Sunday, March 31, 2019

IS ADAM GREEN A MOSSAD AGENT ??? - Retarded to see comments like "Owen got destroyed!!" .....fuk sake he brought Adam on to HIS [Infowars] show and let the man bring it. Props to Owen.

Is Adam Green an Israeli intelligence officer ? doing some background checks indicate he did have a career in telecommunications involved in data collection and spying. he was also allowed into Israel which as we know is a big RED FLAG to anyone that knows anything about Israels border security and intelligence gathering agencies.

YTCensorsMe Poop
“I can’t believe you’re having me on”. Talk about paranoia. Alex figured this out long ago. You want to take down the enemy, you don’t bring religion or race into it. Why do you think he calls them GLOBALISTS, it’s much smarter strategy. Where can I see an unedited version where Owen actually talks.

Editor's Note: As I've stated regarding another topic...

To those who always scream JEWS!

Who cares, fight the agenda. MANY Jewish people do not push it and and/or fight against it. There are also of plenty of non-Jews who do push the agenda.

Green says that the only people we should be talking about celebrating on 9/11 were the infamous 5 dancing Israelis. However, a careful examination of this article...

Trump Is Right: Video Describes How Jersey City Muslims Held PRE-PLANNED 9/11 Rooftop Celebration:

...will reveal that many Muslims did in fact celebrate on 9/11 and we get this interesting tidbit...

A WCBS newscast broadcast 6 days after the attacks, details how FBI investigators revealed that some muslim suspects living in an apartment building in Jersey City held a PRE-PLANNED rooftop party on the day of the attacks.
The task force investigators even stated that the suspects had a detailed model of the Word Trade Center, the type architects use, on the rooftop with them, along with binoculars.

As far as I can tell from the details we have about the Israeli incident compared to this, we are very well talking about different but similar situations...

The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11:

In any event, that it was Muslims is what the report states, so Trump and Infowars are just reporting on that and related facts. They have covered the dancing Israelis and a ton of other evidence for Israeli involvement in 9/11 in the infowars produced film Fabled Enemies. Furthermore, Jones is not incorrect in stating Saudi Arabia played a major role...

Who had the most involvement is a hotly debated topic.
Furthermore, how did this Adam dude school Owen? Y'all are living in an echo chamber. Adam just spoke over him almost the entire time. Btw, I don't listen to Jones much. I'm not a sycophant like you guys.

He was unprepared...Adam wasn't. I would have went after Adam's failure to ever criticise Islam or it's pedophile prophet and that by his own logic he is a shill for Mohammad.

President Goyim
Adam lost me when he banned me for saying GDL stuff. Nothing weird . No appeals.

He lost me more when he got a strike and spoke of fighting censorship, this cannot stand that they were "targeting" him, and all I could do was scowl, for this guy who banned me was two facing it to YOU guys faced. Something was shady and when Jake Moohony arse and Adam suddenly appeared in Israel, had a great vacation, and came back 100% UNMOLESTED by Israelis, I KNEW the fix was in. These two were in Israel to get put on the Zionist payroll so they will discuss all the Israeli EVILS, but never discuss organizing, taking action, protesting, etc.

Essentially, they were gonna be the SANCTIONED voice of the opposition. One more gatekeeper that will only take you so far and then "forget" to discuss ACTION...


I do not support or oppose Israel totally, it's a mixed bag, like with all countries and humans...

Will Trump Drain His Own Administration of 'Swamp' Creatures? - Trump’s recognition of an Israeli Golan Heights (seized from Syria in 1967) draws little enthusiasm from those who live there - Rep. Ilhan Omar: Riding The Third Rail - With Guest Phil Giraldi (Liberty Report) - Palestine Hasn't Controlled That Disputed Region Since the Early 1880s and 1900s, Let This One Go and Saudi Arabia Should Allow Them In:

No Real Evidence that Alex Jones is an Agent, Wikileaked Evidence to the Contrary:
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange recently released a stockpile of emails from the Texas based think-tank STRATFOR in the latest action bringing private information public. The emails were thought to have been obtained from the group Anonymous, a collection of hackers that have gained recognition over the years for hacking large corporations and government networks.  Alex Jones is mentioned in one of the secret emails from STRATFOR where he is described as a “lunatic”. The email reveals they wished he would have dropped the Osama bin Laden staged death story and “stopped complaining”. Far from being an operative, their private internal emails show he is considered a thorn in their side.

