Mar 5, 2017 ... Lt. Col. Shaffer on wiretapping: This is Soviet behavior. Posted by JM Talboo ... Labels: Lt. Col. Shaffer on wiretapping: This is Soviet behavior ...
Jun 20, 2017 ... J.D. Smith, a defense contractor who claims he worked on the technical side of the unit, code-named "Able Danger"... said data was gathered ... html
Oct 13, 2010 ... Tony Shaffer, prompting an editorial published at Investors Business Daily ... 9/11 Coverup: Judge Napolitano interviews Col, Anthony Shaffer ...
The top 25 politicians in Conservative Review’s Top 25 RINOs (Republican in name only) are determined by CR editors using a points system. A politician who receives a first-place vote is assigned 25 points, second-place votes receive 24 points, and so on.
Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who ran an unsuccessful campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination last year, got some satisfaction from a federal judge this week when he ruled that the party and its then-boss, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, indeed cheated in order to anoint Hillary Clinton as the party’s eventual nominee.
Then Judge William Zloch said despite that, there isn’t anything he can do about it.
As reported by the New York Observer, Sanders supporters filed suit against the Democratic National Committee and Wasserman Schultz in June 2016, claiming they were defrauded out of millions of dollars in campaign contributions after learning through news reports that the party and its chief rigged the nomination process, against the DNC’s published rules.
Even former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, now retired, admitted that the party gave Sanders a raw deal. “I knew — everybody knew — that this was not a fair deal,” he told The Hill in July 2016.
That very well may be, Zloch said in his ruling. But despite that, federal courts were in no position to pass judgment, he noted. So he has dismissed the suit following several months of litigation, in which lawyers for the DNC had been arguing the party has every right to rig its own primaries and select a candidate of its choosing. (Related: DNC admits in court that it rigged the nomination process to get Hillary on the ballot.)
“In evaluating Plaintiffs’ claims at this stage, the Court assumes their allegations are true—that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz held a palpable bias in favor Clinton and sought to propel her ahead of her Democratic opponent,” Zloch wrote.
Of that startling admission, which was nonetheless devoid of satisfaction for Sanders supporters, the Observer noted:
Though this assumption of a plaintiff’s allegation is inherently taken to be true in a class action lawsuit, the court’s decision reflects a dire state of democracy in this country where the DNC’s own rules in holding primary elections is out of the court’s hands, proving the DNC attorney’s claims that the DNC is within their right to rig primaries.
Dire state, indeed.
Zloch went onto explain why the court could not grant Sanders plaintiffs monetary relief.
“The Court must now decide whether Plaintiffs have suffered a concrete injury particularized to them, or one certainly impending, that is traceable to the DNC and its former chair’s conduct—the keys to entering federal court. The Court holds that they have not.” He also said the case did not fall within his jurisdiction. “Federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction, possessing ‘only that power authorized by Constitution and statute.’”
Zloch noted further that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz considered the party’s promise of “impartiality and evenhandedness” in selecting nominees to be mere political rhetoric and as such not enforceable in a court of law.
“The court does not accept this trivialization of the DNC’s governing principles,” Zloch wrote. “While it may be true in the abstract that the DNC has the right to have its delegates ‘go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way,’ the DNC, through its charter, has committed itself to a higher principle.”
Just as there was populist, anti-establishment fervor in Republican ranks this past election, which led to the nomination of Donald J. Trump, there was a surge of support among Democrats for Sanders’ populist campaign (even though he has spent his entire life in politics).
The big difference that Democratic voters should take away from all of this is that unlike their party, at least the GOP didn’t rig its nomination process (much as party leaders may have wanted to).
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Styx: Trump to "Cut" Corporate Taxes to 15%... I Support This, Here's Why - DEBUNKED: Anti-Trump Tax Plan Arguments! | Louder With Crowder - Trump Tax Cuts Set To Boost Federal Revenue:
Petition Link:
Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Petition for FBI to Release of Clinton Emails, 1772
Synopsis: As a result of our story yesterday that the head of FBI records management is refusing to release records to New York attorney Ty Clevenger who is trying to have former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton prosecuted for perjury, Clevenger has opened a petition to bring about the release of those documents.
In the lamest claim in the history of lame claims of the previous 8 years, FBI records chief David M. Hardy wrote to attorney Mr. Clevenger on Monday:
“It is incumbent upon the requester to provide documentation regarding the public’s interest in the operations and activities of the government before records can be processed pursuant to the FOIA.”
FOIA requests should not be based on popularity contests. They should be based on upholding the rule of law. It is named the Justice Department, isn’t it?
Records chief Hardy has been caught lying before in regards to the infamous tarmac-gate meeting between then Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Clinton in June of 2016. Presidential Attorney Jay Sekulow filed a FOIA request for whatever records the FBI had on that meeting. Initially, records chief Hardy responded that no records existed.
After a federal judge ordered the FBI to comply with Sekulow’s FOIA request, records chief Hardy magically discovered that some documents may exist.
Attorney Clevenger, has been trying to get Mrs. Clinton and her personal attorneys disbarred for their handling of her official emails.
How much longer will President Trump put up with Obama holdovers getting away with in-your-face felonious activities in their attempts to continue covering for Obama officials?
President Trump needs to immediately remove Mr. Hardy from duty – like this morning.
Bob Crestwood
4 hours ago
Of course the public has the right to know what's in Clinton's emails -- that's why she hid them on her private server in the first place -- because she knew that the FOIA would let us see what was in them, and she didn't want us to see what was in them, so she hid them on her private server, and then destroyed them with Bleach Bit when they were subpoenaed. But I'm sure the NSA has copies of them all, so we should be able to see them.
