Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Danforth Shooter Ties To Chemical Weapons Stockpile? - Is Carfentanil, Which is Being Cut Into Heroin and Killing People, Being Used by ISIS as a Chemical Weapon?

Danforth Shooter Ties To Chemical Weapons Stockpile? - Is Carfentanil, Which is Being Cut Into Heroin and Killing People, Being Used by ISIS as a Chemical Weapon? 


ISIS CLAIMS RESPONSIBILITY FOR TORONTO SHOOTING - Law enforcement source says Faisal Hussain visited pro-ISIS websites:


WATCH President Donald Trump's Commission Team on Combating Drug Addiction and Opioid Crisis 6/17/17: 


'Drugged': Path to sobriety - is opioid addiction curable? - Reality Check: FDA's Disinformation Campaign on Kratom: 


Drug Overdoses Set To Kill More Americans Than The Vietnam War:


Regarding Faith Goldy: Daily Rabbit Hole #383 | Alex Jones banned from Facebook | Pensmore mansion - Gizmodo RESPONSE: Ted Cruz Bravely Defends Alex Jones Against Facebook's Temporary Internet Jail:


Kim Kardashian Refuses To Speak Badly About Trump, Despite Kimmel Trying His Best! (REACTION)

Kim Kardashian Refuses To Speak Badly About Trump, Despite Kimmel Trying His Best! (REACTION)

Real News Full Show-Social Security Single Payer-Ponzi Scheme

Real News Full Show-Social Security Single Payer-Ponzi Scheme

Trump: “Rush Limbaugh is a great guy who truly gets it,”

