Monday, April 30, 2018

Mark Levin: House Intel report: Obama administration did more to interfere in the election than Russia

Mark Levin: House Intel report: Obama administration did more to interfere in the election than Russia

Ann Coulter on the Migrant Caravan Reaching the US Border

Ann Coulter on the Migrant Caravan Reaching the US Border

It’s Official: ISIS Staged Chemical Attack In Syria To Draw U.S. Back Into The War

Alex Jones breaks down how intelligence circles around the country are now interviewing eye witnesses and children who participated in staging false flag chemical attacks in Syria.

It’s Official: ISIS Staged Chemical Attack In Syria To Draw U.S. Back Into The War

Desperate New York Times Tries to Spin Korean Peace as Bad for Trump - Liberal Heads Explode: South Korean President Calls For Trump To Get The Nobel Peace Prize - PRESIDENT TRUMP NOMINATED FOR NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR ENDING THE KOREAN WAR

If peace occurs why would Trump need bargaining chips, NYT? Are you nuts?:

Liberal Heads Explode: South Korean President Calls For Trump To Get The Nobel Peace Prize - PRESIDENT TRUMP NOMINATED FOR NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR ENDING THE KOREAN WAR

Judge Jeanine – US Intel Chiefs Colluded on Coup - Video: Congress Says Clapper Committed Perjury On Steele Dossier And More - BREAKING: CLAPPER MISLEADS CONGRESS ON CNN STEELE DOSSIER TESTIMONY

Free Julian Assange! Turley: James Clapper Lied To Congress Clapper hit for dossier leak dodge in House GOP Russia report Clinton warned U.S. would 'ring China with missile defense': hacked email Strzok, Page and the FBI texting scandal explained “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office - that there’s no way he gets elected - but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok texted on Aug. 15, 2016. “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.” ...(SCIF) at the FBI... Mr. Comey provided him four of the seven... Professor Richman had four of the seven memos... it would appear that at least one memo the former FBI director gave Professor Richman contained classified information On March 18, 2009, Hillary Clinton stopped using her longstanding email,, and switched to a new account: SUSCRIBE TO H. A. TODAY! SUPPORT H. A. ON PATREON: I'm voting for Trump in 2020. Here's my Facebook post explaining why... SHARE MY DAILY CALLER ARTICLE EVERYWHERE! Free Julian Assange! SUPPORT H. A. ON PATREON: End Julian Assange's isolation FOLLOW H. A. ON GAB: BUT HER TOP SECRET EMAILS: FOLLOW ME ON AND SHARE THIS SEGMENT @steemit! FOLLOW ME ON MINDS.COM FOLLOW ME ON VIMEO: FOLLOW ME ON BITCHUTE: FOLLOW ME ON YOUTUBE! READ BOOK 1: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO WIN ANY DEBATE ON “RUSSIAN HACKING” READ: DEBUNKING the TRUMP RUSSIA MYTH by H. A. GOODMAN READ BOOK 2: If you want to learn EXACTLY why Clinton transferred Top Secret emails onto a private server and will receive indictments under Christopher Wray SHARE this everywhere over 100 five star reviews #ClintonEmails READ BOOK 3: BUT HER DELETED EMAILS If you enjoy the book, write a review on Amazon! READ BOOK 4:THE AWANS and DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ

Judge Jeanine – US Intel Chiefs Colluded on Coup - Video: Congress Says Clapper Committed Perjury On Steele Dossier And More - BREAKING: CLAPPER MISLEADS CONGRESS ON CNN STEELE DOSSIER TESTIMONY

#MichelleWolf Literally Killed the #WHCD: Killed It As In Folks Are Calling for Its Discontinuation - As Low Rent #MichelleWolf Spewed Obscene Unfunny Smut at #WHCD #Trump Wowed Americans in #Michigan - SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS INSULTED BY MICHELLE WOLF AT WHITE HOUSE DINNER

#MichelleWolf Literally Killed the #WHCD: Killed It As In Folks Are Calling for Its Discontinuation - As Low Rent #MichelleWolf Spewed Obscene Unfunny Smut at #WHCD #Trump Wowed Americans in #Michigan - SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS INSULTED BY MICHELLE WOLF AT WHITE HOUSE DINNER

Friday, April 27, 2018

Diamond and Silk Crush Congressman - Diamond and Silk Treated Congress Exactly How They Deserve on Tech Issues - Diamond and Silk calls out black Congress leaders.