Joe Rogan is right about Alex Jones being right about a lot and more than he knows...

Will Trump Drain His Own Administration of 'Swamp' Creatures? - Trump’s recognition of an Israeli Golan Heights (seized from Syria in 1967) draws little enthusiasm from those who live there - Rep. Ilhan Omar: Riding The Third Rail - With Guest Phil Giraldi (Liberty Report) - Palestine Hasn't Controlled That Disputed Region Since 1948, Let This One Go and Saudi Arabia Should Allow Them In

Golan Heights: Trump signs order recognising occupied area as ...
President Donald Trump has officially recognised Israeli sovereignty over the occupied GolanHeights, seized from Syria in 1967, in a move hailed as "historic" by Israel's prime minister.

Rep. Ilhan Omar: Riding The Third Rail - With Guest Phil Giraldi (Liberty Report):

Will Trump Drain His Own Administration of 'Swamp' Creatures? - Trump’s recognition of an Israeli Golan Heights (seized from Syria in 1967) draws little enthusiasm from those who live there - Rep. Ilhan Omar: Riding The Third Rail - With Guest Phil Giraldi (Liberty Report) - Palestine Hasn't Controlled That Disputed Region Since 1948, Let This One Go and Saudi Arabia Should Allow Them In
  1. Saudi Arabia ‘doesn’t care’ about the Palestinians as long as ...
    He said Saudi Arabia would only establish relations with Israel if the Israelis withdrew from all territories captured in 1967 and allowed for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state ...

Friday, March 29, 2019

TRUMP UNLEASHED! 45 Announces Plans To Stop Big Tech Censorship, Prosecute Deep State - Trump Meets with Google President Sundar, warns he might close the Southern Border because Mexico and other Central American countries are doing “nothing” to stop the flow of illegals - Trump Coup-Plotter Confronted In Congress

Immediately after calling out the mainstream media for being more corrupt than ever before, President Trump warned he might close the Southern Border because Mexico and other Central American countries are doing “nothing” to stop the flow of illegals into America. Joining today’s show is Attorney Brad Shear discussing how patriots can reclaim social media from Big Tech.

TRUMP UNLEASHED! 45 Announces Plans To Stop Big Tech Censorship, Prosecute Deep State - Trump Meets with Google President Sundar, warns he might close the Southern Border because Mexico and other Central American countries are doing “nothing” to stop the flow of illegals - Trump Coup-Plotter Confronted In Congress


Limbaugh: The objective remains to get Donald Trump out of office:

Alex Jones Predicted the Censorship That He and Countless Others Are Now Experiencing Many Years Ago:

How to Defeat the Censorship of the Democrat Big Tech Media Complex:

Mike Lee Enters Valhalla (Green New Deal YLYL) - Senator Mike Lee is LEGEND - Reacting To Mike Lee's EPIC Green New Deal Teardown on Senate Floor!

Mike Lee Enters Valhalla (Green New Deal YLYL) - Senator Mike Lee is LEGEND - Reacting To Mike Lee's EPIC Green New Deal Teardown on Senate Floor!


Debunking Potholer54 and Global Warming/Climate Change Propaganda:

Jussie Smollett's New Defense "Nigerian Brothers Wore Whiteface!" - Chicago Police Send Jussie Smollett Bill for $130,000 – Tell Him to Pay Up or Get Prosecuted

Jussie Smollett's New Defense "Nigerian Brothers Wore Whiteface!" - Chicago Police Send Jussie Smollett Bill for $130,000 – Tell Him to Pay Up or Get Prosecuted


Why the Jussie Smollett Case looks like a Cover-Up to protect Kamala Harris:

Jussie Smollet EXPOSED our Judicial System - Jussie Smollett Charges Dropped To Protect Obama’s Involvement - Alex Jones Called It:

Why the Jussie Smollett Case looks like a Cover-Up to protect Kamala Harris

Tyler S. Farley

Today a somewhat shocking announcement came out of Chicago where prosecutors decided that they are dropping all charges against Jussie Smollett related to his staged attack early this year.
The news comes as quite a surprise seeing as how the evidence against him was seemingly airtight, including witnesses, confessions by those he hired, and physical evidence that all pointed towards his guilt.
And although many people are upset that Smollett’s wrongdoing is being swept under the rug for political reasons, this is probably just the beginning of a much bigger scandal.
Going back to the early days of the investigation, I wrote an article that suggested Kamala Harris’ connection to Jussie Smollett was much more than just circumstantial in regards to the hoax. In the article it shows what others had been digging up, including Harris sponsoring an anti-lynching bill in Congress. As you may remember, just a day after Smollett went public with his alleged assault story, Kamala Harris took to twitter to call it a “modern day lynching”. Not only that, Harris and Smollett were long time friends, and Smollett has even campaigned with Harris.
But the story gets even more interesting because of Kamala Harris’ connection to Cook County Prosecutor Kim Foxx. Foxx, who would normally oversee the Smollett case abruptly and mysteriously recused herself from the case soon after he was charged. Her reason was as she described an “abundance of caution” and possible contact with witnesses. However, it was later discovered that she had substantial contact with Smollett’s family. A potential prosecutor having contact with Smollett’s family before charges were filed and while police were still investigating is very strange.

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As it turns out, Foxx and Harris are close friends. Not only that, Foxx credits Harris as her mentor and the one responsible for her own career. In addition, Harris was part of Foxx’s transition team when she became Cook County Prosecutor. So it would seem Foxx is in debt to Harris and said as much herself.
When the charges were first filed against Smollett, I suspected Foxx and Harris were actively trying to quash the investigation. There was no doubt there was a good deal of communication between Harris and Foxx, and as Foxx admitted, with Smollett’s family as well. The fact that today prosecutors have asked a judge to seal the case suggests they want those communications to be kept secret as they would be very damaging to Harris and Foxx. Harris sticking her nose into an investigation in a state where she holds no office would open up countless questions as to what her motives were for doing so. Especially since she was friends with the suspect being investigated.
However, before charges were even filed against Smollett, Foxx and her team were trying to get the case moved to the FBI. This is very significant and it brings up a point I believe many people are missing. It seems the same people who have now dropped the charges against Smollett and asked the case to be sealed are the same ones who asked for the FBI to handle the case. The same people with close ties and communication with Harris. This suggests that they knew once the case was in the hands of the FBI, they could make it go away. Someone in that circle of Foxx and Harris believed that they had an “in” with the FBI and sending the investigation there could make it go away.
If Foxx’s team ultimately dropped the charges against Smollett, that suggests they always wanted this case to go away and the details to be hidden away forever. If they felt the FBI was going to do an honest investigation, there is no reason they would want it handed over to them as they already knew the evidence against Smollett was very solid. The only reason they would have wanted things moved to the FBI is because Harris advised them that the FBI could make it “go away”.
Going back to Foxx’s recusal, I suggested the reason was because she didn’t want to become part of the case. Her contact with Harris was going to be brought up by Smollett’s high-dollar legal team as a defense. Even in the early days, Smollett’s legal team was suggesting their whole defense was going to be based around the procedures of the investigation. This means everybody, including Foxx and her communications were going to be brought to light in open court. Foxx recused herself as an early attempt to avoid her communication with Harris, and possibly other higher-ups in the Democratic party from becoming public.
As the case went on, they started to realize there was no way they could go to trial and not have their backdoor communication to protect Smollett come out. So they decided the best bet was to drop the charges and fight to have the entire case sealed.
But if the case was dropped, will the Nigerian brothers who admitted to being a part of the hoax be charged with lying to police? If what they said was a lie, they should be charged. If what they said was true, prosecutors should not drop the charges against Smollett because an obvious crime took place.
We must also look at Smollett himself. He is neither wealthy enough nor famous enough to have used his position or wealth to have 16 felony charges dropped and expunged from his record before even going to trial. Some in the media are trying to portray this as a case of two systems of justice, one for the rich and one for the rest of us. However, Smollett is not a part of that elite group who can circumvent the judicial system, he simply isn’t rich or famous enough. The only explanation is that someone higher up is being protected here, and that someone is most likely Kamala Harris. Harris appears to be the DNC golden child in the upcoming 2020 election and her ties to Smollett can be damaging. Not only that, Cook County Prosecutor Kim Foxx was contacted by former First Lady Michelle Obama’s chief of staff Tina Tchen to offer “advice” on how to handle the Smollett case. So here we have evidence of highly connected members of the Democratic party actively engaging in trying to steer the Smollett investigation while it was ongoing.
Based on social media reaction, a majority of Americans seem angry at what transpired today in regards to the Smollett case. But I feel this isn’t the end of the story at all, and in fact it’s just the beginning of something much bigger.