RUSH: From TheHill.com: “Trump Stirs GOP Midterm Angst with Talk of Shutdown.” Really? “President Trump threatening to shut down the government if he doesn’t get sufficient funding for a border wall.” Look, this is only the No. 1 promise he made. It is only in the top five, maybe three reasons he got elected.
He has to get the wall — and especially if anybody believes the Democrats are gonna win the House, he’s got to get it before the midterms. His base voted for him on that basis. He’s got to — plus he wants to deliver on it. Anyway, let me take another brief time-out. We’ll come back and continue. We’ll get to the clip that Fox & Friends played of me this morning that we think Trump may have tweeted in reaction to.
RUSH: All right. So the president tweeted today, “Rush Limbaugh is a great guy who truly gets it,” but nobody knows why. It just didn’t come out of the blue. Well, it came out of the blue, but nobody knows what it’s about. So all we can do is guess. The best guess is the president was watching Fox & Friends. They played an audio sound bite of me from this program yesterday. Here is that segment…
EARHARDT: The president, you know, he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He says what his on his mind. He’s doubled, tripled down on this shutdown. “We will ‘shut down’ the government if we don’t get what we want’ because he is keeping in mind who went to the polls to vote for him. He campaigned on this, and Rush Limbaugh reminds everyone of that when he says this…
RUSH ARCHIVE: Trump is showing he’s not afraid of a government shutdown — which, believe me, the base of this party loves. The base of the Republican Party… We know now, by the way, any poll shows Trump has 85 to 92% support the Republican Party. The Republican base is Trump’s now. It’s not a bunch of populist nationalists. It’s the mainstream of the Republican Party that’s for Trump, and they hate this cowering before the Democrats and the media over government shutdowns. They hate giving up every policy idea in the face of the blackmail of the government shutdown. So they loved Trump saying he’d be willing to do it over this because the issue of immigration is what got him elected.
RUSH: That’s the best we can come up with. The president must have been watching that, saw it, and then heads to Twitter and says, “Rush Limbaugh is a great guy who truly gets it!” Of course, he could have tweeted that out any time in reaction to anything or nothing and the tweet would have still been right-on-the-money accurate. You could tweet “Rush Limbaugh is a great guy who truly gets it!” any time. It wouldn’t have to be in relation to anything, and this tweet could have been one of those. But the best guess is it was reacting to that, and I think that was about 7 o’clock this morning, 6 or 7 o’clock this morning.
Here’s Steve Doocy, sound bite No. 2, following it up.
DOOCY: It will be one of the top issues going into the midterms.
EARHARDT: How about those numbers? Rush said 85 to 92% support in the Republican Party. The base supports President Trump.
RUSH: Yeah, and 85% on the low end. That number, the number of Republicans, that’s in Pew, that has been in Rasmussen, that’s been Gallup. It’s been in a number of different polls that Trump has this ma… I mean, there hasn’t been a Republican president since Reagan that’s had that much support of Republican voters. That’s very high. Of course, one of the objectives that the media has had along with the Democrats is to drive a wedge between Trump and his voters. That’s what all of this has been about from the get-go, and that polling data suggests utter failure.
There was also an effort to say that Trump’s voters were somehow not really Republicans. They were a combination of populists and nationalists and anybody Steve Bannon could pay to become a populist and nationalist and maybe a few independents here, a couple of bedraggled Democrats. In other words, it was a new coalition that was only going to be a coalition while Trump was around. That’s what all the political experts told us. Every political expert, every blogger political expert, every analyst said that the Trump coalition is unique, and it will never exist once Trump’s gone.
They said that because that’s what they hoped was the case. Neither party wants to believe that they have lost a significant number of their voters to Donald Trump because they all hate Trump, and they still think Trump is this lamebrain, unqualified, unsophisticated outsider who has got no right to even be in Washington breathing the same air they breathe. And so the effort here to characterize those of you who vote for Trump as a bunch of alien-type oddballs.