They mollycoddled Zuckerberg and didn't even put him under oath, let him lie for hours, and most of them don't have any idea how to send an email let alone manage a Farcebook page.

Diamond and Silk Crush Congressman - Diamond and Silk Treated Congress Exactly How They Deserve on Tech Issues - Diamond and Silk calls out black Congress leaders.

Trump Ends Korean War - Trump’s Korea Strategy Hits The Jackpot! North And South Korea To Officially End The War - The Korean War Will Probably End, Largely Thanks to Donald Trump - President Trump hails Korean breakthrough - Rivera: Korean War developments have a 'vibe of history' - Korean summit is another accomplishment for Trump: Rep. Collins

"Normal" diplomacy failed for 65 years:

Korean summit produces agreement to pursue peace treaty and denuclearization; Kevin Corke reports from the White House. Dutchman in paradise 8 minutes ago @ 10:00 Eastern today Fox is showing videos of the Korean leaders while CNN has a Democrat panel talking about Trump/Russia collusion. CNN is invested so heavily in the destruction of the president. They are all in. It could hopefully finish them off. Don Williams10 minutes ago Trump put the Fear of God it Rocket man. Unlike Obama he didn't play childish games with Plastic Reset Buttons. North and South Korea agree to end war. Fox News correspondent-at-large takes on the news of the day.

Billythebassist 2 hours ago
Wow... end of the Korean war.

Diane Almsted 2 hours ago
-I pray the north Korean citizens will start to have a better life.

Jerry Rowden 2 hours ago
I think Trump gets the credit, peace through strength. Trump 2020

Mr M 1 hour ago
Not only is he making America great again he's making the planet great again. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Jeff Kelly 2 hours ago
so many people are nay-saying this and are saying this is just a trick. i dont know, i'm going to keep positive thoughts with the move. i hope NKorea sticks to the agreement and plays nicely.

Kathleen Firth 1 hour ago
Jeff Kelly not at all "a trick" unless you nicname Trump "Trick"

renegadebiker24 29 minutes ago
Kathleen Firth WOW, WHAT a misinformed, and dumbed down, mind controlled liberal response!! If it is a trick, then who do you think they are trying to trick besides the U.S.??? Do you not realize what this peace agreement means between the 2 Koreas??? Do you not study history??? Do you not realize what this means??? The 2 Koreas have technically been at war for most of 6 decades, and it was the first proxy war between the U.S. and what was then the Soviet Union, and was part of the Cold War. Stop blaming Trump for the failures of previous presidential administrations that more appeased North Korea, than to ever bring an end to the conflict!!!! You are too brainwashed by decades upon decades of appeasement. However, for this to be a truly historical event, North Korea must not play a shell game with the Nukes that it has, much like Russia and Syria have played with the chemical weapons, and there must be inspections that will make sure that North Korea is following proper disposal and denuclearization procedures that are part of this peace agreement, otherwise, it might get hot again there. You do realize that there are other major players in that area that are concerned about it as well, and among those are not just the U.S., but, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and not to mention the other country that was instrumental in it as well, and that country is....China. WAKE UP!!! Trump did more to get to this point, by putting diplomatic and economic pressure on China, then any other president, including that worthless piece of s**t Obama could ever do, in my opinion :-)

Trump Ends Korean War - Trump’s Korea Strategy Hits The Jackpot! North And South Korea To Officially End The War - The Korean War Will Probably End, Largely Thanks to Donald Trump - President Trump hails Korean breakthrough - Rivera: Korean War developments have a 'vibe of history' - Korean summit is another accomplishment for Trump: Rep. Collins

