Thursday, January 30, 2020

Fake News Invasion: Tennessee State Rep. Files Bill To Officially Designate CNN As FAKE NEWS

Fake News Invasion: Tennessee State Rep. Files Bill To Officially Designate CNN As FAKE NEWS: 

Justice Roberts Blocks Rand Paul Senate Trial Question on 'Origins of the House Impeachment' via @gatewaypundit

Justice Roberts Blocks Rand Paul Senate Trial Question on 'Origins of the House Impeachment' via @gatewaypundit 

Reporters Claim To Have Proof China Lying About Virus Death Toll As Total Cases Near 8,000; Another 12,000 Suspected | Zero Hedge

Reporters Claim To Have Proof China Lying About Virus Death Toll As Total Cases Near 8,000; Another 12,000 Suspected | Zero Hedge 

Evening news spins impeachment: 100% negative on Trump's defense, 95% positive for Dems and over double the airtime

Evening news spins impeachment: 100% negative on Trump's defense, 95% positive for Dems and over double the airtime 

Joe Biden Is a Terrible Politician

Joe Biden Is a Terrible Politician 

‘I’m Cutting You Off’: Whoopi Goldberg Mocks And Interrupts Alan Dershowitz, Then Accuses Him Of Disrespect via @dailycaller

‘I’m Cutting You Off’: Whoopi Goldberg Mocks And Interrupts Alan Dershowitz, Then Accuses Him Of Disrespect via @dailycaller 

Senator Hawley: The House Managers "Just Don't Have a Case"... via @thelastrefuge2

Senator Hawley: The House Managers "Just Don't Have a Case"... via @thelastrefuge2 

Alan Dershowitz: Quid pro quos to help Trump get elected aren't impeachable via @nypost

Alan Dershowitz: Quid pro quos to help Trump get elected aren't impeachable via @nypost 

Da Nang Dick admits impeachment indictment is a bogus case with no evidence


Da Nang Dick Admits It’s a Bogus Case with No Evidence
Jan 29, 2020

RUSH: So, McConnell “doesn’t have the votes,” eh? He “doesn’t have the votes” to stop any witnesses, “doesn’t have the votes.” That was the big news that broke late yesterday afternoon; everybody ran with it. When what McConnell said was he didn’t have the votes…yet. Of course, Senator McConnell is very sly, very crafty, and I think it’s maybe a bit of misdirection. Time will tell. Of course, there continues to be this mad dash, quasi-panic about whether or not John Bolton should be called to testify.

You know, one of the ways of looking at this — and there are many — is, that no matter what happens here, at some point the president is going to be acquitted. There just aren’t going to be the votes to convict the president. That is not gonna happen. So anything that happens between now and then, you have to ask, “What’s the purpose?” I mean, does everybody…? Do all these senators want to prolong this for what could be months, when they have a full awareness of what the outcome is going to be?

Of course, the answer for the Democrats is dirty up the acquittal. That’s what I said yesterday. Make it seem uber-partisan. Make it seem unfair. Make it seem purely political and not based on the evidence. That’s what they are attempting to do — and, of course, this ought to be perceived by the president’s team. They ought to understand what’s going on here. But there is this… You know, even on our side, there are all these different competing theories and explanations and philosophies being explained as to why it’d be okay to let Bolton come in here.

“Go ahead, let Bolton come in and testify! You can limit the scope of his testimony. You depose him first.” One theory is you depose him. You let the Senate Judiciary Committee… Now, wait. The Senate… Hell, whichever Senate committee is involved in this. Let them depose him for four hours, and then the theory is stipulate. The president’s team stipulates as to what he’s gonna say. In other words, stipulate that what Bolton said to the president’s true, and by stipulating it, you eliminate the need for Bolton to testify.

You limit the scope of Bolton’s testimony to stipulating the point. This happens in court constantly. So you let Bolton’s deposition to take place, allow four hours for it, then you stipulate to it and then there’s no need to call him because you’ve agreed. The Democrats will raise holy hell because that’s not what they want Bolton in there for. They want they want Bolton to start asking… They want to be able to ask him all kinds of open-ended questions about Trump’s personality and Trump’s habits and things that he saw.

This, of course, is one of the primary reasons to keep him out of there, as far as I’m concerned. As I said yesterday toward the end of the program, it’s frustrating because you’ve got so many people here caught up in the process of this and wanting to be involved in it — in either direct or ancillary ways — because it’s historic. It’s gonna be in all the history books for the rest of time, and a lot of people want to have their names attached to it, either agreeing or disagreeing with the procedures that were taken with the legal teams and how they did it.

So it provides an opportunity for fame. It provides an opportunity for being noticed. It provides an opportunity for job offers down the road from other, like, law firms or legal concerns and so forth. There’s a lot of people with a lot of interest in this that couldn’t care less what the outcome is. Now, as for me, this is no more complicated today than it was when it began. It’s bogus. It needs to be shut down and ended as quickly as possible.

In fact, we’ve got the most incredible sound bite here. I gotta find it (it was earlier) from Da Nang Dick. Yeah, Da Nang Dick. Grab audio sound bite number 5. This is Richard Blumenthal. He is that senator from Connecticut who lied about the fact that he served with honor and valor in Vietnam when he was never there. Of course, the guy gets elected to the Senate from Connecticut.

And that never does fall back on him. But the guy lied through his teeth about something as crucial as military service — heroic, valorous military service. It was all made up, and yet there he is as a credible Democrat in the U.S. Senate because people in Connecticut elected him. So yesterday on Capitol Hill, he was speaking to reporters about the impeachment trial and said this…

BLUMENTHAL: What you just saw was a fact-free summation of a case bereft of evidence. We need the evidence. We need the witnesses and documents.

RUSH: The guy just admitted that everything they’ve seen heretofore presented by the House managers had no evidence in it. He just admitted it! “What you just saw was a fact-free summation of a case bereft of evidence.” So what the hell is it doing there, then? (summarized) It’s “a fact-free summation of a case bereft of evidence. We need the evidence. We need the witnesses; we need the documents.” Maybe there aren’t any. Maybe there aren’t any witnesses. Maybe that aren’t any documents.

If the House of Representatives and their managers didn’t find any, if they just presented “a case bereft of evidence,” why go on? See, this is what frustrates people like you and me about Washington. This is a slam dunk. The guy’s admitted there’s no evidence yet that’s been presented in however long this thing has gone on. So you and I, filled with common sense, ask, “Why is it happening? Why doesn’t some adult stand up and shut it down? What possible…?”

Can you imagine any trial where the prosecution finishes and one of the prosecution lawyers stands up — well, a supportive member of the jury stands up — and says, “You know? So far, we haven’t heard any evidence. The defense needs to put on some evidence here. The defense needs to go out and find some evidence for us.” This is absolutely insane, and then I balance that. That’s exactly as I think it’s happened. They don’t have any evidence, the House managers. Zilch, zero, nada.

There hasn’t been an impeachment offense Trump committed that anybody can identify. There wasn’t any collusion between Trump and Russia. The Kavanaugh stuff was a bunch of lies and made up. There isn’t anything in the past three years in terms of any allegation or charge that Democrats in the media have made that have any facts. There’s nothing to them. There is not a shred, and so that’s why we need to continue? This is as bogus as a… You remember this? There was something that was given birth during the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill fiasco.

Anita Hill comes forward and makes her charge that Clarence Thomas abused her, put a pubic hair on a Coke can or some such thing. There was no evidence. He said/she said. There was never any evidence, and what was the Democrat response? The Democrat response was, “Well, the nature of the evidence is not what’s important here. It’s the seriousness of the charge.” Well, what does the charge matter if there isn’t any evidence?

Tom Foley was speaker of the House for the Democrats back in 1990 when some idiot professor at Columbia published a book claiming that George H. W. Bush flew to Paris in an SR-71 (the Blackbird spy plane) to meet with the Iranians to arrange the deal that they would keep the hostages until Reagan was elected and then let ’em go. There was no evidence. Never any evidence. Bush wasn’t there! Foley said, “The seriousness of the charge mandates that we conduct an investigation.”