You’re so nutty, you’re so conspiracy oriented, and there’s enough of you out there that Trump found a way to magically put you all together and create this new populist/nationalist coalition. The fact now that Trump’s base is the Republican Party base? Believe me, that is sending shivers down the spines of the Republican Party hierarchy leadership. Make no mistake about it. That’s not supposed to happen, because the reason for…
I mean, if 85 to 92% of the Republican base supports Trump, then it means the Republican Party had better keep being Trump, better keep on the Trump agenda if they want to keep these voters — and that’s what they’re scared to death of. They don’t want to have to keep the Trump agenda. It’s like Reagan. Both parties can’t wait ’til Trump’s gone so they can get back to business as usual, which is usually ignoring you except during campaigns.
Promising you what you want to hear during campaigns and then forgetting about it after they get elected. Well, here’s Trump keeping every promise so far and making good on every claim — such as making America great, reviving the economy, creating jobs, bringing jobs back, increasing wages, any number of items in the Trump agenda. In a year and a half, Trump has accomplished much more than any recent U.S. president ever, and this just sends chills down the spines of the establishment guys because Trump illustrates it could be done.
Trump illustrates an outsider can come in and do this. Revive an economy as large as the United States economy in a year and a half? It’s not supposed to be able to be done, folks. The way Obama talked about the economy is the way the establish wants everybody thinking about it. (impression) “Well, our best days may be behind us. That doesn’t mean we have to suffer, but we gonna have to recalibrate. And those jobs that are lost? You just gotta realize they ain’t coming back. That means that you gotta go to government job training and relearn the new skills for the 21st Century.”
Trump punts that, says, “To hell with that,” brings these jobs back, realigns trade deal so that they are much more fair for the United States of America, closes the American back pocket to the rest of the world that’s been picking it, and shows that it can be done. The establishment wants you to believe that, “You know the way we were trending for eight years in Obama? That was nature! That’s as good as it could get because the best and the brightest were in charge and they were dealing with the realities of the world and the new globalism.”
Trump is one of the biggest interrupters, disrupters in the history of this nation. This little stat that 85 to 92% of Republican voters support and love Trump? (chuckles) Believe me, that was not supposed to happen. Trump coalition was supposed to remain some odd collection of oddballs, kooks and freaks who don’t vote, usually. Remember that aspect of it, too? If you think back to the campaign, the media tried to tell us that the Trump coalition was made up of people who never voted before, or hadn’t voted in a long time, because they’re so fed up.
“They’re malcontents! They’re fed up. They feel left out. They feel like America has no place for them.” That was all said mocking them and making fun of them. The point was that the Trump voters really nothing more than a bunch of fringe kook balls and nut burgers who had been united by a fellow fringe kook nut burger, Donald Trump but that when Trump went away; so would that coalition. Now they’re look at these numbers, and that’s not gonna happen. The Republican is looking at, if they want to keep this base, they’re gonna have to heel to the Trump agenda, which not many of them apparently want to do.
But it still is the case on the government shutdown. You know, there’s one other thing to say about this — and I mentioned it yesterday, and I’m sure a lot of you were surprised. The United States economy, the stock market does not suffer during shutdowns. Everybody thinks the opposite. Everybody thinks, “When the government is shutdown, Wall Street tanks. The American business sector comes to a screeching halt because people are scared to death that the government is no longer operating.” It’s not true.
It’s a myth that the government shutdown screws the stock market and the economy. It’s also a myth that government shutdowns hurt Republicans! Even the ’95 shutdown — which is the reason for the ongoing Republican fear of shutdowns — did not hurt them. They did okay in the midterm elections one year after that, the presidential election. They didn’t win the presidency, but they kept the House. They didn’t lose the House after the 1995 budget deal, which featured a shutdown.