Trump Has Deep State Terrified – Kevin Shipp - New World Order Freaking Out About Trump – Alex Newman - Deep State Has Every Intention To Remove Trump By Any Means Necessary | Kevin Shipp And Alex Jones

The very people that have been attacking Donald Trump are now feeling the Trump counter attack.  Former top CIA officer Kevin Shipp says, “They are terrified, they are terrified right now.  They did not expect Trump to do what he is doing now.  The reason they tried to get him even before he was elected is they knew he was uncontrollable, and they knew if he got in there, they would not be able to manipulate him, and that is exactly what’s happening.  There are some people, and there is no doubt about it, that are running scared right now. . . . Donald Trump is questioning the Deep State and the shadow government.  He’s rocking that place left and right.  The news media is terrified of that.  Their editors are telling them to attack him just like they are attacking him from the inside.  It’s just dirty pool because they want him taken out.”

In closing, Shipp says, “Trump is making tremendous progress despite tremendous resistance.  They have already done a character assassination on him, and I think they could go further than that. . . . Trump is making progress, and he has them running scared.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Kevin Shipp, former CIA officer and author of the popular book “From the Company of Shadows.”

The target of the globalists is America, and the number one target is “America First” Donald Trump. Award winning journalist Alex Newman, who is a patriot, says, “This has come through loud and clear, and they have made clear America, as we patriots understand it with “self-evident truth” and our Founders said we were “all created equal” and “we were endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights,” is not going to fly with their little vision of a New World Order. They need to eliminate that idea, and they make very clear they are coming after that. What we see in their actions and what we see in their words is they are trying to break down this idea of America. . . . It’s very clear their vision for the New World Order is totalitarian to the core. . . .They really can’t stand this whole agenda articulated by President Trump. We are going to put America first. We are going to stop globalism. We are going to get out of these so-called trade deals that undermine our sovereignty. You can tell they are freaking out about this, and it came through in the speeches at the World Government Summit most recently.

Trump Has Deep State Terrified – Kevin Shipp - New World Order Freaking Out About Trump – Alex Newman - Deep State Has Every Intention To Remove Trump By Any Means Necessary | Kevin Shipp And Alex Jones

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Trump Just Secured a Nobel Peace Prize and MSM Still Talk Stormy Daniels - Jerome Corsi QAnon Decode Apr 25 Latest QANON Posts #1261 thru #1267


Rep. DeSantis reacts to newly released anti-Trump FBI texts - Q-ANON UPDATE 4/26/2018 #RELEASETHETEXTS We are Winning!!!:

BUSTED? JOY REID MISSPELLING SUGGESTS SHE DID WRITE “HOMOPHOBIC” BLOG POSTS - MSNBC Faces Outrage as they Shelter "Homophobic" Progressive Hypocrite Joy Reid - #NewQ #QAnon | #MOAB Anyone? | #MacronTurned | #JoyReid's #Hindenburg Moment | #PedoGate Unravels:

#NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening Warp Speed #Wokeness #MOAB Will Crush #Clowns #Kanye #Epiphany - Q-ANON 4/24/2018 HILLARY AND THE KKK / IRAN IS NEXT-CLOWNS LOOSING CONTROL - Beyond Q-Anon: Zaq Detained On Way To Dubai After Exposing Globalist Secrets - Intel. Operative Who Warned Of Leftist False Flag Detained:

TWITTER BLOWING UP! Qanon working with Wikileaks? Trump, DNC lawsuit, Pizzagate, Allison Mack:

Rep. DeSantis reacts to newly released anti-Trump FBI texts - Q-ANON UPDATE 4/26/2018 #RELEASETHETEXTS We are Winning!!!

Rep. DeSantis reacts to newly released anti-Trump FBI texts

A sampling of how people are thinking and feeling...

Drop D 47 minutes ago
Saving emails to drafts and sharing the account. That is some sneaky sneaky stuff. Shows intent.

