Conservative Icon Sen. Jeff Sessions Endorses Trump

Donald Trump just picked up another high profile endorsement from conservative icon Jeff Sessions.

Conservative Icon Sen. Jeff Sessions Endorses... by debunkerbuster


Some Donald Trump Endorsements

Watch Donald Trump Dodge a Bald Eagle

The Person of the Year runner-up encounters the American symbol

Last August, as Person of the Year runner-up Donald Trump was establishing himself as a real contender, the candidate agreed to pose with a bald eagle for a TIME cover story. The idea came from Martin Schoeller, the award-winning portrait photographer and frequent TIME contributor who shot the cover.
The eagle’s name, for the record, is Uncle Sam, and he’s 27 years old.


Trump University Civil Case Plaintiffs Featured in Ads Misrepresenting the Facts

(New York, NY) February 29th, 2016 – Today, Donald J. Trump released the surveys completed by two of the three (the third survey is being obtained and is of similar nature) individuals featured in recent ads released by American Future Fund regarding Trump University. The previously unreleased documents show overwhelming support for the school from the individuals featured in the ads. 

Donald J. Trump is requesting the immediate retraction of the ads created by American Future Fund, which clearly was unlawfully coordinated with lightweight Senator Marco Rubio on these misleading commercials. The ads feature three individuals who are part of a lawsuit against Trump University, an educational program that has a 98% approval rating from all attendees. These individuals provided written praise of their experience in school surveys (View Kevin ScottBob Guillo).  

Mr. Trump stated, “Trump University has a 98% approval rating and an “A” rating from the Better Business Bureau. New York Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman continues to waste taxpayer money trying to smear me, but the fact is that the overwhelming majority of students had a great experience. It’s a minor civil case I have not settled out of principle. Lightweight Marco Rubio is grasping at straws and produced terrible ads featuring three people who all provided written statements praising the program. I demand an immediate retraction of this false and libelous ads. It just shows how low a failing campaign will go to help their failing candidate.” 

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is a typical politician and just a few weeks before going after Mr. Trump, he was seeking financial support from Mr. Trump’s daughter and others close to the GOP frontrunner. When he did not receive contributions he went after Mr. Trump with this frivolous lawsuit based on less than 2% of Trump University attendees. The law firm suing Mr. Trump made a major contribution to Eric Schneiderman before Schneiderman entered the lawsuit. Mr. Trump has won most of the case, which Schneiderman is now appealing. 

For more information regarding Trump University and the status of the politically motivated civil case, visit


Every time Fox News, Rubio attack Trump, Trump's lead grows

Donald Trump gained even more in the polls in the days leading up to Super Tuesday while Marco Rubio’s support collapsed.
Trump expanded his lead to 44% whereas Rubio dropped five points to 14% while Cruz now holds second place at 15%, according to a Morning Consult national survey of over 2,000 registered voters.
“If Rubio hoped that going negative on Trump in the most recent GOP debate and on the campaign stump would reap benefits with voters, it hasn’t resonated with our national respondents,” the poll service concluded.
In other words, every time Rubio attacks Trump, Trump’s lead grows, and similarly Fox News lost 50% of its support from Republicans by attacking Trump.
“Since the first GOP presidential debate last August, Fox News Channel seems to have lost its perception mojo with its core right-leaning audience,” a brand perception service reported. “By mid February, FNC’s perception by Republican adults 18 and over had reached its lowest point in more than three years, and has declined by approximately 50% since January of this year.”
“Coinciding with Trump’s rise to front-runner in the GOP presidential race, Fox News Channel has seen its perception by Republicans slide.”
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Stone warned Koch Bros. were courting Romney to enter race

A Koch-funded senator wants Republicans to support a “third option” against Trump, confirming GOP strategist Roger Stone’s revelation that the Koch Bros. want Mitt Romney to enter the race if Marco Rubio fails.



The Clintons' War on Women by Roger Stone & Robert Morrow

Trump Insider: Trump Will AUDIT THE FED

Donald Trump Fights Mainstream Media Mugging: 2/28/16 Full Show

On this Sunday, February 28 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, we analyze the warning given by Trump insider Roger Stone concerning the Republican establishment's plan to run Mitt Romney if Marco Rubio fails. We also continue breaking down the widening attacks on Donald Trump, and look at Hillary's big primary win in South Carolina. On today's show, we'll also air special reports illustrating how liberals fantasize about a Trump assassination, look at the ongoing EU migrant crisis and take your calls during this global broadcast.


Echo Chamber: CNN Harasses Donald Trump on Twice-Repudiated KKK ‘Endorsement’

Trump, David Duke, KKK and the ADL

The Clintons' War on Women by Roger Stone & Robert Morrow

Trump Insider: Trump Will AUDIT THE FED

Echo Chamber: CNN Harasses Donald Trump on Twice-Repudiated KKK ‘Endorsement’


Republican frontrunner Donald J. Trump declined to condemn white supremacist David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. He had done so already in August, as reported by Politico, and had even done so on Friday, as reported by The Hill.

But CNN’s Jake Tapper thought it fair game to ask him again, and Trump, apparently caught off guard, dodged the question, claiming not to know who these people and groups are.
Opponents and critics immediately seized on Trump’s response as evidence that he actually supports the KKK and other white supremacists, or at least does not wish to risk losing their support.
This is exactly the same game the media play against Republicans every single election, regardless of the candidate. It’s called “Pin the racists on the Republicans,” and it will be used against Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as readily as Trump.
The media showed no interest in Barack Obama’s active participation in Jeremiah Wright’s racist church, until it was too late–and then it praised his speech embracing Wright as some kind of Lincoln-esque oration that should be studied by schoolchildren. The media do not ask Hillary Clinton about whether she is prepared to denounce Al Sharpton, or to dissociate herself from crony Sidney Blumenthal over the antisemitic fulminations of his son, Max.
Arguably, Trump could have answered better: “I’ve already answered that, Jake, and of course I condemn those groups. I don’t want their support.” But he clearly knew he was being set up — with a quote from the liberal Anti-Defamation League — and therefore he was cagey.
Inevitably, as is the pattern with Trump, he will issue some clarification. His support will not fade, nor will his rivals relent.
But if they win — watch! — their turn is coming.