So here’s Da Nang Dick admitting that he’s just watched a summation that is fact free. He has watched the House managers essentially do “a fact-free summation of a case bereft of evidence. We need the evidence.” (paraphrased) “Therefore, we need the defense to stipulate to calling more witnesses, because we on the prosecution side haven’t found anything.” I wonder why more people on our side are not reacting as I am or as you probably are to this revelation. But we all know why.

“It’s a historical process taking place, Mr. Limbaugh, and it’s very, very important that we batten down all the hatches and cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s and make sure that at the end of this, there’s no doubt the president is innocent and there’s no doubt this was bogus. Call as many witnesses as they want.” Democrats don’t run the Senate, and why they think… They don’t have the majority. Why they get to run this place is another gigantic, frustrating thing. Somebody tell me where I’m wrong. Maybe I’m not seeing this. Maybe I’m not understanding what Da Nang Dick is saying.

Play Da Nang Dick again. Audio sound bite number 5. Three, two… Maybe I’m misunderstanding this.

BLUMENTHAL: What you just saw was a fact-free summation of a case bereft of evidence. We need the evidence. We need the witnesses and documents.

RUSH: Yeah, I heard it right. The prosecution has not come up with the evidence ’cause there isn’t any. The prosecution hasn’t come up with any documents because there aren’t any. And precisely because Schiff and his shiftless crew have failed, somehow it’s up to the president’s lawyers to say, “Okay. You want more witnesses? Call witness! You want more documents? Here’s some more documents!” Let’s go back one sound bite previous. Chuck You Schumer this morning on Capitol Hill still begging for four turncoat Republicans.

SCHUMER: I remain hopeful that four Republican senators will join us in supporting witnesses and documents in this trial. It’s an uphill fight, as I’ve always said. But the public is on our side, and truth, above all, is on our side.

RUSH: The public is not on your side! You know, I saw there’s a poll: 75% of the American people want witnesses. You know how bogus that is? There is not an American citizen who thinks a trial doesn’t need witnesses. This is such… It’s a setup question. You go out to John Q. Public. “There’s a trial going on in the United States Senate. Do you think there should be witnesses in the trial?” “Hell, yes, there ought to be witnesses in every trial.” So “75% say witnesses against Trump is what this poll result means!”

It’s not what it means at all. The American public’s not in favor of this. Have you seen the Trump rally last? Did you see any part of the Trump rally? Did you see 100,000 people outside the event last night in 30-degree weather in New Jersey? Joe Biden cannot fill a Starbucks. Joe Biden can’t fill a coffee shop. It is astounding. Even though they knew they could not get in, they waited outside. They wanted to be seen.

They wanted the cameras to catch ’em so that their show of support could be documented. Meanwhile, in the Senate trial of Donald Trump, half of the spectator seats were empty. During this massively, so historically important event, half the seats were empty when the House managers — the Democrats — presented their case. I’ll tell you, folks, the contrast here of swamp Washington, and the rest of the world — even New Jersey — is jarring.


RUSH: So you know what the impeachment fight’s really all about? The Democrats do not want voters meddling in the 2020 election. They don’t. They do not want you having anything to say about the election. They think the election will be rigged if you vote. Only if they prevent voting — well, if they take Trump off the ballot. That’s the only way the election can be fair, ’cause otherwise you will meddle. You will meddle in the election. You’ll reelect Trump, and that cannot be permitted.

Related Links We’re Living in a Democrat, Media-Generated Fantasyland - 01.28.20
PJ Media: LOL: Democrat Just Accidentally Admitted House Impeachment Case Is Evidence-Free
FOXNews: Trump, at Packed New Jersey Rally, Hits Congressional Dems Amid Impeachment Fight
Daily Wire: Report: McConnell ‘Increasingly Confident’ That He Will Have Votes To Block Witnesses In Senate Trial ‘By Friday’
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SPOOKYWEATHER: Trump Approval Hits ALL TIME HIGH, Impeachment Proving To Only HELP Trump (Tim Pool):

SPOOKYWEATHER: Trump Approval Hits ALL TIME HIGH, Impeachment Proving To Only HELP Trump (Tim Pool): 

Busted: John Bolton Took Six Figures From Clinton Foundation Donor & Ukrainian Oligarch Victor Pinchuk | David Harris Jr

Busted: John Bolton Took Six Figures From Clinton Foundation Donor & Ukrainian Oligarch Victor Pinchuk | David Harris Jr

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Video: Ilhan Omar Investigated for Allegedly Marrying Brother

Video: Ilhan Omar Investigated for Allegedly Marrying Brother

Coronavirus: Chinese Espionage Behind Wuhan Bioweapon

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WATCH: Top Bolton staffer sides with TRUMP (VIDEO) via @realmattcouch

WATCH: Top Bolton staffer sides with TRUMP (VIDEO) via @realmattcouch 

Steve Bannon accuses Pelosi, Schiff and mainstream media of colluding on 11th-hour impeachment revelations: ‘We need a full investigation’

Steve Bannon accuses Pelosi, Schiff and mainstream media of colluding on 11th-hour impeachment revelations: ‘We need a full investigation’ 

Another Trump promise kept. NAFTA is gone!

1600 Daily
The White House • January 29, 2020
PROMISE KEPT: President Trump signs USMCA—NAFTA is gone!

President Trump made history today, signing the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) and keeping his signature promise to end the NAFTA era.
 President Trump: For decades, Washington kept letting you down
Repairing broken trade deals was a key agenda item that separated then-candidate Donald J. Trump from his political opponents. Washington pundits and “experts” were skeptical, as always: Both Republican and Democrat politicians for years had been promising voters that they’d scrap NAFTA for a stronger deal.
But President Trump is anything but a conventional, career politician.
“Everybody said that this was a deal that could not be done. Too complicated, too big—couldn’t be done,” the President said today from the South Lawn of the White House. “We got it done.”
USMCA’s improvements over NAFTA are significant. The new agreement “is the largest, fairest, most balanced, and modern trade agreement ever achieved,” President Trump says. Here is just a sampling of the biggest changes:
Broad economic benefits. USMCA is estimated to create nearly 600,000 American jobs—and generate up to $235 billion in economic activity.

Better protection for workers. It has the strongest, most advanced, and most comprehensive labor protections of any American trade agreement in history.

Support for our farmers. The agreement is a massive win for American farmers and ranchers, vastly improving access to Canadian and Mexican markets. U.S. agricultural exports are expected to increase by $2.2 billion under the deal.

A boost for American manufacturers. The U.S. auto industry alone expects to create up to 76,000 new jobs and spur $34 billion in new investments.

Modernized terms. Unlike NAFTA, USMCA has protections for American intellectual property, a first-of-its-kind chapter on digital trade, and provisions to crack down on unfair currency practices.
“Two decades of politicians ran for office vowing to replace the NAFTA,” the President added. “Yet once elected, they never even tried. They never even gave it a shot. They sold out. But I’m not like those other politicians . . . I keep my promises and I’m fighting for the American worker.”
“Trump heading back to Michigan to celebrate trade deal with Mexico, Canada”
 President Trump: USMCA adds to America’s blue-collar BOOM!