Dershowitz: Mueller Hoping Manafort Chooses to Testify Against Trump Rather Than 'Die in Prison' - Manafort Already Exonerated By Rod Roseinstein - Twitter Suspends GOP Candidate For Defending Himself Against Russian Agent Claims

Dershowitz: Mueller Hoping Manafort Chooses to Testify Against Trump Rather Than 'Die in Prison'
Alan Dershowitz said that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is hoping that Paul Manafort will opt to testify against the president, rather than face a lengthy prison sentence.


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities

Despite RECORD LOW Black Unemployment, Millionaire LeBron Claims Trump’s Bringing Back Jim Crow & Slavery - Donald Trump Didn’t Take a Knee, LeBron

Despite RECORD LOW Black Unemployment, Millionaire LeBron Claims Trump’s Bringing Back Jim Crow & Slavery

RUSH: Then when I am driving in — I didn’t tell you this — I hear that LeBron James (LeBron James!) did an interview on CNN. You know the noted political expert, LeBron James? LeBron James says that President Trump is using sports to divide the nation. Really? LeBron James! At least Michael Jordan knew that Republicans buy sneakers too.
So while he wanted to sell sneakers, Jordan for the most part steered away from this stuff, even though he’s a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat and leftist. But LeBron James… Look, I know we have freedom of speech; anybody can say what they want. But the man has no political education whatsoever. But there he was on CNN. He was on there with Don Lemon. Of course, he’s serving the exact purpose that CNN wants. Here’s some famous athlete railing against Trump, and it’s supposed to bring all the other dead-brain dolts that watch that network right along into the fold, that Trump is an idiot, that Trump’s dividing the nation with racism.
May I ask, “Who started this?”
Who started this business? Who decided to start taking a knee and disrespecting the national anthem? That would be a guy named Colin Kaepernick, right? And then who decided to join him? A bunch of other athletes, some buddies on the San Francisco 49ers and some other NFL teams. I don’t care how you slice it. When the national anthem is being played and the flag is being hoisted and you do anything that looks like you’re protesting that, it’s gonna be properly understood as you are protesting America. You’re protesting the flag and people who protect it such as the U.S. military.
Add the fact that you are playing a game, although risky, for which you’re being paid millions of dollars. It just doesn’t quite follow that America is this gigantic, oppressive, racist place. But there he is, LeBron James, and he’s on there with CNN with Don Lemon saying the president Trump is using sports to “divide” the nation. “[Trump]’s kinda used sports to kinda divide us, and that’s something that I can’t relate to,” said Professor James.
“From the controversy over NFL players kneeling during the national anthem to selective teams’ invitations to the White House, NBA superstar LeBron James believes President Donald Trump is using sports to create division throughout the country.” Well, now, the way I saw it Donald Trump was minding his own business. One day, he decided to run for president — and despite all the odds, he won. A whole bunch of hateful feel spraining up the moment Trump announced and started saying some of the most horrible, vilifying things toward Trump and his family.
But Trump was minding his own business one day until the Kaepernick incident happened and then other NFL players picked it up and then other athletes decided to get in on the action and say to the media, “Hey, cover me! Cover me! I’ll also diss America if that’s what it takes to get coverage.” So they do it, and Trump reacts. So Trump reacting to these spoiled brats being used as political tools by left-wing activists like CNN and others. Trump is accused of using sports to divide the nation. Trump didn’t take the knee. Trump didn’t disrespect the flag.