Jussie Smollet EXPOSED our Judicial System - Jussie Smollett Charges Dropped To Protect Obama’s Involvement - Alex Jones Called It:

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

This is Broken Empire Banana Republic Country! Guess We'll Have to Reelect Trump and Make Sure We Have Enough Time to Make America Great Again

Editor's Note: "You would have thought that 5 or 6 people had been killed." That is what the woman in the video says the police reaction was like. Well, a race war that he could have incited should have warranted a harsher response then!

This is Broken Empire Banana Republic Country! Guess We'll Have to Reelect Trump and Make Sure We Have Enough Time to America Great Again


Jussie Smollet EXPOSED our Judicial System - Jussie Smollett Charges Dropped To Protect Obama’s Involvement - Alex Jones Called It:

Congressional Democrats fail to override the national emergency

Congressional Democrats are having a banner week, and it’s only Tuesday.

After the collapse of the 2-year, $25 million false Russian collusion debacle over the weekend, House Democrats this afternoon attempted yet again to reverse President Donald J. Trump’s national emergency declaration for our southern border. In the end, despite Democratic control of the House, they fell a few dozen votes short of overriding President Trump’s veto of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) resolution.

“The Democrat-sponsored resolution would terminate vital border security operations,” President Trump explained before signing his veto on March 15. “Congress’s vote to deny the crisis on the southern border is a vote against reality.”
Too few in the media have bothered explaining to the American people why the situation at our southern border is a national emergency in the first place. The reality is that our immigration problem today is vastly different than what it was even just a few years ago.

In fiscal year 2000, for example, most U.S. Border Patrol apprehensions were of single adult males. Of these individuals, 95 percent were repatriated within hours. Today, apprehensions largely consist of family units and minors, many of whom end up remaining in the United States for a long time because of loopholes in our immigration laws.

Smugglers know these loopholes and exploit them to circumvent our safe, lawful, and secure immigration system. As a result, apprehensions of family units have surged by a jaw-dropping 338 percent this year. Daily attempts to cross the southern border illegally have hit a 13-year high, as well.

Here’s what that means: “The surge has maxed out the capacity of existing detention centers” near the U.S.–Mexico border, NBC News reported today. “The Department of Homeland Security is now in negotiations with the Department of Defense to detain and care for the overflow on U.S. military bases.”

In other words, America’s immigration system is so broken that our military bases may have to become temporary shelters while U.S. courts try to keep up with the case backlog. The President’s national emergency declaration tries to limit the damage by allowing access of up to $3.6 billion in military construction funds for border security.

Today’s vote demonstrates yet again that Congress refuses to address the security and humanitarian crisis its own negligence has created. It should at least allow President Trump to use his executive authority to step in and fix it.

President Trump stands by his declaration of a national emergency

The Green New Deal goes 0-57 in the Senate

Today, Senate Democrats were given a chance to show Americans exactly where they stand on the far left’s “Green New Deal” proposal.

The Green New Deal isn’t "socialism lite:" It’s a full-scale government takeover meant to reshape every aspect of Americans’ lives from Washington. The blueprint, unveiled by self-described Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), would eliminate fossil fuels completely, upgrade or replace every single building in the United States, and aim to get rid of “polluting” commodities such as cattle and airplanes.

As one of North America’s most prominent labor unions put it: “It is difficult to take this unrealistic manifesto seriously, but the economic and social devastation it would cause if it moves forward is serious and real.”