The witch hunt never ends

They say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. If that’s true, then give credit where it’s due: House Democrats and their media allies have put in the hours—and then some.
Sadly, it’s not time spent on any useful skill or on a policy agenda for working Americans. Instead, it’s a 3-year obsession with doing anything possible to get rid of President Trump.
 OOPS: Schiff hypothetical exposes Dem hypocrisy on investigations
The split screen in Washington today put a spotlight on the problem. On one side, President Trump stood next to a crowd of blue-collar workers as he signed a trade deal to replace the job-killing NAFTA. On the other, Democrats in Congress continued to waste the American people’s time and money with a never-ending partisan impeachment.
Each time a hoax looks to finally be dead—whether it be the Russia collusion myth or the Ukraine sham investigation—Democrats conjure up some new allegation or distraction. When Speaker Nancy Pelosi first announced a Ukraine impeachment probe before any actual investigation, the focus was on President Trump’s July 25 phone call. Then President Trump released the transcript and told Americans to read it for themselves. Democrats weren’t prepared for that level of transparency.
Democrats probably didn’t count on Ukrainian President Zelenskyy refuting their claims, either. So Pelosi, Rep. Adam Schiff, and other top Democrats tried out a variety of new narratives, ranging from the “whistleblower” that Schiff lied about coordinating with to various made-up claims of extortion and bribery.
Imagine if Democrats had put politics second and the American people first. There’s no limit to what our country could achieve—more middle-class tax cuts, much-needed reforms to immigration, further reductions in prescription drug prices, infrastructure upgrades, and more. America today is thriving. Democrats should join us and keep it going.
🎬 Watch: The most revealing Adam Schiff moment

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen
President Trump signs the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement | January 29, 2020

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Adam Schiff Lies To Senate About ‘Whistleblower’ During Impeachment Trial

Adam Schiff Lies To Senate About ‘Whistleblower’ During Impeachment Trial 

Raw thoughts on the new possible worldwide pandemic

This new virus is scary. That city in China looks like a set in a zombie movie. I think that bio lab 10 miles away fucked up. Either that or it was intential, it's possible with some of these depopulation freaks. But labs fuck up all the time. Bio weapons should be banned. Mutual assured destruction worked with nukes so why not bio weapons? stickers available for sale! Get involved and sticker the walls to help educate 2020 voters and Keep America Great! #KAG #Trump2020

President Trump blasts CNN’s Don Lemon over on-air mocking of Trump supporters -

President Trump blasts CNN’s Don Lemon over on-air mocking of Trump supporters - 

Skeptics eating crow on Trump trade deals

West Wing Reads
Sen. Chuck Grassley: Skeptics Are Eating Crow on Trump Trade Deals

“Skeptics of President Donald Trump’s bold way of negotiating trade ate a bit of crow this month. That includes this Iowa senator,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) writes in the Des Moines Register.
“I’m not a big fan of tariffs. So, when the president imposed tariffs as leverage in world trade talks, I was skeptical. And yet, here we are starting the fourth year of his presidency and President Trump has succeeded in securing two major trade agreements that are good for America and good for Iowa.”
President Trump is signing the new U.S.–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA), which replaces the outdated NAFTA, at the White House today.
Click here to read more.

“White House lawyers gave their Democratic foes a dose of their own medicine at President Trump’s impeachment trial Tuesday — by playing old video clips in which New York pols such as Rep. Jerry Nadler and Sen. Chuck Schumer railed against embarking on the extraordinary measure when it’s politically polarizing.” White House Counsel Pat Cipollone told them, “You were right,” Kate Sheehy reports for the New York Post.

“President Trump just offered the most realistic plan in decades for an Israeli-Palestinian settlement. It won’t work magic overnight, but it shifts the conversation in the right direction. A long string of US presidents tried to solve all the problems of the Middle East by pushing Israel to sacrifice its security and even its identity as a Jewish state,” the New York Post editorial board writes.

“In their latest impeachment effort, Democrats argue that their case is ‘overwhelming’ and that their facts are ‘uncontested.’ Yet, Democrats are demanding additional witnesses.” They can’t have it both ways, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) writes in USA Today.

“CNN is arousing the ire of conservatives for a segment in which a network host and two political pundits giggle as they make fun of the alleged ignorance of Donald Trump and his voters. The odd exchange obscures how little the CNN guys know about the story they’re supposed to be covering,” James Freeman writes in The Wall Street Journal.

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

President Trump's bold vision for Middle East peace

1600 Daily
The White House • January 28, 2020
JUST OUT: President Trump’s bold vision for Middle East peace

Today, President Trump introduced the most realistic and detailed plan ever presented for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
 WATCH: “We must break free of yesterday's failed approaches.”
“Peace to Prosperity” is a fundamentally different vision for one of the world’s most complex problems. “My vision presents a win-win opportunity for both sides,” President Trump said today, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu standing alongside him.
President Trump also took the step of meeting yesterday with Israel’s opposition leader, Lt. General Benny Gantz. In doing so, the President secured agreement from both major Israeli figures on the Peace to Prosperity Vision. “Peace transcends politics by any measure,” President Trump said today.
Now, for the first time in this conflict, President Trump has reached an understanding with Israel’s leadership on a map with real borders for a proposed two-state solution.
Palestinians and Israelis both deserve a future of peace and prosperity. A realistic compromise will protect Israel’s security, fulfill the aspirations of self-determination for the Palestinians, and ensure universal and respectful access to the holy sites of Jerusalem.
President Trump’s Vision designates defensible borders for Israel and does not ask it to compromise on the safety of its people. For Palestinians, the Vision delivers significant territorial expansion, allocating land roughly comparable in size to the West Bank and Gaza for establishing a Palestinian State. Transportation links would allow for efficient movement between Gaza and the West Bank, as well as throughout Palestine.
“All humanity should be able to enjoy the glories of the Holy Land. This part of the world is forever connected to the human soul and the human spirit,” President Trump said. “These ancient lands should not be symbols of conflict, but eternal symbols of peace.”
Click here to see President’s Trump’s full plan!
🎬 More: A two-state solution that keeps Israel secure

WATCH: Dems and impeachment, 1998 vs. now

President Trump’s legal team wrapped up its case against House Democrats’ dangerous and weak Articles of Impeachment today, telling senators they should leave the right of choosing a President to the American people.  
“What they are asking you to do is to throw out a successful president on the eve of an election with no basis and in violation of the Constitution,” White House Counsel Pat Cipollone said. “It would . . . weaken, weaken forever all of our democratic institutions.”
 WATCH: Democrats in their own words, circa 1998
The first partisan impeachment in U.S. history came with a lot of bluster and distractions from Democrats and the media. Here are the 10 things that really matter:
Democrats aren’t just trying to remove President Trump from office—they want to remove him from the ballot. Their Articles of Impeachment would bar him from holding “any Office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.”
Investigating corruption in Ukraine, including potential conflicts of interest involving Hunter Biden and Burisma, is not “baseless,” as Democrats claim. Even the Obama State Department had concerns. So did ABC News and others.
House Democrats’ sham investigation was unauthorized and unconstitutional. A President defending his due-process rights is called separation of powers, not “Obstruction of Congress.”  

For Democrats, impeachment was always a goal in search of an excuse. Once the Russia collusion hoax failed, they found another excuse within months.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi called impeachment a matter of “urgent” national security. Then she followed the fastest impeachment in history with the longest delay.

Under House Democrats’ new bar for impeachment, at least 20 former Presidents would’ve been removed from office, including George Washington.

Rep. Adam Schiff wants the Senate to do the House’s job for it and investigate. The House didn’t even bother to subpoena witnesses such as former National Security Adviser John Bolton that they now claim are crucial to hear.

Even Democrats’ own called witnesses testified that President Trump’s policy of lethal defense aid toward Ukraine is stronger than under President Obama.  

The do-nothing Democrats keep putting politics first and the American people second. But President Trump is working hard and keeping his promises.

You don’t need to listen to secondhand sources: You can read the transcript!
“All you need in this case is the Constitution and your common sense,” Cipollone says.

Photo of the Day 

Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead

President Trump joins Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to unveil the Trump Administration's Middle East peace plan | January 28, 2020

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111 stickers available for sale! Get involved and sticker the walls to help educate 2020 voters and Keep America Great! #KAG #Trump2020 stickers available for sale! Get involved and sticker the walls to help educate 2020 voters and Keep America Great! #KAG #Trump2020

Petition to CNN to let Tulsi speak!

Petition to CNN to let Tulsi speak!

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Biden Crime Family: New book exposes VP’s family as corrupt, including brother who bagged tens of millions in taxpayer loans during Obama regime 

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Trumpisright blog stickers on eBay!