Trump didn’t try to get other people to join him in kneeling while the anthem was being played. All Trump did was call out the people who were doing it, and now we have LeBron James accusing Trump of using sports to divide the nation. It’s the left, and LeBron James is one of those — to the extent that he knows it. He’s a Democrat; so he’s a leftist. They are the people dividing the nation. That’s their objective. That’s their purpose. They don’t like America, as founded.
They’re fed up with it because of all the imaginary injustices that they think America represents. So they are hell-bent on doing whatever damage to America, or at least displaying a lack of solidarity with America. Another example of leftists accusing their opponents of what they themselves are doing! It’s right of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals — which I’m sure LeBron James reads in the hotel during the playoffs during his spare time. I’m sure he’s an expert on Rules for Radicals. Why else would he be appearing on CNN?
What’s happening here is LeBron James is being goaded into using his sports platform to divide. Who kneeled first? It certainly wasn’t Trump.
RUSH: Here’s John in Raleigh, North Carolina. You’re next. Hello, sir.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you doing today?
RUSH: Doing pretty well. On balance, all the stuff that was going wrong stopped when the program started. So that’s a positive.
CALLER: All right. I’ll circling around to your first hour when you were talking about the flag kneeling in the NFL. So here is my solution. I’m a prior Marine Corps officer. I’ve been a big Oakland Raiders fan since the [Ken] Stabler years. So what arrived in the mail yesterday? I got a third party to make me a Raiders jersey that’s black with silver numbers. On the front, I put a Marine Corps logo, USA —
RUSH: Wait, wait, wait. Who did you say made the jersey for you?
CALLER: It was a third party. It’s not the NFL.
RUSH: Not the NFL. Okay.
CALLER: Correct. So I sewed on there a Marine Corps logo, a small USA, and a Raiders right above the number — and on the arm, I put an American flag. So I’m walking around the neighborhood wearing this and people go, “Well, what’s this about the protest?” So here’s the punch line. I turned around, there’s a No. 45, and the nametag says “TRUMP,” and what happens then when people see that?
CALLER: Oh, oh, oh, these are… I’m in a conservative neighborhood. They thought it was pretty funny, and they go, “Well, that’s one approach.”
RUSH: So that is your approach to kneeling?
CALLER: Yeah. Just to say that, you know, I’m all behind Trump and not for the NFL to kneel; so this is mine.
RUSH: You ought to take this idea to LeBron James. He’s the latest political professor, the scientist, that’s entered this discussion.
CALLER: Yes, sir, I saw that.
RUSH: He’s saying that Trump is dividing the nation using sports to do it.
CALLER: So I caught you at the top of the hour so I called in ’cause I heard that and the jersey happened to show up yesterday.
RUSH: Oh, it did. Okay. You feel proud wearing the thing around, right?
CALLER: Well, most people know I’m a conservative, a Marine, and a Trump supporter; so absolutely.
RUSH: So is it a black jersey, home jersey, or white?
CALLER: Oh, it’s black with silver numbers on it.
RUSH: There you go. There you go. Is it mesh?
CALLER: Yes, sir. It’s a high-quality one.
RUSH: High quality, I’m sure. Well, you could have gone for the actual thing. You know what they charge if you wanted an actual locker room game jersey? You’re gonna pay like $250, $275 for it if you get your nameplate on the back of it.
CALLER: Yeah. I thought I might get some pushback when I sent this order in with 45 and Trump on it, but they came through for me. They came out in four months. (chuckles)
RUSH: Isn’t that…? Stop and think. Here’s a guy ordering a jersey, loves the Raiders, and he wants a Raiders jersey with No. 45 ’cause Trump is president 45. He’s a Marine; so he’s not scared. But he’s aware that it might cause the office to blow up when they see that somebody wants a Raiders jersey with Trump’s presidential number on it. That’s gotta be relatively new, that when you’re thinking of buying a product, you gotta consider whether or not it’s gonna make the person selling it to you mad.

