Thursday, June 2, 2016


Founder Jefferson advised "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations”

Obama’s secretary of state John Kerry criticized Donald Trump during an interview with MSNBC.
Asked about Trump’s belief shaking up world leaders is a good thing, Kerry said “we’re not doing a Trump hotel business deal, these are dealings between nations, based upon precedent, based on understanding, based on trust from one administration to another.”

In other words, according to Kerry, the disastrous foreign policy of the United States must stay its present course.
A recent understanding is that Syria must be carved up into balkanized chunks. “It may be too late to keep it as a whole Syria if we wait much longer,” Kerry told the US Senate foreign relations committee in February.
The precedent Kerry mentioned is part of a decision to destroy Syria as a sovereign state. It was envisioned by the Bush administration and its coterie of neocons who penned A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. The document created by the Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000 called for overthrowing Saddam Hussein and waging a proxy war against al-Assad in Syria.
Kerry’s “Plan B” called for a proposed “safe zone” in Syria that he said would require between 15,000 and 30,000 US troops. “Our Pentagon estimates that to have a true safe zone in the north of the country you may have upwards of fifteen to thirty thousand troops. Now are we ready to authorize that? Are we ready to put them on the ground?” Kerry saidduring a hearing before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Trump may be in favor of this as well. “What I like is build a safe zone in Syria. Build a big, beautiful safe zone, and you have whatever it is so people can live, and they’ll be happier,” Trump said during a rally held in Knoxville, Tennessee in November.
Consistency between administrations also relies on fabrications and lies. For instance, weapons of mass destruction. The Bush regime made this the centerpiece of its illegal invasion of Iraq and Kerry used the ruse in 2013 when he said, minus any evidence whatsoever, that al-Assad had launched a chemical attack against his own people in the Jobar neighborhood outside of Damascus.
Kerry went so far as to produce fake photos to demonize Syria, an effort similar to his predecessor, Colin Powell, who went before the United Nations and waved around a fake vial of anthrax as part of a series of theatrics designed to set the stage for an invasion of Iraq.
“What we saw in Syria last week should shock the conscience of the world. It defies any code of morality. Let me be clear. The indiscriminate slaughter of civilians, the killing of women and children and innocent bystanders by chemical weapons is a moral obscenity. By any standard, it is inexcusable. And despite the excuses and equivocations that some have manufactured, it is undeniable,” Kerry said.
Consistency also calls for the United States to stand with the criminal kingdom ruling Saudi Arabia. In January, Kerry declared the unwavering support of the US for the Gulf country’s year-long military assault on neighboring Yemen. “We have made it clear that we stand with our friends in Saudi Arabia,” he declared.
The Saudis have targeted civilian neighborhoods and infrastructure in Yemen, an effort aided by massive arms shipments from the United States.
Kerry also played an instrumental role in the ongoing effort to start a war with Russia and legitimize the fascist takeover of Ukraine. In 2014, for example, he claimed American eavesdroppers had overheard intelligence operatives in Luhansk, Ukraine being directed by Moscow.
Kerry’s underling, Assistant Secretary of State for European & Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, played a key role in the coup.
The cardinal rule in the transition between administrations, as pointed out by Bill Clinton’s mentor Carroll Quigley, is to foster the illusion of change (as Obama did) while sticking to the globalist script.
“The argument of two parties should represent opposed ideas and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinate and academic thinkers,” Quigley writes. “Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method.”
In fact, according to the founders, relations between the United States and other nations should resemble a business deal mutually beneficial to both parties.
In his farewell speech, George Washington advised the United States not to form permanent alliances and avoid intervention in the affairs of foreign states. This goal was realized in 1800 with the Treaty of Mortefontaine and later with the Monroe Doctrine, but was betrayed in 1949 with the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty and the formation of NATO.
Thomas Jefferson echoed Washington’s ideas about foreign policy in his March 4, 1801 inaugural address. Jefferson said that one of the “essential principles of our government” is that of “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”