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SPOOKYWEATHER: Dennis Kucinich Endorses Tulsi Gabbard & Anti-War Fight (Jimmy Dore): 

SPOOKYWEATHER: Race Relations Are BETTER Under Trump Than They Were Under Obama (Tim Pool):

SPOOKYWEATHER: Race Relations Are BETTER Under Trump Than They Were Under Obama (Tim Pool): 

SPOOKYWEATHER: John Bolton Claims Without Evidence Trump Kept Assistance from Ukraine to Investigate Biden (HA Goodman):

SPOOKYWEATHER: John Bolton Claims Without Evidence Trump Kept Assistance from Ukraine to Investigate Biden (HA Goodman): 

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SPOOKYWEATHER: Coronavirus Update: Cambodia, Germany, Sri Lanka Have Cases: 4,500+ Cases Total (Styx): 

President Trump! Please take action on coronavirus! YOU reading this contact the WH

JM Talboo
 Please shut down all travel to and from China. Watch 
 for informed commentary on the severity of the situation.

RT if you agree!
Will Trump consider suspending travel to China amid the coronavirus outbreak?
3:13 PM · Jan 28, 2020·Twitter Web App
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Sad Watching the Left Idolize (and Believe!) Neocon Bolton Re: Impeachment Nonsense #BitChute

Sad Watching the Left Idolize (and Believe!) Neocon Bolton Re: Impeachment Nonsense #BitChute 

Breaking: FEDS ran the so-called “white supremacist” group tied to VA Governor’s false claim that gun owners would stage armed assault on capitol in Richmond

Breaking: FEDS ran the so-called “white supremacist” group tied to VA Governor’s false claim that gun owners would stage armed assault on capitol in Richmond 

Media Terrified Of Endgame Documentary

Media Terrified Of Endgame Documentary 

3 things Democrats can't change

1600 Daily
The White House • January 27, 2020
The 3 things Democrats can’t change

House Democrats have tried almost everything by this point. They’ve left no stone unturned in their effort to, as Impeachment Manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) put it, “send that charlatan in the White House back to the golden throne he came from." 

That promise came during his supposedly impartial impeachment probe, by the way.

 Watch: House Democrats tell one story. Their evidence tells another.  
Each day comes with a new diversion, as Democrat leaders and their media surrogates try to distract you from the case at hand. They have no choice: The House’s Articles of Impeachment are historically weak, undermined from the start by a sham investigation more focused on politics than justice. Their only hope is to change the story.
It won’t work, because 3 facts are staying the same no matter what stunts they pull.
First, the impeachment inquiry itself was unauthorized and unconstitutional. Breaking with historical precedent, the probe began long before the House was even permitted to vote on it. Instead, Speaker Nancy Pelosi simply announced the inquiry with a press conference. It’s the only impeachment in American history to begin that way.
From there, Democrat-led House committees began issuing subpoenas with the unconstitutional demand that White House officials provide closed-door testimony without the right to executive branch counsel. House Democrats threw 150 years of precedent out the window, denying President Trump the basic due-process protections afforded to both Presidents Nixon and Clinton.
Second, their whole case is irreparably damaged by the person leading it. Adam Schiff, who supervised the “investigation,” should actually be called as a fact witness in the case. Far from a neutral referee, he and his team coordinated with the very whistleblower at the center of the Ukraine probe—before the complaint was even filed.
Even worse, he lied about it, earning 4 Pinocchios from The Washington Post fact-checkers for his attempt to cover it up. Schiff’s involvement in orchestrating this sham impeachment makes it obvious he should never have been in charge of investigating it.
Third, and most important: President Trump did nothing wrong, let alone broke the law.
Multiple witnesses affirmed that President Trump was right to worry about corruption in Ukraine. The President’s “deeply rooted” view of past Ukrainian corruption was a “reasonable position,” Ambassador Kurt Volker testified. “Most people who know anything about Ukraine would think that.”
That’s true. And despite Democrats’ insistence that even looking into Burisma and the Bidens was “baseless”—indeed, impeachable—the facts say otherwise. Here’s just a partial list of the people and organizations who found enough basis to look into it: the Obama State Department, The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC’s White House reporter, the United Kingdom’s Serious Fraud Office, Hunter Biden’s business partner Chris Heinz, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent, and many more.
The bottom line is that a President has both the right and the responsibility to protect American taxpayers from foreign corruption, including in Ukraine. If the American people disagree with that policy decision, they have every right to say so—at the ballot box.

Democrats want to take that right away from you. They’re afraid of what you might say.
FACT CHECK: Even ABC News thought there was a basis to look into this.
 Watch: Fastest impeachment in history . . . followed by the longest delay

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Monday, January 27, 2020

Read the transcript!

West Wing Reads
‘Read the Transcript!’

“Long before Democrats finished making their marathon impeachment case Friday night, momentum had deserted them. The loops of repetition had gone from annoying to unbearable and the wild assertions got even wilder as their talk, talk, talk became a trial of its own,” Michael Goodwin writes in the New York Post.
President Trump’s legal team on Saturday “began with something Trump has said repeatedly, including to me when I interviewed him Jan. 7: ‘Read the transcript and you’ll see exactly what it is.’”
Click here to read more.

House Democrats’ impeachment probe “sounds like something out of Kafka. It would never be tolerated in the U.S. judicial system: no competent judge would bar an accused from attempting to prove his defense; and if one did, any conviction would be reversed on appeal,” former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy writes for National Review.

“The Democrats’ decision to push through a partisan, politically motivated, sham impeachment that lacked any sort of due process, constitutional basis, evidence, or facts, has and will cause irreparable harm to our country . . .  In reality, the Democrats’ work to take down our duly elected president began years ago,” Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) writes in Greenville News.

“Kobe Bryant, despite being one of the truly great basketball players of all time, was just getting started in life. He loved his family so much, and had such strong passion for the future. The loss of his beautiful daughter, Gianna, makes this moment even more devastating,” President Trump tweeted yesterday. The President’s words came after news broke that the 41-year-old former All-Star and his 13-year-old daughter were among the victims of a helicopter crash in California, Aris Folley reports in The Hill.

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Five news stories POTUS says don't miss

Resolute Reads
President’s Legal Team Lays Out Defense Against Impeachment
-New York Post
“Turnabout is fair play — and now it’s President Trump’s turn. Trump’s impeachment defense came out with rhetorical guns blazing Saturday – accusing the House Democrats’ impeachment managers of hiding evidence from the senators,” Mary Kay Linge reports. “Today we are going to confront them on the merits of their argument,” White House Counsel Pat Cipollone said.
“They have the burden of proof and they have not come close to meeting it.”
Must-read: “‘Dazzling’: Adam Schiff's history of inaccuracies, conspiracy theories”

Schumer Whiffs Impeachment
-The Wall Street Journal
It’s been a tough week for Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). “In fairness, Mr. Schumer was handed the weakest impeachment case in U.S. history. He began this exercise facing 53 Republican senators who spent months watching the most liberal House Democrats use secret hearings, leaked transcripts and strong-arm tactics to produce two vague and legally dubious articles of impeachment,” Kimberly Strassel writes.
Trial ratings plummet: "Impeachment trial gets lower ratings than Jeopardy! on a bad night"

Trump Sets New Standard for Pro-Life Presidents in Address to March for Life
-The Federalist
“President Donald Trump became the first president to attend the March for Life rally in its 47th year on the National Mall on Friday,” Tristan Justice reports. “At the demonstration, Trump made clear his commitment to pro-life values while hundreds of protestors carried signs declaring Trump the most pro-life president in history.”

 President Trump: We will defend the rights of every child, born and unborn

Newt Gingrich: Trump Triumphs at World Economic Forum While Democrats Pursue Baseless Impeachment
-Fox News
“President Trump’s visit to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this week was a bigger triumph than anyone could possibly have imagined a year ago,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich writes. “The counter-staging of President Trump landing at Davos while the Senate began the trial over his phony impeachment was a Reagan-quality move . . . President Trump gave an important, principled speech that was worthy of the leader of the biggest economy and most powerful military in the world.”
🎬 In Davos, President Trump showed how America is winning again

VP Mike Pence Meets Pope Francis in Private Audience at Vatican
-Fox News
“Vice President Mike Pence met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Friday, discussing the anti-abortion march in Washington,” Frances D'Emilio reports. “The pope and the vice president had a private hour-long conversation. Pence was beaming after the meeting, which appeared to be particularly cordial.” The Vice President also lauded President Trump as the “most pro-life president in American history.”