Trump calls Koch 'Globalists' - The Best TL - Fake Libertarian Corporatist Kochs Hate Trump Populism

Trump calls Koch 'Globalists' - The Best TL - Fake Libertarian Corporatist Kochs Hate Trump Populism

New York Times Fantasizes About Trump Losing in 2020 - Republicans Can’t Hold the House — You Really Believe That?

New York Times Fantasizes About Trump Losing in 2020 - Republicans Can’t Hold the House — You Really Believe That?

RUSH: Actually, you know, to be honest, I started getting irritated last night. I don’t watch much cable news, primarily for this reason actually. It’s not to be critical of cable news. Everybody needs to eat, everybody has to do things they love for a living and so forth. I just… You know, you go through phases where things are informing, entertaining, educational, or what have you. Nothing that I say is intended to be personally critical of anybody. That’s another thing regular listeners know: I don’t do that.
I don’t create feuds between me and other people that do this. I was just happy to go… It was The Ingraham Angle last night, Laura Ingraham’s show. It was a segment on… I don’t even know what the segment was on, but as soon as I tune in I conclude that there’s not a person on that panel that thinks the Republicans can hold the House. Everybody’s acting like it’s a fait accompli. “Yeah, the Democrats are gonna win the House.” It is? Why are we thinking this way? This blue wave business?
I still think it can be dealt with. I think the Democrats can be beaten. You know, that kind of rubbed me wrong to hear. I mean, here we are not even to August yet and people are reacting to polling data and consultants and said, “Yeah, it’s axiomatic! The Democrats gonna win the House and they may even… You know what, Rush? They may even win the Senate!” Really? And then CNN over there and CNN’s talking about Trump is so desperate, so scared, so frightened of losing the House that he wants to step up the rallies.
I haven’t seen any evidence of this — and then I started realizing the cat problem I was gonna have this morning. So I went to bed. I was in a foul humor when I went to bed. I should have stayed with watching Inspector Morse instead of checking out cable news because then I hear we don’t have a chance of holding the House. It’s already done and over with, and then Trump is so panicked he’s thinking about doing more rallies.
So I go to bed fully aware of the monumental task of getting the cat to the dentist for gingivitis today.
RUSH: Steve in Kansas City, Missouri, you’re next. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.
CALLER: Thank you, Rush. I appreciate you taking my call.
RUSH: Wait. There’s LeBron James right up there talking to Don Lemon. LeBron James noted political scientist be sitting there looking… Well, never mind. I don’t want…. No. No. Not gonna go there. But Trump is dividing people using sports to do so. Who started it, LeBron? I didn’t mean to interrupt you out there, Steve. What’s up?
CALLER: It’s okay, Rush. My contention is that the president’s most dangerous enemies are not the Democrats or Mueller right now. His most dangerous enemies are those that are right around him: Senator McConnell and Speaker Ryan. I think they really do not care one way or the other. In fact, with Ryan leaving, I don’t think he cares whether the House of Representatives is lost because they ultimately want to get rid of the president. He’s got to shut down the government if necessary to get the funding for the wall. That’s one of the main reasons I voted for him. I’m a lifelong Republican who voted for every Republican candidate for the last 35 years. This is essential. This is where you gotta draw a line in the sand, period.
RUSH: Yeah, and I think you’re not alone. I think there are a lot of people who voted for Trump who now make up the Republican base who think the same. I’m only gonna take a minor disagreement — and it is a really razor-thin, minor disagreement. I think that the greatest enemy Trump faces… (sigh) You know, you’re probably right. It’s a toss-up. I was gonna say the media. I really think the greatest challenge the country has is the media.
CALLER: Well, the problem, Rush, is that —
RUSH: Trump’s found a way to deal with the media. You’re right. He hasn’t found a way to get around the Republican leadership consistently.
CALLER: It’s kind of like Julius Caesar with Brutus. You know the very ones right around him are trying to stab him in the back, and I think they want rid of him just as badly as the Democrats do. But if he’ll stand hard on this, we’ll keep the House of Representatives, and we’ll have a better speaker in the first place who we can get these things done in this next term and he’ll win reelection.
RUSH: Yeah. I’m of the same opinion. I also think that there’s no reason to start talking today about losing the House being axiomatic. Byron York has a piece about that today. He’s not saying that per se, but I’m gonna use it to bounce off of. It seems to be encroaching conventional wisdom now that the Republicans are gonna lose the House. Maybe not in a gigantic blue wave, but they’re gonna lose it.
I blanch at that kind of talk because of the attitude that it represents. Other people say, “Well, Rush you gotta be real. You’re Mr. Realville. You’re the mayor of Realville. I mean, it’s real.” But it’s not real ’til it happens! You know, I also believe in self-fulfilling prophecies. There’s no reason. Why are we gonna start accepting polling data now when we know how wrong it’s been in the past. But to me it’s not even that complicated. Why give up? Why just assume? You talk about Brutus and Julius Caesar. “Et tu, Brute.” Don’t forget what Delilah did to Samson. That’s also a factor.