This afternoon, Senate Democrats were caught between working Americans, who reject socialism, and their far-left base, who embraces it. What they chose to do was remarkable: Rather than register their opinion on the Green New Deal, dozens of Democrats simply voted “present” on the resolution to bring it to the floor for a vote. Three joined their Republican colleagues in rejecting it, resulting in a final tally of 0-57.

Watch: The Green New Deal saga just got even more absurd.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian
President Donald J. Trump turns toward a crowd of reporters after attending a Senate Republican luncheon as he leaves the U.S. Capitol | March 26, 2019

He once tried to kill President Reagan. Now John Hinckley says he’s ‘happy as a clam’

Two years after he was discharged from a mental hospital, John W. Hinckley Jr. lives in a modest house on a golf course, runs a small antiques business, adopted a cat named Theo, and drives for his mother and older brother. “This is the best I’ve ever felt in my life,” he told a psychiatrist about his life in the historic colonial-era town of Williamsburg in coastal Virginia, according to court records. “I’m happy as a clam, to be honest.” But at 63, Hinckley continues to face challenges, some universal and some unique to the man who shot and nearly killed President Reagan outside a Washington hotel on March 30, 1981.

John Judge The Reagan shooting 1988

Talk - John Judge - A Talk about 9/11

Just Checked, Yep, YouTube is Still a Disgrace

"RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian government Wikipedia" Must of been a hard decision to choose between that tidbit and the dictionary definition of 9/11 that usually is on freethinking videos. This emerging global society makes me sicker than when it used to just be in science fiction movies. BBC videos say "BBC is a British public broadcast service Wikipedia." What a joke. Like CNN isn't a mouthpiece for a faction of the US government. Giving debate questions to Hillary beforehand. Like no money ever goes in either direction there. YouTube is a disgrace in every possible way. Telling adults what is OK and not OK to see and hear. These psychopaths do it outright from their ivory towers and high horses and also let mob rule of the offended brigade infringe upon free speech as well. We can't stand for this people. We must speak out constantly. "The BBC has put a lot of mental gymnastics into public perception that there is difference between the British government and the BBC, but the reality is that is has just been an exercise in wordplay, while the BBC fully is directly owned by the British government, directly run by the British government, and directly funded by the British government. You’ll see some people try to tell you that the BBC is not a state-owned/funded/operated news outlet, but they’re people who are buying into the whole re-branding thing, where they consider the term state-owned to have negative connotations to it, and they whip out the term for propaganda use when it applies to others, but they don’t want to subject their own state-owned/funded/operated outlet to their own discrimination, and so they create mental buffers to pretend that they’re somehow different."... How to Defeat the Censorship of the Democrat Big Tech Media Complex: Related: 100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities:

Activist Has Facebook Page Banned After Exposing Comedian

Activist Has Facebook Page Banned After Exposing Comedian

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Full Show - BOMBSHELL! Trump Says Deep State Committed Treason / Hate Crime Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Walks - 03/26/2019

House Democrats gave the Justice Department a one-week ultimatum to submit Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s full report despite Mueller and Attorney General William Barr both concluding there was no collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russia. Joining today’s show is former presidential candidate and government insider Bob Barr discussing the Deep State’s failed Russian collusion investigation and Trump's remarkable economic delivery.

Full Show - BOMBSHELL! Trump Says Deep State Committed Treason / Hate Crime Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Walks - 03/26/2019


Jussie Smollet EXPOSED our Judicial System - Jussie Smollett Charges Dropped To Protect Obama’s Involvement - Alex Jones Called It:

Brian Krassenstein Disappears Up His Own Krassenstein

Brian Krassenstein Disappears Up His Own Krassenstein

YouTube Search Filters Censorship to Hide New Zealand Shooting Video? - YouTube Search Filter Censorship on ALL KEYWORDS!! BIG COVER-UP CONFIRMED! Glitch Caught on Camera!

YouTube Search Filter Censorship on ALL KEYWORDS!! BIG COVER-UP CONFIRMED! Glitch Caught on Camera!

Proof YouTube and the Government are trying to hide something by not allowing users to search for videos made Today, This Week, or this Month!! What are they hiding!! Try it for yourself and tell me what you think in comments!!!