 Watch: Vice President Pence and Second Lady travel to Italy

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The dishonest impeachment case

1600 Daily
The White House • January 24, 2020
The dishonest impeachment case

Today marks the end of House Democrats’ 3-day presentation of their historically weak Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. Starting tomorrow, the President will have a chance to respond to Democrats’ dishonest case. 
As expected, the media is going the extra mile to prop up Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) performance this week. Their hope, much like Schiff’s argument itself, is that if you repeat a lie enough, people might soon forget you don’t have any actual evidence for it.
 MUST WATCH: Caught! ABC anchor tries to cut off the President’s counsel  
That strategy was on full display in today’s finale. Schiff spent long portions of his presentation lecturing Senators on the importance of U.S. security aid to Ukraine, claiming that President Trump undermined it. The truth, of course, is that President Trump is the one who secured that lethal defense aid for Ukraine in the first place, reversing the Obama Administration’s policy of weak support.
It gets better. Guess who voted against authorizing the assistance for Ukraine? House Democrats’ own impeachment managers. Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) voted no on the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which included $300 million for Ukraine. Nadler joined Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) in voting against the FY2019 NDAA, as well, with its $250 million for Ukraine.
Unfortunately, this behavior is par for the course for Democrats in Washington lately. Their obsession with attacking President Trump has led to all sorts of outright lies over the past 3 years, many of which the media simply declined to fact-check:
Beginning in 2017, Schiff lied multiple times that he had seen evidence of collusion between President Trump and Russia. Of course, the Mueller Report exposed that as a leftwing hoax—so Schiff just moved on to Ukraine.
Also in 2017, Schiff tried to repeatedly mislead the public on the credibility of the debunked Steele dossier. In 2018, he issued a memo to Republicans stating that the FBI and Justice Department didn’t abuse the surveillance process to spy on the Trump campaign. That is now a proven falsehood.
Chasing another hoax, Schiff tried to obtain compromising photos of the President that never even existed. He was duped by Russian pranksters.
It was discovered that Schiff’s team coordinated with the whistleblower at the center of the Ukraine allegations before the complaint was ever even filed. Schiff had previously lied that there was no contact with the whistleblower.
That’s just a small sample of some of the worst lies from one Democrat impeachment manager. But no matter how many things they make up, the facts of the case won’t change: President Trump is not accused of a corrupt action or of breaking the law. He is under attack by avowed political enemies on the subjective basis of motive and intent because they disagree with his policies.
Think about that as a precedent.
“‘Dazzling’: Adam Schiff's history of inaccuracies, conspiracy theories follows him to Senate floor”
Shameless: “Adam Schiff Refers to Russia Over 30 Times During Senate Impeachment Hearing”

What President Trump told the 47th March for Life

President Trump made history today, becoming the first President to join thousands of Americans at the annual March for Life rally in Washington. Here are a few important things he told the crowd:
When it comes to abortion, Democrats have embraced the most radical and extreme positions.
Unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House.
Every life brings love into this world. Every child brings joy to a family. Every person is worth protecting.
Young people are the heart of the March for Life—and it is your generation that is making America a Pro-Family, Pro-Life Nation!
READ: Thousands of Americans are marching to defend the unborn—and the President stands with them.
Pro-life Americans: President Trump "has pursued policies we’ve dreamt of"

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian
President Trump delivers remarks at the 47th Annual March for Life gathering | January 24, 2020

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Americans not listening to the swamp

1600 Daily
The White House • January 23, 2020
It’s official: Americans have stopped listening to the Swamp

It’s day 3 of the Senate impeachment trial, and Americans have already tuned out.

Fewer than 12 million people watched the trial’s opening day on Tuesday, compared with about 13 million who viewed the first day of impeachment hearings back in November. That was already a low bar to cross: Day 1 of those hearings drew 32 percent lower ratings than even James Comey’s uneventful Senate testimony in 2017.

With each new hoax, more Americans catch on and simply change the channel. During November’s sham “hearings,” for example, viewership dropped quickly as Democrats’ “star witnesses” offered no actual evidence to support impeachment. In fact, most of them had never even met President Trump. They just shared their opinions.

 Throwback Thursday: Joe Biden revisits his quid pro quo with Ukraine

This week, Democrats’ impeachment managers were repeating themselves by hour two of their opening statements, if not sooner. It’s no mystery why. “They don’t have much to work with. That’s their entire problem right there,” Michael Goodwin writes for the New York Post.

It turns out if you don’t conduct a real investigation, and instead just call up friendly witnesses and orchestrate selective media leaks, you don’t have much to report. The American people aren’t stupid: If all they hear is repetitive partisan bluster instead of real facts and evidence, they stop listening. 

Of course, there’s another reason for the monotony. Congressional Democrats’ push for impeachment didn’t start this week, or last fall, or even last summer. It started before President Trump even took the Oath of Office, more than 3 years ago:
“‘Impeachment’ is already on the lips of pundits, newspaper editorials, constitutional scholars, and Congress,” Politico wrote on April 17, 2016.  
“The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun,” The Washington Post wrote 19 MINUTES after the President was sworn in.  
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) was chanting “impeach 45” during President Trump’s first year in office.
Democrats’ first impeachment resolution came in the summer of 2017. The next round of articles followed that November. . . and then again in December 2017, January 2018, March 2019, May 2019, and July 2019.
Weaponizing impeachment for partisan revenge is a terrible precedent for our country and future Presidents. The good news, at least, is that the American people aren’t falling for it.

“Trump impeachment viewers turned off by TV rerun”

Across America: 'Blah, blah, blah': Newark, Ohio, changes channel from impeachment to 'real stuff'

One Trillion Trees: Conserving God’s creation

When President Trump shared America’s economic comeback story at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week, he also had a big announcement in store.

“Today, I’m pleased to announce the United States will join One Trillion Trees Initiative being launched here at the World Economic Forum,” the President said. “And in doing so, we will continue to show strong leadership in restoring, growing, and better managing our trees and our forests.”

 President Trump: We’re committed to conserving God’s creation

America is entering an age of energy dominance under President Trump. The United States is now the largest oil and natural gas producer in the world. Our energy exports have reached record highs. It turns out prosperity and conservation go hand-in-hand: During this energy revolution, U.S. emissions of all criteria pollutants dropped between 2016 and 2018.

“I’m proud to report the United States has among the cleanest air and drinking water on Earth — and we’re going to keep it that way,” the President said. “And we just came out with a report that, at this moment, it’s the cleanest it’s been in the last 40 years.”

“Trump announces the US will join 1 trillion tree initiative”

Learn more: World Economic Forum launches One Trillion Tree plan

President Trump speaks at March for Life tomorrow!

President Trump will make history tomorrow as he becomes the first President to speak at the March for Life rally. Each year, thousands of Americans come to Washington for the march, lending their voices in support of protecting life.

“We are deeply honored to welcome President Trump to the 47th annual March for Life,” the organization’s President, Jeanne Mancini, said in a statement.

“From the appointment of pro-life judges and federal workers, to cutting taxpayer funding for abortions here and abroad, to calling for an end to late-term abortions, President Trump and his Administration have been consistent champions for life and their support for the March for Life has been unwavering.”

“VOUGHT: The Most Pro-Life President In History”

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour
President Trump arrives at Joint Base Andrews | January 23, 2020

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Trump triumphs at World Economic Forum

West Wing Reads
Newt Gingrich: Trump Triumphs at World Economic Forum While Democrats Pursue Baseless Impeachment
“President Trump’s visit to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this week was a bigger triumph than anyone could possibly have imagined a year ago,” former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich writes for Fox News.

“The counter-staging of President Trump landing at Davos while the Senate began the trial over his phony impeachment was a Reagan-quality move . . . once again President Trump gave an important, principled speech that was worthy of the leader of the biggest economy and most powerful military in the world.”

Click here to read more.

“‘I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get reelected.’ Rarely do politicians show their hand with such an obvious statement. But, in early May of last year, that’s exactly what Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, did. More than anything, those 13 words offer a clear vision of the Democratic Party’s goal over the past three years,” Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) writes for Fox News.