Donald Trump a Racist?

Full Show - Minorities Support Trump - 02/29/2016

Liberal Media Tries To Smear Trump With David Duke Endorsement

Donald Trump Fights Mainstream Media Mugging: 2/28/16 Full Show

Trump, David Duke, KKK and the ADL

Benghazi Heroes Endorse Donald Trump


Mark “Oz” Geist and John “TIG” Tiegen, two members of the security team that helped rescue dozens of Americans during the Benghazi terror attacks, have endorsed Donald Trump for president.

According to a statement released Sunday:
Mr. Trump stated, “I am truly honored to have the support of these American heroes, the best of their generation. The American people can know with certainty, I will always place their interest above all else. I am the most militaristic person and it is so important to me to strengthen our military and protect American families and freedoms.”
Mark “Oz” Geist said, “We, perhaps more than any Americans, know the absolute and imperative reason that we elect Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. First and foremost, under a Trump administration, the request for additional security by an ambassador would have been heeded, and second, there is no question, when the attack came,he would have moved heaven and earth to provide the necessary forces to protect and reinforce our warriors. Mr. Trump is the bold, decisive leader America needs at this time.” Oz added, “Under President Trump, many conflicts will be avoided because our enemies will fear the United States and our military.”
John Tiegen added, “It is very clear to see the groundswell of support, never seen before in recent politics. Americans want a strong leader, one who cares more about the safety and freedom of the American people than he does winning elections, or what the press might think. In honor of those we have fought with, I am proud to endorse the next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.”

Some Donald Trump Endorsements

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Trump WAS Wrong about Torture

Donald Trump is right about a lot, but he is WAS IS wrong about torture.


Rand Paul responds to Trump saying torture works Jan 26, 2017I'm not for torture. I don't think the evidence supports it working. But don't lose your minds here people. He wants to stop terrorism, which is a noble goal. Just logically state your case as others have done to him. He obviously is getting mixed information and the pro-torture individuals are winning the argument at the moment in his opinion. Write the White House, make comments, blog, whatever, but use facts not emotions. Trump Will Defer to Mattis on Torture Ban January 31st, 2017 - This makes the entire discussion over the week about torture, with Trump insisting top intelligence chiefs had assured him torture was a great way to extract information, pretty pointless, as both Mattis and CIA Director Mike Pompeo had made clear their opposition to the practice, and Trump apparently did not intend to overrule them.

Marine General 'Mad Dog' Mattis got Trump to rethink his position on torture in under an hour

Donald Trump reverses position on torture, killing terrorists’ families

“I would bring back waterboarding and I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding,” Trump said at a GOP debate.


Trump Disavows Torture, Media Criticizes

The very people who presided over waterboarding and other torture, then covered it up are now attacking Trump for saying he would do what they did. Does torture work? Does it make us safer or less safe? Is it legal? Moral? 

Don't Like Trump? How about a 3rd Term for Obama?

Remember, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.


Since 2013 Hillary's grand total is slightly less: $21.7 million for 92 private appearances

Edward Snowden ‏@Snowden 2016: a choice between Donald Trump and Goldman Sachs.

Full Report:


The Hillary Clinton Goldman Sachs/Wall Street connection she's trying to cover up (Limbaugh)

The Clintons' War on Women by Roger Stone & Robert Morrow




 “[T]he politicians in Washington D.C. have continually failed to secure our border"

Former Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer announced Saturday she’s supporting Donald Trump for president.
In a press release from the Trump campaign, Brewer said she was endorsing The Donald due to his strong stance on illegal immigration.
“[T]he politicians in Washington D.C. have continually failed to secure our border. As I’ve always said: A nation without borders is like a house without walls – it collapses,” the former governor stated.
Brewer said her time as the governor of Arizona — which she served as from 2009 to 2015 — educated her about the dangers of illegal immigration and how the federal government, in her opinion, does little to stop it. She argues Trump will take the opposite approach.

Gov. Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump for Presidency

Some Donald Trump Endorsements

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Still Report #654 - 10th Republican Debate

So, the 10th of 13 Republican Debates has come and gone. This one was – by far – the most out-of-control shouting match as two junior senators desperately fought with the new giant of American politics for their political lives. Political lives? Yes! Neither one will win. Both have reached the zenith of their political careers. Both probably could not be reelected to the U.S. Senate in their home states.

More Still Reports:

Still Report #656 - Christie Endorses Trump

SR 658 Maine Governor Endorses Trump

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, February 28th, 2016.]


Gov. Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump for Presidency

Some Donald Trump Endorsements


Trump has won the Drudge Report’s post debate poll numerous times since the first GOP primary debate last August

HOUSTON, Texas — GOP frontrunner Donald Trump won the Drudge Report’s post GOP debate poll by 46 percentage points.
As the six Republican candidates were making their closing statements during CNN’s GOP primary debate in Houston on Thursday night, Trump topped the Drudge poll, which asked, “Who won the 10th Republican debate?”
Drudge poll results:
Donald Trump – 64 percent
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) – 18 percent
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) – 13 percent
John Kasich – 3 percent
Ben Carson – 2 percent
Trump has won the Drudge Report’s post debate poll numerous times since the first GOP primary debate last August.

Donald Trump Wins 10th GOP Debate in Poll