RUSH: Here is Susan, Scottsdale, Arizona. Glad you called, and welcome.
CALLER: Dan’s Bake Cake [sic] dittos, Rush.
RUSH: Thank you.
CALLER: The Republicans and Democrats only came out about the Democrats taking back Congress after President Trump said that he would close down the government for the wall. So it’s reverse psychology. I think they know if President Trump takes that stand that he will absolutely win everything.
RUSH: You mean if the president does take steps to shut down the government, that he will get what he wants?
CALLER: Absolutely. They only came out saying that the Democrats were gonna take back Congress after President Trump said he was gonna shut down the government for the wall.
RUSH: Well, now, I see the timeline that you have assembled on this — and within, you know, a narrow period of time you might be right. But the Democrats have been predicting they’re gonna win the House since last December, when the first generic polling data came out. Actually longer than that, but when they had polling data that showed them with a 15-point lead in the generic ballot, they started talking about this blue wave, blue wave, blue wave. And with the timeline beginning the December, now here we are late July, and some conservative Republicans are now thinking, “Yeah. Yeah. Thirty days ago, Rush, I wouldn’t have believed it, but this has been a bad month. That Helsinki thing, that press conference was bad, and the separating the kids and their parents? That’s done Trump in.”
You really believe that?
RUSH: Let me explain my comment that came over the ear-splitting tone. Byron York’s story in the barbiturate examiner, the headline: “After ’30 Days of [Excrement],’ GOP Midterm Elections Fear Rises.” So it’s about a political consultant “whose name we would all know” who’s not named. We don’t know who it is, but we would know if he was named, and the guy claims that 30 days ago, 60 days ago, 120 days ago he didn’t buy into this conventional wisdom that the Democrats were gonna take back the House.
But that the last 30 days, everything’s gone to excrement. Everything has gone to hell. The last 30 days Trump may have blown it for two reasons: A, separating parents from their children at the border among illegal aliens. Yes, the consultant… Remember, is a Republican political consultant. I don’t know who this guy is. He could be one of these people that’s hated Trump from the get-go and never did think Republicans were gonna keep the House. Just saying so for emphasis. I don’t know who it is. I don’t think Byron identifies him here.
This is typical, inside-the-Beltway type thinking. I will guarantee you that not a single Trump voter has decided to not vote Republican or Trump because of this manufactured story about kids and adults being separated at the border. Those people are well-enough informed to know that Trump didn’t start that, that that was a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal legal decision in 1997, I believe, that started this process. We’ve been through this I don’t know how many times. They have to be separated when the parents file for asylum.
That’s the cog in the wheel! You’re only allowed to hold kids 20 days. When they show up illegally, they are held in different sectors because one’s for adults, one’s for kids. They showed up on their own! They arrive as illegal. They arrive breaking the law. We have had policies in place to deal with it. The kids go to one camp over here — where it’s nice and they’re not mistreated in the slightest. The parents go to a different one. If the parents file for asylum, well, that takes a long time to process.
But you can only hold the kids for 20 days.
So after 20 days the kids have to be released while the parents are still being held. That’s been U.S. law for I don’t know how long. That’s what Obama took advantage of by swooping in and picking those kids up and taking them all over the country and dispatching them to the equivalent of Democrat foster parents. Trump didn’t start this! Trump came up with an executive order to stop the separation. Anyway, this consultant wants us to believe that the Republicans were trucking along just fine and it looked like we’re gonna hold the House until that story hit.
And when that story hit, a bunch of people decided they hated Republicans and just couldn’t vote for them. I just don’t think it works that way! The second thing the consultant says is that Trump did so badly in Helsinki. He just botched the press conference with Putin so bad that he embarrassed everybody, and now a bunch of people that were gonna vote Republican simply aren’t, in House races, because Donald Trump was eaten for lunch by Vladimir Putin.
Now, tell me something honestly, folks. Do you believe people…? Would you change your vote in an upcoming House race where you live because of those two events? Give me a break. This is how Washington professional consultants think that people change their votes or decide to change their vote, vote for somebody else, based on the way the media covers an event. But then I’m reminded I was in California shortly after this faux, manufactured controversy of separating young children from their parents at the border came up. Remember, I told you about this.
One of my gulf buddies said, “Oh, those pictures look bad, Rush! It looks really bad for Trump.”
“What pictures? There weren’t any pictures.”
“Well, the media. The media is talking.”
I said, “You know it’s a bunch of BS!”
They said, “Yeah, Rush, but it looks really bad.”
“What do you mean, ‘It looks bad’?” I lost it with the guy. I didn’t lose it with him as much as I’m losing it with you telling you about it. I said, “You are falling for the exact ploy and trick the media is trying to get you to fall for. They’re trying to get you to abandon what you know to be truthful because of some of the images they are creating.”