“When Mrs. Pelosi, Mr. Schiff and the other House impeachment managers invoke the Founding Fathers, these are crocodile tears for the existing constitutional order. The progressive punch list the past three years stands: Abolish the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, remove a presidential impediment from office. That’s their democracy,” Daniel Henninger writes in The Wall Street Journal.

Any American hit with a baseless subpoena has the right to challenge it in court. “But Schiff and his colleagues not only chose not to permit the judicial process to play out with respect to those subpoenas; they chose to call the president’s attempt to avail himself of his rights ‘obstruction of Congress’ and an impeachable offense itself. How Orwellian,” Henry Olsen writes in The Washington Post.

“My daughter, Porter, suffers from cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder that shortens lives and requires expensive care. According to a Kaiser Permanente report, 87% of babies diagnosed with cystic fibrosis before birth are tragically aborted. These children are robbed of their lives and their parents miss out on the daily joy of loving their children, as we gratefully experience every day with Porter,” Acting White House Budget Director Russ Vought writes for The Daily Wire.

NEW: “Trump to become first president in history to speak at March for Life”

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Sunday, January 26, 2020

56 Million Quarantined In China As Evidence Mounts Communist Govt Covering Up True Death Toll & Scale of Pandemic

56 Million Quarantined In China As Evidence Mounts Communist Govt Covering Up True Death Toll & Scale of Pandemic 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Breaking: FEDS ran the so-called “white supremacist” group tied to VA Governor’s false claim that gun owners would stage armed assault on capitol in Richmond

Breaking: FEDS ran the so-called “white supremacist” group tied to VA Governor’s false claim that gun owners would stage armed assault on capitol in Richmond 

Schiff tells 5 blatent lies in one day of impeachmet clown show

1600 Daily
The White House • January 22, 2020
5 times Adam Schiff just totally made it up today

Democrats have based their whole impeachment sham on the word and judgement of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who pleaded the left’s case for 2 ½ hours before the Senate today. Spoiler alert: That wasn’t a good idea.

Schiff is the worst choice to put in front of Americans fed up with Washington’s partisan circus. His only real priority is attacking President Trump, and he’s more than happy to resort to lies, leaks, and whatever else it takes to do it.

In September, during a House Intelligence Committee hearing, Schiff made headlines by fabricating a completely made-up version of the July 25th phone call between President Trump and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine. Then, news broke that Schiff’s staff had behind-the-scenes contact with the “whistleblower” at the center of the impeachment probe before that complaint was ever even filed.

“We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower,” Schiff had claimed before the truth caught up with him. Oops—not the best person to stake Democrats’ credibility on.

Today was no different. Schiff’s one-sided impeachment report—the document that serves as the basis for Democrats’ entire case—is nothing but a partisan hatchet job. Rather than draw more attention to their flimsy, fake “investigation,” Schiff chose to deflect and make up more lies about President Trump. Here are a few of the biggest ones:
Schiff claims that President Trump endorsed the theory that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election. FACT: President Trump has publicly said, very clearly, that he accepts the conclusion of the intelligence community that Russia interfered in 2016.
Schiff says that President Trump withheld an Oval Office meeting from President Zelenskyy. FACT: President Trump invited President Zelenskyy to the White House—with no preconditions—on THREE occasions: April 21, May 29, and July 25. They met at the first opportunity, at the UN General Assembly.
Schiff once again brought up claims of a “quid pro quo.” FACT: Notice what’s not in Democrats’ articles of impeachment? Allegations or accusations of a quid pro quo. They couldn’t include that claim—because no such arrangement existed.  
BONUS: Schiff completely misrepresented what Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said about foreign policy, Chris Wallace says.
For years, Schiff lied about the Russia hoax, claiming there was evidence of collusion only to be proven wrong by the Mueller Report. This time, House Democrats learned their lesson: Why risk letting the facts get in the way? Impeach first, investigate later—or beg the Senate to do it for them.

In better news: The great American comeback story!   

President Trump traveled to Davos, Switzerland, this week for the World Economic Forum. The annual meeting brings together leaders from across the globe to discuss improving economic stability and unleashing prosperity for more people worldwide.

As he always does on the world stage, President Trump made his priority clear: The needs of the American people come first. His meetings with leaders from the European Union, Iraq, Afghanistan, and more will help America continue to protect its citizens and secure better trade deals for its workers.

America also has a story to tell. “When I spoke at this forum two years ago, I told you that we had launched the great American comeback,” President Trump said. “Today, I’m proud to declare that the United States is in the midst of an economic boom the likes of which the world has never seen before.”

Watch President Trump’s full speech at Davos.

 Promise Made, Promise Kept: NAFTA replacement coming to POTUS’ desk!  

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Sen. Marsha Blackburn: Impeachmet trial is a political farce

West Wing Reads
Sen. Marsha Blackburn: Impeachment Trial is a Political Farce

House Democrats’ impeachment managers had one big goal yesterday: trying to quickly rewrite their own three-year narrative on impeachment.

“Chief revisionist Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, began by asserting that the House Democrats have compiled evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors perpetrated by the president,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) writes for Fox News.

“Later, however, Schiff revealed that the over 100 hours of testimony, and thousands of pages of documents, that led to his conclusions simply weren’t enough. He then asked that the Senate fetch additional evidence he neglected to secure.”

Click here to read more.

“There is a strong case to be made that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff seriously mismanaged the House’s impeachment proceedings into President Trump. But Schiff has one word for his critics: whatever . . . This is as lame as it is deceptive,” Kaylee McGhee writes in the Washington Examiner.

“Efforts to remove Trump didn’t start with Ukraine. And won’t end there . . . Maxine Waters has been chanting ‘impeach 45’ since the spring of 2017. Representative Al Green introduced the first impeachment resolution that summer . . . In November 2017 a group of House Democrats introduced additional articles of impeachment. The same thing happened in December 2017, January 2018, March 2019, May 2019, and July 2019,” Matthew Continetti writes for National Review.  

“If the purely partisan and reckless maneuvering of House Democrats receives more than it deserves — rapid disposition with a strong dose of senatorial scorn — future presidents, at least those who face House majorities from the opposite party, can look forward to the impeachification of all political disputes down the road,” Hugh Hewitt writes in The Washington Post.

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TOP 5: Elizabeth Warren’s Campaign Lies! | Louder with Crowder #BitChute

TOP 5: Elizabeth Warren’s Campaign Lies! | Louder with Crowder #BitChute 

Do I Look Like a White Supremacist?

Do I Look Like a White Supremacist? 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Fuck censorship up its poop hole til an ER is needed for perferation complications!

Myriam Chingona Gurba de Serrano
Some of us who are speaking out against American Dirt are being shadowbanned by Twitter.
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JM Talboo
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I have sites on Facebook banned from PMs between friends and am certainly shadowbanned here based on the numbers. Nobody except those blatenly calling for violence should be censored in any way in the land of the free. Bad speech is defeated by better speech. Long live 1st Amd!!!
10:06 PM · Jan 21, 2020·Twitter Web App
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POTUS: 3 years of fighting for YOU

1600 Daily
The White House • January 21, 2020
3 years of fighting for YOU

Americans are sick of the Swamp. The numbers prove it. By a stunning 40-percent margin, independents say impeachment is “more important to politicians than it is to me.” A nearly identical number say that it’s “more important to the media than it is to me.”

It’s simple: Americans want results, not more partisan theater. The 2016 election should have been a wakeup call to career politicians and the Beltway establishment. Instead, they ignored the memo. They’d rather undo an election than fix their behavior. 

But no matter what manufactured drama is unfolding in Washington on a given day, there has been one constant: President Donald J. Trump has never stopped fighting for you.

“The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer,” he told the American people from the Capitol steps on Inauguration Day 2017, “The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.”

President Trump is the one keeping his promises. On his watch, together we have:
Created over 7 million jobs—and counting
Achieved the lowest unemployment rate in half a century
Lifted 2.4 million of our citizens out of poverty
Lowered medicine prices at rates not seen since the 1960s
Cut violent crime by nearly 5 percent since 2016
That’s just the short list. And there’s much more to come.

