Friday, March 22, 2024



3 Healthy Footballers Collapse Suddenly on Live TV

Three professional footballers with no prior health conditions suddenly collapsed within just days of each other, adding to an extensive list of athletes mysteriously falling ill since the rollout of the “safe and effective” vaccine.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Biden Crime Family Exposed

Impeachment Inquiry Exposes Joe Biden’s Involvement in Family Business

Two former business partners of Hunter Biden testified extensively about their experiences, primarily reiterating claims made in their closed door interviews that the Biden family patriarch was involved in various ways in his son’s dealings with foreign clients.
Just The News

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Scary Stuff

Scary Stuff

New York AG Letitia James Could Start Seizing Trump’s Property on Monday Over a Non-Crime with No Victims

As President Trump continues the impossible process to obtain a bond large enough to cover the entire amount of the judgment against him in New York state, AG Letitia James has warned she will start confiscating his wealth and property and selling it off.
.Gateway Pundit

Monday, March 11, 2024

These two scientists say the shot has killed 13 to 17 million people. If you want to eye roll, hand wave, or ATTEMPT a good debunk have at it. I'm not going to hear such things and not tell you...

These two scientists say the shot has killed 13 to 17 million people. If you want to eye roll, hand wave, or ATTEMPT a good debunk have at it. I'm not going to hear such things and not tell you...

Thursday, March 7, 2024



People Who Received Ivermectin Were Better Off

GMO People who tested positive for COVID-19 and took ivermectin as a treatment recovered faster than a comparison group, a new study found. People who received ivermectin were also less likely to be hospitalized or die
The Epoch Times

Actively Importing Illegals!

Actively Importing Illegals!

POTUS Uses ‘Secretive Flights’ to Import 320,000 Illegal Aliens to U.S.

The Biden regime has been operating secret charter flights to transport illegal immigrants from foreign airports to various U.S. cities. This covert operation has been ongoing amidst an unprecedented influx of illegal aliens across the southern border
Gateway Pundit