"It's important to point out that this program has been around for a very long time before President Obama decided to put a hold on it essentially... President Obama's argument for taking it off of the table was that it creates distrust between local communities and local police that they're over-militarized. That's a fine and fair argument to make, however, the police would argue that in the age of terrorism response and rioting they have to be prepared with the equipment they need to stop riots from turning into full-fledged chaos as we saw in Ferguson...
We're talking about leftover ammunition, body armor, shields, in some cases grenade launchers, people think oh my gosh local police are going to have grenade launchers, they're not going to use them for grenades, they're going to use them for tear gas...
Again I wan't to stress that this is not something that the Trump administration is really changing or putting forward that's any different than administrations prior to the Obama administration. In fact, throughout President Obama's, the majority of his terms, 7 years of his first and second term, he had this policy in place because it's something that had worked in previous administrations, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. So the Trump administration is simply reverting back to something that they saw used against the drug war in the 90s going into the 2000s that will certainly use against the opioid crisis here in 2017...
Officials pointing out further to FOX News, most of this equipment... is defensive in nature or used in search and rescue and disaster relief, such as by the way what we're seeing down in Houston right now..."
How a Trump administration decision could send military surplus to police departments
Many of the of the 2,400 line-items detailed in the data obtained by NJ Advance Media were for construction and maintenance such as tools, medical kits, forklifts, dump trucks, mop heads and sandbags...
Local agencies also received 196 Humvees and military cargo trucks over the same two-year span. No weapons or helicopters were acquired by Garden State agencies over that time.
Speaking to a supportive crowd at the national convention of the Fraternal Order of Police, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that President Donald Trump would shortly sign an executive order—which he has now done—rolling back limitations that had been placed by the Obama administration on the ability of the military to transfer excess equipment to civilian law enforcement authorities.
Sessions told the crowd:
President Trump is serious about this mission. He is doing all he can to restore law and order and support our police across America. And that is why, today, I am here to announce that President Trump is issuing an executive order that will make it easier to protect yourselves and your communities. He is rescinding restrictions from the prior administration that limited your agencies’ ability to get equipment through federal programs, including life-saving gear like Kevlar vests and helmets and first responder and rescue equipment like what they’re using in Texas right now.
The so-called “1033 program” was created by Congress as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, which was signed into law in 1996 by President Bill Clinton. This program allowed the Defense Department to transfer excess military equipment to civilian law enforcement agencies.
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As of 2014, approximately 8,000 local law enforcement agencies have participated in the program resulting in more than $5.4 billion in previously purchased, surplus military gear—including computers, air conditioners, clothing, medical supplies, flashlights, ammunition, rifles, helmets, helicopters, and armored vehicles—being recycled for domestic law enforcement purposes.
In the wake of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014 following the death of Michael Brown, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13688, which established a Law Enforcement Equipment Working Group.
That group subsequently issued a report recommending that the military be prohibited from transferring certain equipment, such as camouflage uniforms, high-caliber weapons, grenade launchers, and armored vehicles, with additional controls placed on the transfer of other equipment.
At the time he signed the executive order, Obama stated, “We’ve seen how militarized gear can sometimes give people a feeling like there’s an occupying force as opposed to a force that’s part of the community that’s protecting and serving them.”
He continued, “It can alienate and intimidate local residents and send the wrong message.”
While there have been occasions where law enforcement officials have overreacted and have unwittingly inflamed a situation, it is also true that there are occasions where law enforcement authorities need such equipment in order to protect the public—for instance, during terrorist attacks, search and rescue operations, or in the wake of natural disasters.
Equipment provided through this program is currently being deployed in Texas to save lives in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Such equipment also resulted in lives saved during police operations in response to the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino in 2015 and at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando in 2016.
A study released earlier this month, titled “Police Officer on the Frontline or a Soldier? The Effect of Police Militarization on Crime,” concludes that a “10 percent increase in the total value of military aid [given to a community] leads to a decrease of 5.9 crimes per 100,000 population” and that such aid is associated with a reduction in complaints about crime from local citizens.
The authors of this study estimate that $5,800 worth of military gear can result in savings to society (based on the average cost of a crime) of $112,000, thereby making military aid “a very inexpensive crime-reducing tool” compared to other types of law enforcement expenditures.
Obama certainly had a point that law enforcement authorities must be vigilant as to how and when they deploy such equipment, and should guard against overly aggressive approaches that might unduly and unnecessarily alarm the public.
Law enforcement officers should establish guidelines governing such usage and should be adequately trained in using it.
Nonetheless, one cannot deny that when law enforcement authorities need such equipment, they really, really need it—and we need them to have it. As Sessions stated in his remarks to the Fraternal Order of Police, referring to the restrictions imposed by the Obama administration:
Those restrictions went too far. We will not put superficial concerns above public safety. All you need to do is turn on a TV right now to see that for Houstonians this isn’t about appearances, it’s about getting the job done and getting everyone to safety. The executive order the president will sign today will ensure that you can get the life-saving gear that you need to do your job and send a strong message that we will not allow criminal activity, violence, and lawlessness to become the new normal. And we will save taxpayer money in the meantime.
Republican Senator Rand Paul should have said “the militarization of our law enforcement is due to an unprecedented expansion of Antifa and BLM violence in this realm. Thanks for militarizing the police you Useful Idiot dumb-asses.
Why Trump Was Right to Reverse Obama’s Policy on Military Gear for Police - President Trump to lift Obama ban on military gear for cops - Riots About To Come To Screeching Halt After What Trump Just Gave ALL Police Permission To Do