Jim Taylor 24 minutes ago
The more news I hear ...the more I feel like I live in a 3rd world nation ...where everyone is for sale ...if justice has scales both sides are filled with cash ...How deep and wide is the corruption?

Truthification Chronicles 10 minutes ago
About 70% of our government. Although some of the lower levels have made deals because they were forced into it because of threats on them or their families. This is why some who have seen the Gmail drafts are demanding immediate arrests and others are seeing this as a huge constitutional crisis.

Matthias Harle 34 minutes ago (edited)
I tell you why, those texts are incomplete. They had a plot to assassinate POTUS. The DOJ doesn't know how to bring that into the public, they are scared.

jeanie allen 27 minutes ago
We the People we the Patriots we the taxpayers are sick and tired of the BS you keep beating us and why you can't get all the documents oh my God doesn't take a brain surgeon we want all the documents release not only that we want sessions fired we Mueller fired Rosenstein fired get them the hell out of our White House that's not just you all White House Dennis the people's White House everyone I talk to is angry I mean really angry whole back on the JFK papers till 2021 start taking a poll of how many angry Americans you have we want the truth about everything to come out and we wanted out now do your jobs we paid you for

jeanie allen 19 minutes ago 
You want a civil war do something to our president and see what happens y'all


BUSTED? JOY REID MISSPELLING SUGGESTS SHE DID WRITE “HOMOPHOBIC” BLOG POSTS - MSNBC Faces Outrage as they Shelter "Homophobic" Progressive Hypocrite Joy Reid - #NewQ #QAnon | #MOAB Anyone? | #MacronTurned | #JoyReid's #Hindenburg Moment | #PedoGate Unravels:

#NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening Warp Speed #Wokeness #MOAB Will Crush #Clowns #Kanye #Epiphany - Q-ANON 4/24/2018 HILLARY AND THE KKK / IRAN IS NEXT-CLOWNS LOOSING CONTROL - Beyond Q-Anon: Zaq Detained On Way To Dubai After Exposing Globalist Secrets - Intel. Operative Who Warned Of Leftist False Flag Detained:

TWITTER BLOWING UP! Qanon working with Wikileaks? Trump, DNC lawsuit, Pizzagate, Allison Mack:

Hannity: Trump is right about Mueller's witch hunt - President Trump Calls the U.S.-France Relationship ‘Unbreakable.’ History Shows He’s Right.

100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities

President Trump Calls the U.S.-France Relationship ‘Unbreakable.’ History Shows He’s Right.

America’s relationship with France predates our founding as a country. From the days of Benjamin Franklin and General Marquis de Lafayette to the modern day with Presidents Donald J. Trump and Emmanuel Macron, U.S. and French leaders have long shared common values on a range of economic and security-related issues...
As President Trump and the First Lady prepare to welcome President and Mrs. Macron to Washington, a look back at other notable French visits to the United States:
  • October 22, 1931: Prime Minister Pierre Laval, hosted by President Herbert Hoover
  • August 22, 1945: Provisional President Charles de Gaulle, hosted by President Harry S. Truman
  • March 28, 1951: President Vincent Auriol, hosted by President Harry S. Truman (at the Carlton Hotel due to White House renovations)
  • April 22, 1960: President Charles de Gaulle, hosted by President Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • February 24, 1970: President Georges Pompidou, hosted by President Richard M. Nixon
  • May 17, 1976: President Valery Giscard d’Estaing, hosted by President Gerald R. Ford
  • October 18, 1981: President Francois Mitterrand, hosted by President Ronald Reagan
  • March 22, 1984: President Francois Mitterrand, hosted by President Ronald Reagan
  • March 31, 1987: Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, hosted by President Ronald Reagan
  • February 1, 1996: President Jacques Chirac, hosted by President William J. Clinton
  • November 6, 2007: President Nicolas Sarkozy, hosted by President George W. Bush
  • February 11, 2014: President Francois Hollande, hosted by President Barack Obama