Issue still taking place.

The timing here, with you posting on the 17th, strongly suggests this is about them hiding the New Zealand shooting video from the 15th. It's fake in the opinion of a great many people including various experts. They have been scrubbing the net since then until today still.

March 15th: Interview with 'Top Newsman in New Zealand' Who Breaks Down All the Suspicious Things about the Mosque Killings Including Shooter Drill Taking Place the Same Day:

Dr. Eowyn, How we know New Zealand mosque shooting video is a CGI fake:

Robert David Steele, New Zealand False Flag to Disarm America or even start World War III - FALSE FLAG? Why The World Has Questions About Christchurch:

ALERT: video platform under extreme threat from internet infrastructure providers, forced to delete all New Zealand shooting videos, essentially “at gunpoint” by the globalist controllers of the ‘net - NZ ADOPTS HARSH GUN CONTROL MEASURES AFTER CHRISTCHURCH MASSACRE - New Zealand Blocks Bitchute, 8chan, etc, Gets Told to Fuck Off by Kiwifarms:

  1. A New Zealand shooting video hit YouTube every second this ...
    A New Zealand shooting video hit YouTube every second this weekend. YouTube joined the race to remove graphic footage. Christine Fisher, @cfisherwrites. 03.18.19 in Internet.
  2. New Zealand shooter, the video and more of the weekend's top news
    From Boeing crashes to the New Zealand shooter, here's what to know. ... made the announcement on Twitter and released a two-and-a-half-minute video in which she discusses policies such as ...
  3. New Zealand mass shooting shows tech companies can't control ...
    For every video of the mass shooting in New Zealand that YouTube and Facebook block, another two or three seem to replace it. On Friday, a gunman in Christchurch attacked Muslims praying at a ...

Jussie Smollet EXPOSED our Judicial System - Jussie Smollett Charges Dropped To Protect Obama’s Involvement - Alex Jones Called It

Editor's Note: Be proud to be the black Alex Jones, Lucas! He is ON POINT, the world is crazy!


REPORT: Chicago prosecutor with ties to former Obama aide under renewed scrutiny over Jussie Smollett case

The prosecutor who texted Jussie Smollett’s family at the request of a former Michelle Obama aide to discuss getting the FBI to take over the Empire actor’s case has come under renewed scrutiny after all charges against him were sensationally dropped.
Chicago police are furious about Tuesday’s decision to drop Smollett’s charges and are demanding that Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx be investigated over her handling of the probe...

Jussie Smollett is a Complete Idiot and Piece of Excrement - Mainstream Media Falsely Claim Their Initial Reporting Was Careful!

Editor's Note: My initial reporting and many others like me in the alternative press/media was much more careful and correct!

Friday, February 1, 2019

What Really Happened to Empire Star Jussie Smollett?

What Really Happened to Empire Star Jussie Smollett?


Fake News vs Real Hate:

Fake Hate Crimes:


Motive... Empire’s Jussie Smollett continues to showcase his music outside the popular television drama and just released his new video “F.U.W. (Fuck Up World).” In the song and visual, Jussie Smollett addresses the turmoil that’s taken place since Donald Trump became President. The video also depicts the injustices and fights against various races, religions and the LGBT community. On the song, Jussie sings, “Why we back in the past/ It’s the same script, different cast/ All these alternative facts/ Catch me outside, how ’bout that/ Why is it so hard to keep hope/ Who got that popular vote/ Was the whole thing just a joke?/ It’s a fucked up world but here we are in it…”

So "Empire" actor Jusse Smollett forgot the alleged attackers yelled "MAGA" at him until after that TMZ story went viral on Twitter and police called him up and asked him why it was trending and then he 'remembered' that was what happened?

#Infowars update 1/30/2019 #FreeRogerStone & Empire actor liar liar pants on fire.


Truth Teller's Radio Episode 23: JM Talboo Interviews Gerald Pechenuk, LaRouche Political Action Committee - Russian Collusion/Hacking HOAX! Roger Stone DID NOTHING WRONG!:

Jussie Smollet EXPOSED our Judicial System - Jussie Smollett Charges Dropped To Protect Obama’s Involvement -  Alex Jones Called It