters (3.8X), followed by Ben Carson (3.68X). Perhaps owing to his celebrity, Trump supporters are 61% less likely to be politically active than supporters of other candidates. Interestingly, Chris Christie supporters are even less likely (-79%) to be politically active.
Trump backed by Hispanics and African Americans 
People who like Donald Trump are 3.06X more likely to be Hispanic and 1.93X more likely to be African American than supporters of other candidates. He’s also the only Republican who over-indexes with African Americans. Carly Fiorina has the second highest concentration of Hispanic supporters after Trump.