"Black people dont have to be Democrat" Chance the rapper - No Kanye's tweets arent 'Anti Blackness'. Lets discuss the long list of things that are. - Kanye West Calls Out John Legend For Using Fear Tactics To Manipulate His Freedom Of Thought - THE AWAKENING: KANYE WEST CAUGHT WATCHING INFLUENTIAL JORDAN PETERSON VIDEO

"Black people dont have to be Democrat" Chance the rapper - No Kanye's tweets arent 'Anti Blackness'. Lets discuss the long list of things that are. - Kanye West Calls Out John Legend For Using Fear Tactics To Manipulate His Freedom Of Thought


Hip-hop star getting more woke by the day

Hip-hop artist Kanye West was discovered to be watching a video from Canadian psychology professor Jordan Peterson.
Kanye filmed himself reading a TMZ article Thursday.
One of the tabs on his browser is open to a Youtube lecture from Peterson entitled, “Why You Need Art in Your Life.”
The professor has become a celebrity in conservative circles for pushing back against political correctness and promoting self-improvement.
In the lecture he discusses why art helps give life meaning.
Peterson responded to news that Kanye had watched his lecture by jesting that his plan for world domination is on track.
West’s apparent admiration of Peterson comes after the rapper tweeted his support for conservative black commentator Candace Owens and videos featuring Dilbert creator Scott Adams explaining mental prisons. On Wednesday he also caused waves when he tweeted himself wearing a Make America Great Again hat and defended his support for President Trump.

Trump Keeps His Promise To Release JFK Assassination Documents

Trump Keeps His Promise To Release JFK Assassination Documents


JFK Files: Foreknowledge Warning to Media, 2nd Shooter Evidence, CIA Plan to Bomb US Cities:

More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, KGB In Possession of Data Indicating LBJ Killed JFK - LBJ Admin Official: 'We Can Convince the Public Oswald is the Real Assassin' - FBI Informant: J.D Tippit was the REAL Assassin:

JFK Files: Jack Ruby Prior-Knowledge of JFK Assassination - Classified CIA document, which documented the existence of an article implicating the CIA in the Murder of JFK. - JFK Files: Allen Dulles requests advance copy of a book about who murdered JFK:

JFK FILES SHOCKER: Hitler Escaped Germany, Lived 10+ Years - Hitler fled to South America? New CIA doc sheds light - Adolph Hitler faked his suicide and lived out his days in Argenina, according to the FBI:

Martin Luther King Jr in the JFK files - Uncle Hotep chimes in:

It is NOT a Mystery in a Conspiracy Scenario as to Who Killed JFK, We Know Exactly Who Did It:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 10 - JFK Document Dump - Release of JFK Assassination Files:

Debunking 'JFK: The Smoking Gun' - A Response to Questions about the Film: 

Proof of JFK Assassination Plot Without Debating a Magic Bullet:

Trump to Release the JFK Files over CIA Objections - Donald Trump Releasing JFK Files: Libs Already Crying πŸ˜‚ - Trump Will Release Final JFK Assassination Docs - First Look At The Trump JFK Files:

CIA Urges Trump To Delay Release Of 3,000 Never-Before-Seen Documents On JFK Assassination:

The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:

Bill Hicks on JFK: Two Critical lessons for the Citizens of the USA:

Trump's Using Tariffs To Tempt China Into Designing Better Trade Deals With The US - Europe Renews Tariffs On Chinese Steel Pipes As High As 72%

Trump's Using Tariffs To Tempt China Into Designing Better Trade Deals With The US

Europe Renews Tariffs On Chinese Steel Pipes As High As 72%

As the world watches breathlessly if Trump will follow through with his threat to slap steel and aluminum import tariffs, Europe continues to quietly ratchet up its own trade war with China and nobody seems to mind.

On Tuesday, as China was trying to define its future trade relations with the US, it was delivered a broadside from the European Commission after Brussels announced it had renewed tariffs on Chinese steel imports, some as high as 71.9%, saying producers in France, Spain and Sweden face a continued risk of imports from China at unfairly low prices. Ironically, that's the same thing that Trump is saying.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, March 9th, 2018.]