“Trump, Republicans working to help our country — despite Democratic obstruction at every turn”

TODAY: Desperate Democrats are demanding a do-over

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Democrat impeachment leaders are panicking about Senate rules today for one reason: House Democrats didn’t make their case.

“They said in their brief, ‘We have overwhelming evidence,’” White House Counsel Pat Cipollone said before the Senate today. Now, “they’re afraid to make their case.”

House Democrats want brand-new witnesses and evidence in the Senate trial because they know their investigation failed. It didn’t persuade the American people—support for impeachment fell during the House hearings, despite hundreds of hours of free TV coverage—so their best hope is to search for a distraction from their weak Articles.

Here’s the left’s problem: They don’t get to stack the deck in their favor with a phony process in the Senate, too. But that doesn’t mean they won’t try. Here are just five of the worst myths and lies from today alone:
Schiff claims that the Senate’s rules were “nothing like” the process that was used in President Bill Clinton’s trial. They are entirely based on the Clinton rules.
House Democrats are complaining that new witnesses would not be admitted in the Senate trial. It is the House’s job to collect all evidence before voting on impeachment. It’s not the Senate’s job to fix their mistakes.
They compared this trial to that of a court of law. A court of law would immediately reject this case because House Democrats have not even accused the President of any criminal wrongdoing.
Schiff claims that anything but a long, drawn-out trial would “rig” the process. Suddenly, Democrats don’t believe in “urgency.” In any case, both sides have 24 hours to make their cases—the same as in Clinton’s trial.
Schiff falsely said that President Trump “withheld hundreds of millions of dollars” to coerce an ally to interfere in our elections. Not a single witness has provided evidence to support this assertion—because there is none.
  White House Counsel: They want to attack one of our most sacred rights.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
Marine One flies through the Swiss Alps en route to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland | January 21, 2020 

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Pelosi knows impeachment is weaksauce

West Wing Reads
Pelosi Knows Impeachment Is Weak

“Compelling, overwhelming and bipartisan: These are the criteria Speaker Nancy Pelosi drew as she publicly announced last March that she wouldn’t support impeachment. Back then she claimed impeaching the president with anything less would be divisive and irresponsible,” Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) writes in The Wall Street Journal.

“Ten months later, however, Mrs. Pelosi has transmitted two articles of impeachment that fail to meet any of her criteria, let alone those of the Founders.”

The facts are clear: The Senate must “reject the temptation of partisan impeachment and expeditiously acquit the president.”

Click here to read more.

“As the Senate begins the impeachment trial of President Trump, it faces the challenge not just of weighing the charges, but of trying to rescue the entire process from the low political farce that the House has made of it,” the New York Post editorial board writes.

House Democrats’ sham impeachment has been “politics at its worst and opens the door, as some of the Founders warned, for ‘normalizing’ impeachment.” Speaker Pelosi “summed up the true motives of Democrats when she said that regardless of what the Senate does, impeachment will be a ‘permanent stain’ on President Trump’s legacy. In fact, the stain will be on Democrats,” Cal Thomas writes in The Washington Times.

Stat of the day: On the heels of President Trump’s historic Phase 1 trade deal with China, and “according to a monthly poll from agricultural trade publication Farm Journal released Sunday, 83% of farmers and ranchers approve of the president’s job performance,” Kirk Maltais reports for The Wall Street Journal.

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

Trump Slams Impeachment “Hoax,” Climate Change “Prophets of Doom” During Davos Address

Trump Slams Impeachment “Hoax,” Climate Change “Prophets of Doom” During Davos Address 

AOC Claims Democrats Are ‘Center-Conservative’ Party

AOC Claims Democrats Are ‘Center-Conservative’ Party 

NBC Calls for Revoking Voting Rights of 'Racist' White People #BitChute

NBC Calls for Revoking Voting Rights of 'Racist' White People #BitChute 

The Week That Was: Liberals Are Miserable, So What Else Is New? via @rushlimbaugh

The Week That Was: Liberals Are Miserable, So What Else Is New? via @rushlimbaugh 

Mind Treasury: Maryland Judiciary Committee will be meeting to discuss MD SB147 which would criminalize kratom in Maryland.The meeting on Wednesday, January 22nd at 3:00pm. Attend to show your support for kratom.:

Mind Treasury: Maryland Judiciary Committee will be meeting to discuss MD SB147 which would criminalize kratom in Maryland.The meeting on Wednesday, January 22nd at 3:00pm.  Attend to show your support for kratom.: 

Monday, January 20, 2020

FULCRUM Public Affairs DC: What even is this former Podesta Group filth??? #BitChute

FULCRUM Public Affairs DC: What even is this former Podesta Group filth??? #BitChute 

Actual Drag Queen Slams ‘Woke’ Parents For Allowing Their Kids to be Around Drag Queens -

Actual Drag Queen Slams ‘Woke’ Parents For Allowing Their Kids to be Around Drag Queens - 

Schumer Demands Witnesses At Senate Trial. Here’s What He Said During Clinton’s Impeachment

Schumer Demands Witnesses At Senate Trial. Here’s What He Said During Clinton’s Impeachment: “Let me say this idea that they didn’t have to call witnesses in the House and they should call them in the Senate doesn’t make sense.”

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Alex Wong

McConnell Releases New Impeachment Trial Rules And Dems, Media NOT Happy!

McConnell Releases New Impeachment Trial Rules And Dems, Media NOT Happy!: Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell proposes impeachment trial rules with no guarantee that witnesses will be called to testify

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Alex Wong

Fake News Alert! MSM Fails With Virginia 2nd Amendment March Fear Mongering

Fake News Alert! MSM Fails With Virginia 2nd Amendment March Fear Mongering 

China Confirms Over 130 New Cases of Deadly Virus

China Confirms Over 130 New Cases of Deadly Virus 

Black Conservative News: How Trump is Making Black America Great Again:

Black Conservative News: How Trump is Making Black America Great Again: 

Anti-White Racism Exposed: The left thinks judging people by their skin color is the best way to celebrate MLK day:

Anti-White Racism Exposed: The left thinks judging people by their skin color is the best way to celebrate MLK day: 

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Five stories POTUS says not to miss

Resolute Reads
Vice President Pence: A Partisan Impeachment, a Profile in Courage
-The Wall Street Journal
“As the U.S. Senate takes up a purely partisan impeachment, and the mainstream media focuses on what Republican senators may do, it may be timely to consult Kennedy’s definition of political courage and why he considered one statesman in particular worthy of admiration,” Vice President Mike Pence writes. In 1868, it was Republicans who tried to impeach a President they didn’t like on “dubious constitutional grounds.” In what one historian called “the most heroic act in American history,” Sen. Edmund Ross of Kansas ignored political pressure and voted to acquit President Andrew Johnson.

“Who, among the Senate Democrats, will stand up to the passions of their party this time?”

Trump Honors National Champion LSU Tigers at White House
-Fox News
“Just days after they capped off a 15-0 national championship season in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome with President Trump in attendance, the LSU Tigers stopped by the White House on Friday to be honored by the commander in chief. They topped Clemson 42-25 to grab their first title since the 2007-2008 season,” Tyler Olson reports.

 Watch: President and First Lady attend the National Championship game

Trump's Phase One China Trade Deal Result of Negotiator-in-Chief's Courage
-Fox Business
“For decades, as a result of political short-sightedness and economic expediency, policymakers have acquiesced to Communist-controlled China,” Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) writes. “At this critical juncture in history, we are fortunate to have a Negotiator-in-Chief who understands that China is the biggest existential threat to America and, more importantly, who has the political courage to do something about it.”

🎬 History made: President Trump signs historic deal with China

Senate Approves USMCA Trade Deal in Landslide Vote
-New York Post
“The Senate in a landslide vote Thursday passed a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada, giving President Trump his second high-profile trade win in as many days,” Mark Moore reports. USMCA will replace the Clinton-era, job-killing NAFTA and “passed by a 89-10 vote, sending it to the president’s desk for his signature.”

