Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Still Report #841 - "Well Done, Good & Faithful Servant"

America took a giant step back from the edge of the cliff yesterday as Donald Trump swept all of Indiana’s 57 delegates in his 6th straight landslide victory.
As a result, Ted Cruz has suspended his campaign –- leaving the path to the Republican nomination wide open for Trump. 
I’d just like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has helped by sending in your story ideas, and reposting these reports, but most of all, pledging your financial support.
I could not have continued with this channel without your help. 
And thanks to everyone involved in the Trump movement. We became an invisible, self-organizing army the likes of which this nation has never seen before. We confounded predictions because we asked for nothing, and expected miracles. 
This morning, freedom is a bit more secure for every person in every nation as a direct result of your efforts. 
You have served the United States of America to the best of your abilities, and that is all God, the Father, could ever ask of you. 
"Well done, good and faithful servant!" - Matthew 25:21-23
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.


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