“It looks bad, Rush, I gotta tell you.”
“What? You mean you have trouble defending this.” That’s what it comes down to.
“Well, I — I can’t, Rush! I — I can’t defend separating…”
“Do you know what the rule has been? Do you know what the policy has been? Do you know it’s been going on for 25 years?”
“No, I didn’t know. I don’t care how long it’s been going on. I just can’t defend it, Rush.”
“How about trying? How about trying? How about trying? It doesn’t take much to defend it. You just tell people the media’s lying to ’em about it. That’s all you have to do! You just tell ’em, ‘The media is making it up. They’re exaggerating it. It’s not nearly as bad as they’re telling you.’ You know the media does that. Why are you falling for this?” I was really beside myself with frustration because this guy’s smart, but here he was falling for it.
He probably fell for the news about Helsinki, that Trump performed horribly in Helsinki.
But, anyway, so we have a story consultant, “Yeah, Republicans are looking great. They were looking really trying to do, really strong, and then at it last 30 days Trump has just blown it. Separating kids from their parents and that performance in Helsinki. So now people are falling for, “Yeah, I think it is possible Democrats will win the House, Rush? Yeah, I really think so! Oh, yeah, they may be. Maybe not by much, but they may win.” Really? I mean, they may one the House, but this isn’t gonna be the reason why. If the Democrats win House back, these reasons are not gonna be why.
Do I have time? Yeah. Let’s squeeze another call in here. Jason in Brooklyn. You’re next. It’s great to have you. Hi.
CALLER: Hi. Greetings from the garden spot of the world, New York City and Brooklyn. How these consultants can actually think this when of the polls in 2016 were wrong every single time.
CALLER: And it’s disgusting. Bernie Sanders was supposed to lose Michigan by 25. He lost. (sic)
RUSH: Right.
CALLER: Nate Silver said Hillary had, what was it, an 85, 75% chance to win at the beginning of the night? She lost. All these people are believing polls that are wrong and have been wrong for years. Remember back in 2004, the exit polls said that John Kerry was going to win the presidency.
RUSH: That’s true, yeah.
CALLER: So why these consultants class believe this? I mean, I have an idea.
RUSH: Well, tell me what it is.
CALLER: Because the consultants are part of the establishment. They’re part of the deep state. They’re part of the people who weren’t hired by Trump and their class. So they need to get back their power, so let’s promote the fact that Trump’s gonna lose, Congress is gonna lose, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
RUSH: I don’t think they ever want Trump to win. I don’t think they want the Republicans to win the midterms. Some of these people wanted the Republican Party to lose everything. That was the only way they could save the party was by losing everything. Remember that?
CALLER: That’s been going on for as long as you’ve been around, 30 years tomorrow.
RUSH: Well, Reagan, yeah.
RUSH: Even before that, back in the eighties with Reagan.
CALLER: Yeah. And these people do not get the fact that polls are always oversampled Democratic. The polls… Don’t believe the social media because social media is a cesspool. Don’t believe the polls that you’re getting, don’t believe all these articles. Just vote in November and Republicans will win. Because let me tell you something. Trump is successful. He is! He’s continuing to be successful. That 4.1% GDP? That’s successful to me. Tax cuts? That’s successful to me.Keep going. That’s all I’m saying.
RUSH: Yeah. But don’t you know the media is saying, “It’s strange! Nobody knows why. But this is the first time in American history where a president with a booming economy will not benefit from it.”
CALLER: (laughing) Sure. Sure.
RUSH: And Barack Obama was the first president American history not to be hurt by a slagging economy.
CALLER: Yeah. Okay. Sure.
RUSH: The real question is: Are the Russians meddling in the economy?
RUSH: Marshall, North Carolina. This is Linda. Great to have you. Hi.
CALLER: Hi. Dittos, Mr. Limbaugh.
CALLER: I have a question for you and a comment about the wall, if I may.
RUSH: Sure. Go ahead.
CALLER: Okay, first of all, my comment about the election is I don’t believe Mr. Rosenstein at all. I believe that it was rigged. It was rigged by the Democrats, and it was rigged right from the very beginning with Bernie Sanders. He should have been the nominee. I think he would have gone a lot further than Hillary, and I wonder what it would have been like with Donald Trump versus Mr. Sanders. What do you think?
RUSH: Well, I don’t know. I think Bernie would have done better than Hillary.
CALLER: Yeah. Yeah.
RUSH: It would have been close. But, look, Rosenstein was saying that the Russians didn’t affect the outcome of presidential race. He wasn’t talking about the Democrat primary. It may have been the Russians that rigged it against Crazy Bernie, but if they did, they were working with Hillary. Because with Hillary and the Democrat National Committee, it wasn’t so much rigging as it was a predetermined outcome. Hillary was gonna win that primary no matter what happened. They were gonna do that with superdelegates, and no matter how many election states that Bernie Sanders won, the superdelegates — enough of them — were gonna go for Hillary. It was a prearrangement. To say that the thing was actually rigged might give the wrong idea. It was literally like a prearranged marriage, you know, in another country.