Saturday, July 2, 2016

After Lynch’s Mystery Meeting With Bill, Justice Dept. “Shields Clinton Foundation Emails”

Yesterday’s mystery meeting on the tarmac between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch has now been clarified.

Obviously, it wasn’t a social visit as Lynch publicly claimed, but an arrangement clarifying how the powerful Clinton dynasty would be kept above the law in the face of heated publicly scrutiny as Hillary Clinton seeks the presidency.

Instead, the Justice Department filed a motion that would keep from release thousands of emails potentially exposing conflicts of interest on the part of the Clinton Foundation and overlapping state department officials, such as Hillary’s chief of staff Huma Abedin.
But news today of the Justice Department’s filings – which would benefit the Clinton family’s foundation and candidacy by delaying the release of emails for another 27 months – make clear that Attorney General Lynch’s meeting with the former president was anything but social, and obviously all about an arrangement.
So, these two issues conveniently overlap on the same day, and we are to believe that nothing improper was going on?

At issue, of course, is the sophisticated way in which the family dynasty apparently used the foundation as a vehicle for quid pro quo exchanges, often with foreign diplomats, firms or leaders who may have contributed to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for favorable dealings in State Dept. dealings or other affairs.

It raises some keen questions about who Hillary Clinton really works for, and how her presidency might be run.

If the emails reveal what many critics think, it suggests corruption well beyond the ordinary scope of scratching the backs of campaign donors, to a back channel for private collusion and corrupt on behalf of potentially adversarial foreign governments.

Related Info:

Slush funds to pay 'personal consultant' Huma Abedin, a $34,000 a night Caribbean holiday for daughter Chelsea and payoffs to silence Bill's sex accusers - How Hillary has used donations to the Clinton Foundation as her ‘personal piggy bank’ 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, July 3rd, 2016.]