VP Pence: ‘USMCA Is a Huge Win for American Workers and American Farmers’

Pelosi’s Impeachment Offenses
-The Wall Street Journal
“The Senate can now do better by the Constitution by holding a trial that judges President Trump without validating the partisan House process and its weak case . . . The House hearings blocked GOP witnesses and limited cross-examination. Despite selective leaks and a pro-impeachment media, they failed to move public opinion,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes. 

MORE: “A normal court would reject a dishonest prosecutor like Adam Schiff”

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Out with NAFTA, in with USMCA!

1600 Daily
The White House • January 16, 2020
Out with NAFTA, in with USMCA! 

In 2016, candidate Donald J. Trump made a promise that was familiar to voters across America: He would do away with the job-killing NAFTA as President and replace it with a better deal for American workers, businesses, and customers.

The promise wasn’t unique, but the result was. Today, after years of Washington neglect on trade, the Senate approved President Trump’s United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) to replace NAFTA by an overwhelming 89-10 margin.

Republicans and Democrats alike had long criticized NAFTA for its weak labor and environmental provisions, among other flaws. Many promised to scrap it and push for new negotiations with Canada and Mexico. “NAFTA’s shortcomings were evident when signed and we must now amend the agreement to fix them,” then-candidate Barack Obama pledged in 2008, the year he was elected President.

Nothing happened, and the Obama Administration slowly walked back its promises to get tough on trade. A decade later, President Trump would keep his.  

 Press Secretary Grisham: USMCA will deliver billions for our farmers

The new agreement is a landmark victory for American working- and middle-class families. The U.S. International Trade Commission estimates that within 5 years, USMCA could add up to $235 billion in new economic growth—and 589,000 jobs—to the U.S. economy. Just as important, the deal will put in place the strongest and most comprehensive labor protections of any trade agreement in American history.

While Democrats in Congress try to distract voters from the record-setting Trump Economy, the President keeps delivering on his signature campaign promises. Just yesterday, he joined the Vice Premier of China to sign a historic Phase 1 deal that addresses Beijing’s unfair trade practices, including intellectual property theft.

The unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been since 1969. America has its best economy in at least 50 years. With a major China trade deal in the books and USMCA set to replace NAFTA, it’s about to get even better.    

 Kellyanne Conway: How both Speaker Pelosi and President Trump made history

Video of the day: Phase 1 deal with China signed!

President Trump made history yesterday by completing Phase 1 of a new trade agreement with China. With China’s Vice Premier at the White House for the ceremony, the two leaders expressed hope for a future of harmony and shared prosperity.

“Together, we are righting the wrongs of the past and delivering a future of economic justice and security for American workers, farmers, and families,” President Trump said.

“The agreement is a credit to President Trump’s China strategy and a mark against his detractors.”

Protecting prayer in America’s schools

Religious freedom is one of the founding principles of our country. Since taking office, President Trump has tasked his Administration with doing everything it can to protect what many call our “first right” as citizens: the power to worship freely.

For National Religious Freedom Day, the Trump Administration is taking another step to safeguard our religious liberties. Today, the President updated Federal guidance on prayer and religious expression in public schools: To receive Federal funds, local educational agencies must confirm that their policies do not prevent or interfere with every student’s right to pray.

“From its opening pages, the story of America has been rooted in the truth that all men and women are endowed with the right to follow their conscience, worship freely, and live in accordance with their convictions,” President Trump said in a statement.

Read President Trump’s Proclamation for Religious Freedom Day, 2020.

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

Watch "Jobs Report Shows Booming Labor Force Is Bringing Americans Off the Sidelines" on YouTube

Watch "Jobs Report Shows Booming Labor Force Is Bringing Americans Off the Sidelines" on YouTube

Trump's Phase One China Trade Deal Result of Negotiator-in-Chief's Courage

West Wing Reads
Trump's Phase One China Trade Deal Result of Negotiator-in-Chief's Courage
“President Trump signed the much-anticipated ‘Phase One’ trade agreement with China after months of hard-fought negotiations,” Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) writes in Fox Business.

“This is a monumental achievement for farmers and ranchers in my district in West Texas and across rural America, who will reap the blessings of China’s commitment to purchasing as much as $50 billion worth of U.S. agriculture products. This is nearly 100 percent more than the largest amount of U.S. commodities purchased by China since normalizing relations in the 1970s.”

How did it happen? “For decades, as a result of political short-sightedness and economic expediency, policymakers have acquiesced to Communist-controlled China . . . At this critical juncture in history, we are fortunate to have a Negotiator-in-Chief who understands that China is the biggest existential threat to America and, more importantly, who has the political courage to do something about it.”

Click here to read more.

“The Senate can now do better by the Constitution by holding a trial that judges President Trump without validating the partisan House process and its weak case . . . The House hearings blocked GOP witnesses and limited cross-examination. Despite selective leaks and a pro-impeachment media, they failed to move public opinion,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes. 

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 29000 for the first time Wednesday after President Trump signed an initial trade pact with China . . . Both the Dow and the S&P closed at records, while the Nasdaq is within 0.2% of Monday’s high,” Alexander Osipovich and Avantika Chilkoti report in The Wall Street Journal.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) handed out commemorative pens to her impeachment managers yesterday—a ceremonial act typically reserved for landmark legislation—while posing for photos. The scene undermined the tone of “proceedings she has said should be serious and somber,” Cameron Cawthorne reports for The Washington Free Beacon.

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The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · USA · 202-456-1111

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I have been reading "Say Nothing" by 
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Somebody stop this man!

Educating Liberals
Trump is focused on:
-Signing better trade deals
-Growing our economy
-Rebuilding the military
-Killing terrorists
-Finishing the wall
-Ending human sex-trafficking
-Fighting the opioid crisis
-Preventing voter fraud
-Putting America 1st

The Dems are focused on:
-Stopping Trump
Kimberly Ann Geiger
Replying to 
They are green with jealousy.❤️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
7:30 PM · Jan 15, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
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PROMISE KEPT: President Trump signs landmark phase 1 deal with China

1600 Daily
The White House • January 15, 2020
PROMISE KEPT: President Trump signs landmark phase 1 deal with China

In a historic moment, President Donald J. Trump was joined today by the Vice Premier of China in the East Room of the White House. Together, they signed a new, fully enforceable trade agreement that rebalances this vital trade partnership while boosting American businesses, farmers, manufacturers, and innovators. 

“From day one, my Administration has fought tirelessly to achieve a level playing field for the American worker,” President Trump said. Before he took office, Washington had long tolerated unfair trade practices that buoyed special interests while hurting U.S. working- and middle-class families.

 President Trump: I’m putting the American people first!

“For years, politicians ran for office promising action to remedy these practices, only to do nothing but allow them to continue,” the President said this morning. “Unlike those who came before me, I kept my promise . . . Now, our efforts have yielded a transformative deal that will bring tremendous benefits to both countries.”

The new agreement makes good on a number of key promises to fix trade with China:
American-made products: To help rebalance the relationship, China has pledged to increase imports of American goods and services by at least $200 billion.  
Agriculture purchases: As part of that commitment, China will be stocking up on goods from U.S. farmers—between $40 and $50 billion worth.
No more forced technology transfers: For the first time ever, China agreed to end its practice of forcing American companies to transfer their technology to Chinese companies as a condition for doing business there.
Fair currency practices: Beijing has agreed to stronger commitments on its practices regarding currency devaluations and exchange rates.
And that’s just phase one. The work on a phase-two deal is already underway.  

“With this signing, we mark more than just an agreement. We mark a sea change in international trade. At long last, Americans have a government that puts them first at the negotiating table,” President Trump said.

A stronger America, of course, doesn’t come at the rest of the globe’s expense. On the contrary, when the United States is thriving, it makes the world a safer, more stable place. A better and fairer trade partnership with China will do much of the same.

Starting today, a new era of harmony, prosperity, and commerce officially begins.

🎬 Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds explains what this deal means for rural America

 President Trump: China will be buying A LOT of these American goods

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
President Donald J. Trump, joined by Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, sign the U.S. China Phase One Trade Agreement | January 15, 2020

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